Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 1235: Lord’s arrangement and comprehensive upgrade

The first thing that caught Lei Xiao's eyes was a rich and colorful scene.

I saw a dazzling array of colorful weapons and armors neatly placed on the equipment racks, filling the entire warehouse, which looked dizzying.

Except for Lei Xiao's own inventory, Lei Xiao had never seen such a surprising sight even in the Pars Empire, which was the most well-equipped.

And after such a scene has been upgraded, it will undoubtedly expand its equipment reserves to a whole new level!

"It is worthy of being one of the three neutral mercenary guilds. The quantity of these equipment alone is enough to surpass the royal family of any country."

Lei Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and couldn't help blurting out.

In addition, what is different from the uniform equipment of various countries is that even though it is the third-level and above extraordinary equipment, the equipment of the mercenaries is the same as the first time I saw it in Kongqing Town. They are all longbows and weighted armors. , big swords with cloth armor and other weird combinations, it is dazzling to see.

"Haha, Your Highness the Prince has given you the award. The Mercenary Guild has a large team of blacksmiths, and it can also collect various forging materials when going on missions. Over the years, it is not surprising that it has grown to such a scale."

Hui Lao obviously noticed Lei Xiao's emphasis, and introduced with a smile: "As for the various strange combinations, they are also a major feature of the mercenary guild."

"Yes, Your Highness, this is a symbol of the strong professional ability of the mercenaries."

Diana took over the conversation and added to Lei Xiao: "After all, mercenaries often carry out tasks in small teams of several people. When the number of people is limited,

Under such circumstances, a mercenary often wears multiple hats to maximize the team's strength. This situation is inevitable. "

"That's right, so in areas that the army can't reach, the role of mercenaries who are good at small-scale combat is self-evident."

Lei Xiao nodded slightly, smiled again and said, "Let's go to the next warehouse and have a look."

Then, Lei Xiao visited two equipment warehouses of similar size before he finished checking all the equipment warehouses.

Needless to say, Lei Xiao was not interested in any of the third-level and fourth-level equipment. There were ten sets of fifth-level equipment, which was almost more than the total of the seven royal families.

Regarding this kind of country-level equipment, Lei Xiao thought about it again and again, and finally chose to prepare to expand the quantity rather than upgrade it to the sixth level.

After all, the country-level equipment in the human world is still limited, and the role of batch equipment is undoubtedly greater for the overall situation.

In the process, through Hui Lao's introduction, Lei Xiao learned more.

Currently, there are more than two million active mercenaries registered in mercenary guilds around the world.

Among them, part-time mercenaries and professional mercenaries each account for half of the scale.

As the name suggests, part-time mercenaries refer to those who have passed the basic test of the mercenary guild and occasionally go to mercenary guilds in various places for missions, such as free farmers during the off-season, new citizens in the city, and even some down-and-out nobles and nobles who are not favored by their families. Children and so on.

The combat capabilities of these mercenaries are uneven. Although the mercenary guild has jurisdiction, it generally does not focus on these people.

The main combat strength of the mercenary guild is

He is a professional mercenary.

The large-scale professional mercenary team is divided into two parts, namely the ranger mercenaries and the group mercenaries.

The so-called ranger mercenaries refer to lone ranger mercenaries who operate as individuals or small teams and have not joined a mercenary group.

It goes without saying that group mercenaries refer to professional mercenaries who have passed the assessment of the corresponding mercenary group and then joined the mercenary group.

As for why there are two completely different types of professional mercenaries, it is because the commissions of the ranger mercenaries will be higher after accepting the mission, but they often need to form a temporary team. Due to the limited cooperation, the risk is naturally higher and very difficult. It is difficult to have any logistical support.

Five people such as Mia and Bonnie belong to this group.

The group mercenaries are completely different. With the support of the mercenary group, these mercenaries have a fixed team and complete logistics supplies. Not only their own safety factor has been improved, but they can also take on larger tasks.

But correspondingly, the commissions allocated collectively by mercenary groups are often not as generous as those of ranger mercenaries.

For example, Randall of the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group belongs to this group.

Whether they are mercenaries or mercenary groups, they are divided into five levels from low to high: black iron, bronze, gold, mithril, and diamond. The top diamonds are divided into two levels: gray diamond and black diamond.

