Lord of the Truth

Chapter 800: The invasion on Jura

Chapter 800: The invasion on Jura

"This soul imprint... Nephew Richard? Is that you?!" The response was a little delayed but it finally came, excited.

"Yes, it's me. How is it going with you guys in the Imperial Capital?" Richard replied calmly

During the festival held in his honor, Richard met all the elders of the family and they all gave him their Soul Imprint card. Of course, they all knew that Richard probably would never contact them, but this had become one of the polite customs when meeting someone new.

"What happens in the imperial capital has nothing to do with you, we thank heavens that you disappeared a few days ago! Wherever you are, stay there and don't worry about anything else." Mayor Henry cut it off from the beginning

5 days ago, when Richard disappeared from the capital, they searched for him everywhere and were sorry that he had left them, but when the invasion began, they were all relieved that he was not there... His Excellency's son should not die in a place like this!

"Mayor Henry, tell me what's going on or I'll have to come and see for myself." Richard also did not accept the rejection, "I just heard that there is a siege on the Imperial Capital. Has it been stormed yet? Have you sent anyone to Nihari or the rest of the planets to ask for help?"

The mayor hesitated a little, then sighed, "...Heh~ Well, then just listen for the sake of being aware of what is happening around you. Three days ago, huge floating ships were seen descending from the sky, but they ignored the imperial capital and went a little bit west, towards the space portal that was set up next to the capital, and immediately destroyed it. At the same time, we received messages from all over the planet about similar incidents. There were more of these foreign flying ships attacking the portal on all other continents. Before we knew who they were and what was happening, they had already completely destroyed all the space portals on the surface of the planet! ...So no, we couldn't send anyone to ask for help." Then he continued, "After destroying the space portals, those flying ships spread out even more and hundreds of thousands of Law Users descended around the planet, attacking everything that stood in their way. But they did not find us easy prey either, because of His Excellency's instructions. All six continents are full of Law Users, even the farmers and craftsmen went crazy when they saw those snake-like things attacking their families, they took up their weapons and instinctively started defending. With no one to guide them or a chain of command, a random guerrilla war broke out across the planet before we knew what was happening!"

Mayor Henry didn't even catch his breath before he continued, "Our imperial capital was attacked by the ships which destroyed the nearby space portal as well, but they soon discovered that they had kicked over a metal wall. We have here more than 100,000 veterans of the Greenland War, and we have 20 Martial Emperor Life Law users who were not summoned to war in Planet Nihari, so we easily stopped them and destroyed a number of ships before they retreated. Also, due to the huge number of cultivators we had on Planet Jura, which increased after His Excellency discovered the methods of detecting affinity, the invaders suffered heavy losses. At the beginning of the first day, if the bastards had not had Martial Emperors in their ranks, they would all have been annihilated!"

" But..?" Richard furrowed his eyebrows slightly, from what he had seen so far, things were not going well at all.

"But the rebels emerged from their holes in the Ancestral Continent... Taking advantage of the fight of our honorable citizens against the invaders, they attacked the strongholds of the Burton family and destroyed them. They also attacked and looted the academies, the talisman and Divine weapons warehouses, and all those hidden points. Then they began attacking the cities and villages that had not been reached by the invaders yet. The same thing happened on the other four continents but on lesser scales... So the scales were turned again and the cities fell one after the other. At the end of the first day, all the cities and villages of the planet Jura were under attack, whether from the invaders or the rebels, the numbers of the cities and villages that actually fell are unknown, and the numbers of those killed are incalculable." "DAMMIT!!!" Even Richard's calm face began to trouble, "They see their homeland under attack and their first reaction is to help the attackers?! How did my father and Theo allow people like them to live? It doesn't matter how many planets he gathers in his collection if his own homeland is this fragile! This is an intelligence deficit of the highest order, everyone involved in this negligence must be slain!"

"Please calm down your anger, Your Highness. His Excellency has already concentrated huge numbers of Shadow Swords on the Ancestral Continent, and according to the reports I read, they were killing one or two of their leaders daily. His Highness Theo even started a war against them killing hundreds of thousands in a few years! Just a month ago, they raided a house where 700 rebels had gathered and arrested them all. But the idea of rebellion spread like an epidemic among millions and it was impossible to stop, and now it has completely broken out..."

*Crash* The green flame almost ignited in Richard's hair again, but he took several deep breaths to calm himself, then asked, "...What happened on the second day of the invasion?" "Naturally, the Half-Snakes noticed what those traitors were doing and contacted their leaders in a secret meeting on the Ancestral Continent. The Shadow Swords could not find out the details, but immediately after that the invaders and traitors began to cooperate, so more important and highly guarded places were attacked and several barracks were crushed, they even started cooperating in attacking bigger cities!"

An angry tone took hold of Mayor Henry, "On that day too, the Invading Martial Emperors from all over the planet gathered to besiege the Imperial Capital. Other than 200,000 Law- User soldiers, There are currently 411 Martial Emperors here, two of whom almost destroyed the Sky Shield Dome with a few blows so we believe that they are near the top of the Emperor's Realm. As for the rest of the Martial Emperors, they are attacking the Barnett, Frost, Trent, and Levan families right now and destroying any important area on the planet's surface. Those traitorous wretches must have given them all their information about Planet Jura!!"

"411 Emperors and 200,000 Law-User Soldiers are currently surrounding the Imperial Capital? Are you guys okay?!" Richard quickly asked, the Imperial Capital is now facing a complete invasion from another planet, they are enduring the major shock on behalf of the entire Jura Planet, If they fall and those 400 Martial Emperors are freed, the entire planet will soon follow!

The response came to Richard quickly with a confident tone, "The Imperial Capital that we put all our might into constructing, will not fall so easily!"

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