Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 34: 1 half vs 1 half

Chapter 34: 1 half vs 1 half

In this way, under the command of Lei Xiao, everyone moved forward, straight to the location of the Orc Shaman's breath, and quickly approached the past.

However, just a few steps away, Nan Xing, who was in charge of the security of the left wing of the team, suddenly sounded: "Lord Lord, come and see!"

Between doubts, when he was near, Lei Xiao found out.

On the ground, among the corpses of the half-orc soldiers, there were scattered several human corpses in emerald green suits or leather armor.

Looking closely, these people are male and female, fair-skinned, and each person's appearance can instantly kill a group of beauty Internet celebrities.

There were also several broken longbows and arrows scattered around.

"Could it be that this appearance and dress are of the elf race?"

Looking at these obvious features, Lei Xiao's eyes immediately fell on the ears of these people.

Sure enough, the other party's ears are slightly pointed, which is obviously very different from ordinary humans.

However, it was nothing more than that. It was not as sharp and long as Lei Xiao imagined.

"Reporting to the lord, it seems that the mysterious force hidden in the enchantment can be confirmed. It is a half-elf tribe."

On the other side, Nan Xing, holding a crossbow in his hand, stepped forward and clasped his fists.

"It turned out to be a half-elf with both human and elf blood."

Hearing this, Lei Xiao suddenly nodded and said, "Okay, let's move on."

Along the way, on the ground, in addition to the corpses of the half-orc soldiers, the corpses of half-elf soldiers also began to increase. It seemed that there was a **** battle here not long ago.

Approaching the burning village and town, a heat wave and burnt smell came on us immediately.

The flames rose, the smoke was hazy, and there was fire everywhere.

The burning flame, like a giant red beast, roared and devoured everything.

At first glance, because the houses here are basically all wooden structures.

Therefore, in the fire, many houses have been burned into a frame and collapsed one after another.

"Lord Lord, let me come." Seeing this, Chaoyan on the side was full of energy and immediately stood up.

She is a magician who knows fire well, and she belongs to the profession of playing with fire.

Therefore, in her eyes, this ordinary little flame is naturally the younger brother of the younger brothers.

Next, he nodded slightly, and under Lei Xiao's signal, Chao Yan's lips slightly opened, and the magic book in his hand was glowing red.

Immediately afterwards, a thick layer of red energy was attached to everyone's body, and he instantly felt that the surrounding temperature and air had returned to normal.

What's even more amazing is that this red energy even has its own fire extinguishing function.

Wherever he went, the flames along the way were instantly extinguished, leaving only wisps of drifting blue smoke.

In this way, with the assistance of Chaoyan, the movement speed of our group became faster, and they began to rapidly advance towards the target direction.

At the same time, the only circular arched stone building in the center of the burning village and town.

At a glance, outside the building, there are hundreds of orc soldiers, surrounded by water.

Every soldier exudes an icy chilling air, making it difficult for people to approach.

Inside the building, the sword was drawn.

I saw a half-orc shaman in a black robe, with his own brown iron armored guards and a large number of archers.

Twenty or so half-elf warriors in leather armor had already been surrounded.

However, the twenty or so half-elves who were clearly at a disadvantage were not captured.

Instead, they stood shoulder to shoulder, drawing the longbow in their hands, and confronting the Orcs who were several times their size.

For a while, the scene was extremely tense.

It seems that the two sides may miss out at any time, triggering a life-and-death battle.

"Old guy, hurry up and hand over your things to me."

I saw the half-orc shaman surrounded by his guards with a fearless look.

While playing with the staff in his hand, he slowly used his hoarse voice to face an elderly half-elf who was leaning on crutches in the middle, and said, "In this way, Ben will probably be able to let you live."

On the other side, the white-haired old half-elf didn't wait for him to speak.

Beside him, a half-elf girl with a pretty face and delicate face immediately scolded: "Stop dreaming! Even if we die, we won't give the holy relic to a **** like you!"

"Yo, huh, I didn't expect that there is a hard bone with a good appearance."

With a pair of cloudy eyeballs, she looked up and down for a while, the half-elf girl exuding youthful vitality.

The half-orc shaman laughed instead of being angry, and said with evil light in his eyes: "Don't worry, I will show you in a while, what color the flowers are."

"You **** bastard..." Hearing this, the angry half-elf **** her pretty face was about to speak back, but was stopped by the old half-elf.

"Baizhi, don't say any more."

I saw the old half-elf, moved his crutches and took a step forward, facing the half-orc shaman, and said solemnly: "General, although I don't know where you came from, I heard about the sacred artifact of our clan.

But that was a long time ago, after hundreds of years of wind, frost, rain and snow.

The current relic has long since lost its original appearance. Even if you take it back, it will not play any role.

Why not, how about we discuss it? "

"Cunning old thing, don't delay time with Ben here."

The half-orc shaman spat, and on his rough face, his expression became impatient.

Seeing the staff in his hand, it suddenly emitted a strong sinister green light, UU reading said: "I would have known that you have already transferred most of your clansmen to other places in the enchantment.

Do you think they can really escape the palm of this general? You will only make them die worse!

I'll give you the last minute, if you don't tell the whereabouts of that thing, I'll let all of you die! "

"You dare!" On the other side, the half-elf girl's face sank, holding three feather arrows in her hand, pulling the short bow into a full moon.

Immediately, he led the rest of the half-elf archers to take a step forward, ready to fight to the death.

However, despite the appearance of death.

But at this time, all half-elves clearly understood in their hearts.

This is a war with no chance of winning.

In the room alone, the opponent has a third-order peak powerhouse, and more than thirty second-order powerhouses. As for ordinary soldiers, there are hundreds of them.

On the other hand, on our side, only the half-elf girl who took the lead was a second-tier powerhouse. As for the others, none of them had broken through the second-tier, but were at the peak of the first-tier.

Such combat power is obviously not proportional to the opponent at all.

"Get ready to do it!" Just when the half-orc shaman, who was full of evil and coldness in his eyes, lost the last trace of patience.

Without any warning, a burly figure holding a giant sword suddenly flew in from outside the door at high speed.

Between the lightning and flint, everyone present didn't have time to react at all.

Accompanied by a piercing humming sound, I saw that the burly figure did not hesitate, and the giant sword in his hand was slashed horizontally with a deadly gust of wind with a mighty thunder.

He actually cut off the half-orc shaman and the dozens of second-order heavy-armored guards around him!

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