For example, Randall and the Dragon Teeth Mercenary Group are both Mithril-level, while Diana is Black Diamond-level, etc.

In addition, the mercenary guild also has several top-level mercenary groups and special departments such as law enforcement teams responsible for supervising mercenaries in various places to maintain the authority of the guild and ensure the normal operation of the entire guild.

As for the specific number of strong people

There are ten strong men above level 5 including Hui Lao and Diana, nearly a hundred strong men at level 4, nearly a thousand strong men at level 3, and more than 100,000 level 2 elite mercenaries.

After all, the second level is the easiest to break through, and it is relatively easy to achieve with the help of magical medicines such as Qi Condensation Pill that permanently increase strength.

But third-level potions that permanently increase strength are not only expensive, but also extremely rare in the human world. Most of them can only be broken through by relying on personal talent. It is not surprising that there is such a gap in strength.

"Of course, this is an ordinary situation. With my talent, it is enough to raise the overall strength of the human world to a whole new level."

Lei Xiao was thinking this while, under the guidance of Hui Lao, he walked into a potion warehouse.

Sniffing the strange fragrance coming towards him, Lei Xiao noticed.

Just like the previous equipment warehouse, there is a dazzling array of magic potions stored here. The magic potions wrapped in brocade boxes are neatly placed on large and small lockers, almost as far as the eye can see.

There are also three such potion warehouses. After carefully inspecting them one by one, Lei Xiao further noticed.

Although the mercenary guild's potion reserves are extremely large, its components are no different from those of ordinary royal families. More than 99% of them are fourth-order or lower potions, and there are only a dozen ordinary fifth-order potions for healing and energy replenishment. .

Needless to say, there are other potions, but what Lei Xiao is most concerned about is the potions that permanently increase strength. There are five fourth-level potions and more than thirty third-level potions, which can be used for promotion.

In addition, there are also the same number of potions that cannot be used for promotion and can only be used for star promotion at the same level.

"About being able to

Needless to say, there are more than thirty third-level experts who are enough to advance. If all the quantities are changed, combined with the auxiliary promotion-type magic potions, it is enough to stably add more than 3,000 third-level experts to the human world. This is comparable to the thirty fourth-level experts. The role of powerful people is much greater. "

Lei Xiao looked at the exquisite and fragrant brocade box in front of him and nodded thoughtfully.

"As for the fifth-order and fourth-order magic potion, it can provide me with five fifth-order strong men or more than 500 fourth-order strong men. From the perspective of combat power alone, it is obvious that more than 500 fourth-order strong men can be provided." It’s a lot more suitable, so let’s just change everything.”

"As for those who cannot advance and can only upgrade to stars, the third level is also a quantitative change, and the fourth level is a qualitative change. Five stars are enough for me to upgrade myself to a double fifth level and three stars."

After making up his mind, Lei Xiao's face suddenly showed a hint of joy.

It is worthy of being the treasure trove of the Mercenary Guild, one of the three major neutral organizations. Let’s not talk about anything else, just talk about the fourth-level potions that permanently increase strength. However, even the royal families of several other countries that have recently upgraded do not have any in stock.

After all, the Pars Empire and Grim Kingdom, which once had a small amount of inventory, had long been emptied by the chosen son of the evil god, so that even the magic potion library of the Temple of Light was almost an empty shell.

"But these are not important. I still have an alchemist guild that can continuously produce magic potions that I have not yet visited. With my help, as long as the potential of the alchemist guild is fully stimulated, there is no need to search for heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Worry, these magic potions are naturally being produced continuously, why do you still care about those three melons and two dates? "

Lei Xiao gathered his thoughts and continued to go to the storage areas one by one under the guidance of Hui Lao and others.

Three warehouses of magic scrolls.

The situation of the magic scrolls was also similar to the previous warehouses. Lei Xiao found a total of 20 fifth-level attack spell scrolls, 10 fifth-level healing and defense scrolls, and a large number of fourth-level and lower scrolls.

After the previous battle, all the fifth-level magic scrolls in Lei Xiao's hands had been lost. Although they had been replenished in several royal treasuries, the inventory had not increased significantly.

But now, the magic scroll in Lei Xiao's hand has truly reached a new level again.

