Lord of the People: My Talent is 100 Million Points Strong

Chapter 57: upgrade! Level 5 Lord's Mansion

Chapter 57: upgrade! Level 5 Lord's Mansion

Lei Xiao found out when he came to the outdoor dining area not far from the lord's mansion.

At this time, the place is already full of fragrant rice, and there is a coveted and tempting smell everywhere.

Having said that, since the protective cover has completely disappeared, it has lost the function of filtering cooking smoke and light.

Moreover, there are already nearly 200 people in the territory, and the large amount of cooking smoke produced by cooking meals is undoubtedly likely to reveal the location of the territory.

Therefore, at breakfast, Lei Xiao had arranged for Gang Song and others in advance, and dug out several large and small smoke-free stoves here as fixed dining and cooking areas.

In this way, coupled with the cover of the towering trees around, unless someone is too close to here, otherwise, it is impossible to find the specific location of the territory through the smoke.

I saw that Lei Xiao had just sat down, and on the other side, the half-elves who were in charge of opening up the training ground outside the camp, and the people who helped with the knotweed and others also walked over from the direction of the camp entrance.

"Everyone has worked hard, let's have dinner."

Nodding slightly, Lei Xiao smiled lightly.

In this way, after everyone had eaten and drank enough, ordered everyone to act according to the predetermined plan in the afternoon.

Lei Xiao then returned to the lord's mansion to check the production of the rough sickle.

"Have you made more than 2,000 copies? The number should be about the same."

Without hesitation, the upgrade started immediately.

[Congratulations, your 1050 "Rough Sickles" have been upgraded to 1050 "Exquisite Sickles"!

[Congratulations, your 1,000 "Rough Sickles" have been upgraded to 100,000 "Rough Sickles"!

Seeing that the required materials were enough, Lei Xiao immediately decomposed it.

[You decomposed 1050 "Exquisite Sickles", and obtained wood x1050 and copper ore x1050!

[You decomposed 100,000 "Rough Sickles" to get wood x100000 and stone x100000!

"In addition to the 500 units of copper ore produced yesterday, this time, it's finally enough for the 1,500 units needed to upgrade the mansion!"

Looking at the sufficient amount of copper mine in the storage space, Lei Xiao couldn't help showing a hint of joy on his face.

"Without the pressure of iron ore, it's a full day ahead of the expected upgrade time. Not bad."

Immediately afterwards, Lei Xiao couldn't wait to step out of the gate. First, he signaled the three surrounding earth guardians to stand outside. Then, he directly pressed the upgrade button.

The next second, the familiar colored light curtain rose up, instantly covering the entire mansion.

At the same time, the long-lost construction sound and the mechanical prompt sounded one after another.

[You have consumed wood x50000, thatch x30000, stone x30000, iron ore x1500, copper ore x1500]

[The Lord's Mansion Lv4 is being upgraded, please wait...]

"I don't know what changes will happen to a mansion that is upgraded to level 5?"

With excitement, surrounded by the three guardians of the earth, Lei Xiao stood with his arms folded, quietly watching from the sidelines.

After a while, the slightly dazzling colored light curtain gradually turned from strong to weak until it completely dissipated.

The whole picture of the upgraded lord's mansion was displayed in front of Lei Xiao.

At the same time, the prompt sounded again.

[Congratulations, your lord's mansion has been upgraded to Lv: 5!

Looking carefully, this time, the area of the upgraded mansion has not changed significantly.

However, the height has increased by about one-third compared to before.

And, in terms of appearance, nearly half of it has completely changed into a stone structure. I saw that the carefully polished stones were neatly stacked and looked thick and strong.

As for the metal part, except for the thickened door, all the windows on the upper and lower floors also shone with a metallic luster, and were obviously further reinforced.

"Is it really going to develop in the direction of a castle? Interesting, I really look forward to the day when it really becomes a castle."

Seeing this, the joy on Lei Xiao's face was beyond words.

But then, after looking around, he involuntarily showed a helpless expression.

"Although the mansion is becoming more and more high-end and elegant, the gap between it and other surrounding buildings is also becoming more and more obvious, some of which are too conspicuous.

I wonder if there will be some camouflage in the future, or a way of setting up a fake mansion as a means to confuse the enemy? "

While pondering, Lei Xiao pushed open the door and stepped into the interior of the new mansion.

As soon as he entered the house, he could clearly feel that due to the addition of a lot of stone structures and the expansion of the floor height.

Therefore, although the size and layout of the huge living room have not changed much, the overall momentum is obviously much grander.

Even the air was filled with a faint smell of fresh wood.

"It's a little bit of sword and magic, and it'll be more perfect if you go back and create a sand table."

Nodding with satisfaction, Lei Xiao turned around upstairs and downstairs.

Found that in each room, some metal products began to appear, such as candlesticks, hangers, tableware and so on.

Even the stairs are wrapped in a metal ~ for thorough reinforcement.

Just when Lei Xiao saw this, as expected, the prompt sounded in his ear again.

[Dear Lord, congratulations! Become the first lord in the world to be promoted to a level 5 mansion. The world broadcast will be broadcast soon. Would you like to disclose your name?

"Not open." Lei Xiao responded without hesitation.

Just yesterday, because of surrendering to the contract, there was already a global broadcast.

So, this time, let the anonymous boss appear and attract a wave of attention.

Undoubtedly, from the perspective of a third party.

Such an approach will inevitably cause some people to suspect that it is possible that the anonymous boss and himself are the same person.

However, this is just speculation.

Because only the first lord to complete the corresponding goal will be rewarded and qualified for global broadcast.

Therefore, under the action of this mechanism, this speculation can never be corroborated.

This means that on a certain day in the future, once he conflicts with a certain or certain lord power.

The other party naturally has to be concerned about whether the mysterious anonymous boss will suddenly appear and harvest a wave of residual blood from both sides.

From this point of view, at least at this stage, the role of the vest of the anonymous boss is still very obvious.

Immediately, in the calm, there was another hint of a huge wave hidden in the sky, which suddenly sounded in the ears of the less than one billion lords.

[Congratulations to Anonymous Lord, the world's first upgraded level 5 Lord's mansion! The reward will be one piece of Tier 5 random equipment, and one piece of Tier 5 random equipment blueprint!

For a time, this peaceful afternoon suddenly became crazy and extraordinary.

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