Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 48: Earth Guardian

Chapter 48: Earth Guardian

"Is this a miracle building? It really is extraordinary."

In the vast darkness of the night, with a bit of amazement and curiosity, Lei Xiao circled around the newly built behemoth, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

This new building called the [Guardian Defense Agency] is slightly shorter than the two-story lord's mansion, but it covers a larger area.

At first glance, the entire building is in the shape of a regular hexagon, like a standard regular hexagonal prism, which looks angular and square.

Careful observation shows that every wall of the building that is perpendicular to the ground has a gate that is at least three meters high. Currently, these six gates are all closed.

The most surprising thing is that although the whole building is a slightly rough stone structure, the surface is inlaid with a lot of smooth metal lines.

The combination of the two forms all kinds of peculiar patterns and patterns, much like a magic circle in a game. Under the shining moon, strange cold lights are reflected.

All in all, the whole building feels very solemn and solemn, which is indeed very different from other buildings.

Seeing this, Lei Xiao curiously walked towards the nearest stone gate.

At the same time, as if sensing his arrival, the giant stone gate slowly opened upwards, making a rumbling sound.

On the other side, seeing the Lord Lord walking in, Chaoyan, who was on the side, followed quickly, her pretty face full of excited expressions.

Even in the magic tower where all kinds of geniuses and monsters gather, few people can do it!

Entering it, Lei Xiao found it.

The structure of this building is very simple, without any partitions, only a very spacious hall.

Looking around, there are still all kinds of textures on the walls of the house, and, unlike the outdoors, these strange textures are all exuding a faint blue light, providing a little dim light for the interior. .

However, these are not the most important, more striking.

In the hall, there are 18 large stone statues with the same appearance and height comparable to that of the knotweed. They are all dressed as heavy armored warriors holding heavy swords and heavy shields. It is the epitome of a murderous army, which makes people feel awe.

"Lord Lord, it turned out to be the protector of the earth, there are so many!" On the other side, Chaoyan couldn't help but exclaimed, his face full of surprise.

"Earth Guardian?" Hearing this, Lei Xiao showed a curious expression.

"Lord Lord, the Earth Guardian is a kind of high-level golem puppet, and its combat power is extremely good. Not only is its resistance to magic extremely high, but its physical defense is also very strong."

I saw Chaoyan, who was only as tall as the belly of the statue, looking up at the giant statue in front of him excitedly, and continued: "This subordinate was only studying in the magic tower, and I was fortunate enough to see the elder in the tower summoned once.

With the powerful mana of his fourth-order five-star earth-type magister, he can only summon 8 at most, and it cannot last for more than a day.

But what we see in front of us seems to exist forever, which is simply unheard of. "

After speaking, Zhao Yan with a puzzled expression on her face, squatted on the ground with her skirt down, and continued to observe.

Immediately, she seemed to have discovered something, pointed to the pedestal under the statue's feet, and said thoughtfully, "Lord Lord, please see, there are faint magical energy fluctuations on the pedestals of these statues.

The subordinate analyzed that it was this kind of device that gave the guardian of the earth the magic power that could exist forever.

And the strange magic circle on the wall should play an energy conversion function, which can convert sunlight or moonlight into magic power, and continuously supply energy to the base. "

After listening to Chaoyan's words, Lei Xiao suddenly showed a bright look, and muttered in his heart: "My dear, to put it bluntly, isn't this building a large solar charging station?

Among them, there are also 18 charging bases and 18 loyal slaves who do not need to eat or sleep but need to be charged. "

At this time, Lei Xiao's face showed a look of anticipation again: "According to Chaoyan's description, the strength of these guardians of the earth should not be too bad. I don't know how?"

Thinking of this, he quickly checked the attributes of all the statues.

Name: Guardian of the Earth

[Occupation: Demon Breaker]

[Class: Second-Order Five-Star]

Energy: 100%

[Skill: Intermediate Magic Barrier "Passive" (Spell Damage Reduction 70%)]

[Hint: Raising the building level can further increase the strength and quantity of the guardians of the earth.

"My dear, are there 18 identical second-order five-star subordinates? And the magic damage immunity is so high.

If it is simply converted, the combat power of these 18 guardians must be at least equal to 200 to 300 elite first-order soldiers, right? "

In addition to being overjoyed, Lei Xiao's eyes fell on the last reminder.

He clearly understands that, unlike ordinary buildings, miracle buildings, like lord mansions, can be upgraded if the required resources are sufficient.

"It seems that the advantage of upgrading here is that it can further enhance the combat effectiveness of the Guardians and expand their numbers.

I don't know how strong these guardians will be in the end? "

While pondering, Lei Xiao opened the building interface again.

[Guardian Defense Agency Lv: 1]

[Owner: Lei Xiao "ID: 0013076067"]

[Number of Earth Guardians: 18/18]

[Building special effect 1: Guardian Charge lv1 "Can charge the guardian of the earth"]

[Building Special Effect 2: Guardian Manufacturing lv1 "If the Earth Guardian is destroyed, a new Earth Guardian can be created (CD: 12h]

[Materials required for upgrade: Stone x18000, Iron Ore x15000, Obsidian x500]

"Like light ~, there is a new level 2 rare resource? It seems that miracle buildings are really not that easy to upgrade."

Lei Xiao curled his lips slightly, and Lei Xiao studied it for a while. The specific instructions on the interface found that these guardians were the same as ordinary slaves.

Although he can't speak or think, he can understand most of his commands.

In addition, there is a remote prompt function, which can convey danger signals to oneself in time, and will not cause harm to other subordinates in the territory and the subordinate races.

Next, after pondering for a while, Lei Xiao divided the 18 guardians into 6 groups.

Among them, 1 group defends the lord's mansion, 1 group patrols the territory, and the other 4 groups are respectively responsible for the vigilance work in the four directions of the territory's south, south, and northwest.

There is no doubt that in the case of sufficient energy.

These guardians can continuously ensure the security of the territory 24 hours a day, detect and deal with threats in time, so that the security of the territory is further improved.

"Okay, let's all go to work."

After finishing all the tasks of the six guardian groups, Lei Xiao clapped his hands lightly.


Immediately afterwards, the six doors in the spacious hall opened at the same time, and all the guardians raised their heavy swords and large shields in unison, and began to walk outside in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, when other subordinates in the territory, especially every day, have to stay with me several times, to Gang Song and others ranging from dozens of times.

When I saw these giant stone statues with huge heights and amazing momentum, they took heavy and powerful steps and passed in front of them uniformly.

Involuntarily, he opened his mouth again, and eight big characters appeared in his mind.

Lord Lord, this is so terrifying!

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