"All magic scrolls above level 5 should be upgraded to level 6. This is a life-saving trump card at critical moments. As for the level 4 scrolls, part of them should be upgraded to level 5 to replenish the inventory of level 5. The rest will naturally be completely changed."

With this in mind, Lei Xiao continued to check other warehouses under Hui Lao's guidance.

Following the footsteps of the group, Lei Xiao checked other warehouses such as the magic arrow warehouse, skill scroll warehouse, equipment blueprint warehouse, and magic potion formula warehouse.

Among them, the skill scrolls are basically conventional skills below level three, which do not match the existence of Lei Xiao, and there is nothing noteworthy about the potion formula warehouse. After all, this is not an area that the mercenary guild is good at.

The only thing that made Lei Xiao's eyes light up was the equipment blueprint warehouse.

The number of weapon blueprints and armor blueprints is not only huge, but also rich in variety and comprehensive, far exceeding the sum of the seven royal families.

"It's no wonder. After all, in addition to in-depth research on ancient cultures such as ruins, the Mercenary Guild's other specialty is the forging of equipment."

"Before this, the reason why I didn't have a lot of forging equipment was because I was pretending

The number of prepared blueprints is limited. Secondly, the elite blacksmiths are limited. Thirdly, forging obviously does not bring loot faster. "

"Now, not only do I have Xiao Er and Fang Hai from the Thousand Forging Family under my command, but I have also integrated the human world into one and gathered the resources of the entire human world. If I want to go one step further, I will start a large-scale forging project. It’s urgent.”

"In this way, coupled with the mercenary guild's ready-made forging system and blueprints for upgrading a large number of equipment, integrating other blacksmiths from the seven human kingdoms, and supplemented by magic potions to improve the strength of the blacksmiths, it is enough to maximize the human forging strength in a short period of time , This is exactly in line with my recent plan.”

Lei Xiao walked out of the last warehouse and immediately described what he was thinking to Hui Lao and others.

"Integrate the forging strength of the human world?"

After listening to Lei Xiao's words, Hui Lao and others couldn't help but feel refreshed.

This can indeed bring the forging ability of the human world to its extreme, reaching an unprecedented height!

Of course, this was a grand deployment that only Lei Xiao could accomplish. Before this, they simply didn't dare to think about it.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, we will do our best to assist Your Highness!"

Feeling excited in their hearts, Hui Lao and others all said in unison.

"Very good, then set the forging base in Fanyin City, the eastern area of ​​Lengyan, my initial sphere of influence. Not only is it located in the center of the human world, it is also close to the lord's research and development base and the ore-rich Gelin City."

Lei Xiao pondered for a moment, nodded slightly and said: "And I am looking for a combination between lord technology and traditional forging to further increase the effectiveness of forging.

For efficiency and success rate, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com is the perfect location from any point of view. "

Hui Lao and others naturally had no objections to Lei Xiao's decision. Lei Xiao also arranged for Jiang Lei's teleportation network to connect the cities of the mercenary guild.

After everything is arranged properly, Lei Xiao's next step is naturally to comprehensively upgrade all warehouses.

He told Old Hui and his subordinates to wait at the door. It didn't take long for Lei Xiao to upgrade all the warehouses according to the planned plan.

In addition to the piles of third-level and above equipment required for the mercenary guild's comprehensive change of equipment, the stocks in all warehouses have been doubled.

As for the rest, of course they were all put into storage bracelets.

"Old President, as for those second-level equipment, I will have Ice Stone City transport them later, and you can just arrange the specific distribution and storage locations."

After walking out of the last warehouse, Lei Xiao clapped his hands gently.

During the upgrade process of Lei Xiao, Hui Lao and others had already noticed the amazing changes in the upgraded warehouse. They were extremely happy and nodded to Lei Xiao.

In a short period of time, this young man from another world doubled the mercenary guild's three thousand years of accumulated wealth, and also gave him a large amount of third-level and above equipment. Apart from miracles, the senior leaders of these mercenary guilds simply could not imagine the third level. Two words to describe it!

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning."

Noticing the excited looks from everyone, Lei Xiao looked calm and calm, and just smiled lightly.

It is not difficult to see from the blazing eyes of Hui Lao and others, that their respect for themselves has obviously risen to the extreme.


The next stop is the Alchemist Guild. This will be my final step in integrating the resources of the human world. "

Lei Xiao's eyes were bright and full of expectation.

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