Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 52: miracle

Chapter 52: miracle

Looking at everyone with a high-spirited look, Lei Xiao, who had just finished speaking, couldn't help but feel his blood boil for a while.

Immediately afterwards, he struck while the iron was hot, and told a lot of classic inspirational jokes circulating on the Internet.

At the same time, it was accompanied by a series of passionate and tense body movements.

At the end, he almost said the words "understand the applause".

However, when the enthusiasm subsided, he felt a little overwhelmed, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed again.

He almost used his toes to deduct a three-bedroom and one-hall on the ground.

Lei Xiao was slightly refreshed, and Lei Xiao understood clearly.

Although his positive energy quotes just now played a big role.

But in order to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of these subordinates, there is still a lack of key catalysts.

Thinking of this, I saw his mind move, and a beautiful brocade box appeared out of thin air on the palm of his hand.

Next, in the curious eyes of everyone.

Lei Xiao slowly opened the brocade box, and a round, snow-white elixir immediately caught everyone's eyes.

Undoubtedly, this is naturally a second-order magical medicine condensing Qi Dan.

At present, there are still 105 pieces of this thing, and Lei Xiao himself can't use so many.

And, because of its effect of permanently enhancing strength, it is undoubtedly suitable to reward subordinates, set benchmarks, and enhance enthusiasm.

At the same time, it can further increase the overall strength of the territory, which is the best of both worlds.

On the other side, smelling a faint scent, the half-elves and ordinary subordinates couldn't help but show more and more puzzled expressions.

Needless to say, Gangsong and other first-order subordinates are village peasants.

Naturally, I have never seen such a miracle medicine, which can only be circulated in the middle and upper-class circles of dignitaries and celebrities.

And the handsome half-elves are even more confused.

Since birth, they have been living in the enchantment, let alone potions, they have never even seen the brocade box.

Even a lot of young and beautiful half-elf girls blinked their eyelashes slightly, and all focused their eyes on the delicate and beautiful brocade box.

There is no doubt that the pills inside will be gone after eating, but that delicate little box can be kept forever!

It's perfect for holding some pretty pebbles, or other cute gadgets.

However, among the crowd, there is an exception, and that is Angelica.

She grew up listening to Kawagu's adventure stories, and it can be said that she is one of the few half-elves in the Yuebai clan who is familiar with the characteristics of potions.

"The refreshing fragrance, the smooth surface the size of a blue frost quail egg... Could it be that this is a magic potion?!"

Realizing this, Bai Zhi's pretty face was full of shock, and she couldn't help but blurt out her debut.

In the narration of the great grandfather, the stories that appear with the potion are often greed and killing.

And what caused all this was undoubtedly the great value and magical effect of the potion itself.

"That's right, this is a potion."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao smiled and began to introduce: "The name of this potion is called Qi Condensing Pill, and its grade is second-order? Excellent.

After taking it, it can directly increase the strength of 1 to 3 stars for the powerhouses below the second-order nine stars, and there are no side effects. "

Hearing this, everyone in front of them, like Bai Zhi, was stunned at first, and then they all showed expressions of shock.

It turns out that this is the legendary potion, and, with such incredible effects, it deserves to be called a miracle medicine.

You must know that even if you are a powerhouse with good talent, in normal times, if you want to improve the strength of a star, it must be calculated in units of years, and you have to put in more effort than others.

And this little potion in front of me can directly add 1 to 3 stars, and the effect can only be described as terrifying!

No wonder I often heard that for a high-level potion with a magical effect, several super-powerful people, and even several huge forces, would not hesitate to fight each other and send troops to attack each other.

It turned out that everything was to compete for such a magical item.

Having said that, as expected of Lord Lord, he actually possesses such a valuable miracle medicine... No, it is better to say that only miracle medicine can be worthy of a person like Lord Lord!

However, what the slaves and half-elves don't know is that.

In fact, for their lord, Lei Xiao, after a potion is in hand, there are only two situations.

Or, just turn it into a hundred jelly beans and eat it.

Or, the grade will be directly increased by 1 to 2 levels, and the price will increase by dozens or even hundreds of times.

Simple and direct, clean and hygienic.

"You can directly increase the strength of 1 to 3 stars?!"

On the other side, after listening to Lei Xiao's words, Bai Zhi subconsciously licked her dry lips.

At present, her strength is the second-order seven-star. If she can take this one ~, wouldn't there be hope that she can be directly promoted to the second-order nine-star?

In this way, coupled with his own diligent cultivation, once he breaks through the third rank.

Then, after a hundred years, their Yuebai clan will be able to have a third-tier powerhouse again?

Thinking of this, Bai Zhi's heart began to thump, and under the slender willow eyebrows, a pair of clear almond eyes uncontrollably revealed a touch of longing.

However, what happened next made her even more stunned.

Immediately afterwards, another white light flashed in Lei Xiao's hand.

In an instant, dozens of identical Qi Condensation Pills were clearly displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

This inhuman scene made the people who were already shocked, instantly petrified.

No one would have imagined that the lord would actually hide such a terrifying and huge handwriting!

I saw Gangsong and other first-order subordinates' eyes, already looking straight.

You know, just this one, they won't be able to afford it if they don't eat or drink and work hard for the rest of their lives!

And the half-elves on the side, Zhang Junmei's faces showed the same eager expression as Bai Zhi.

Among them, many of them have reached the peak state of the first-order nine-star, and have not made any progress for a long time.

This miracle medicine undoubtedly has a great possibility to help them break through the bottleneck and smoothly enter a new realm.

There is no doubt that the first-order nine-star and second-order one-star, although they sound similar, but the strength is overwhelmingly different!

On the other side, looking at all the subordinates in front of them, they are all excited and eager.

Lei Xiao nodded with satisfaction. He knew that his goal was about to be achieved.

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