Lord of the Truth

Chapter 896: Farm

Chapter 896: Farm

Five kilometers away-- North of the Fate Communityn/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

*Step* *Step*

"Let me tell you right now, you're wasting your time and ours." King Volpe shook his head

Samson also didn't seem satisfied with being out in this freezing weather, so he looked at Old Gu from the side, "Hey old man, are you really trying to plant something in the southern region? Are you crazy? Suppose you could find a piece of land in the middle of this icy desert, the southern half is mostly ocean with only a few scattered islands of land and those pieces of land have definitely turned into solid rock after all these years of solidification, who could plant something in rock?"

While negotiating the details of the trade between the people of Planet Gudah and the True Beginning Empire, Old Gu took out a bag full of grain and told them to follow him.

Out of curiosity rather than belief, Samson, Volpe, and Sandria followed him to see what he wanted to do, and Old Man Gu also picked up a number of True Beginning Emperors and took them along.

The small team walked the five kilometers at a very slow pace. It had been almost an hour since they left that hall. Every few steps, Old Man Gu would look at one of the people he had chosen to come with him, and that person would nod his head and then continue on.

After Old Man Gu had endured the grumbling for almost an hour, he stopped and looked at Samson, "Hey, don't you think it's impolite of you to call me old man? According to Miss Sandria, you're the same age as me, if not older!"

"But I'm handsome!" Samson laughed loudly and rested his chin on the back of his hand. Even King Volpe laughed at his reaction.

Old Man Gu laughed too and was about to reply, but he heard from his side: "General, this spot meets the requirements."

"What requirements?" Volpe took a few steps forward and looked carefully under his feet, he didn't see anything different... The ice sheets still covered everything in sight. "This spot is like that one and the one over there, it all falls under the name of eternal frost. What exactly are you looking for?"

"Miss Sandria told me about the Frost Permanence Merged Law, as I understand it, it turns anything into ice that is not affected by the signs of time, which basically prevents it from melting, although the nature of the planet does not support this type of cold." Gu stepped forward a little and then closed his eyes, trying to sense his surroundings: "But what would happen if we attacked the frost with a flame strong enough to melt it instantly?"

"I have tried this a few times, the frost will melt but another one will form quickly." Samson frowned slightly, not knowing what Old Man Gu was babbling, "The southern half of the planet is doomed, dead and buried."

"..." King Volp did not say a word, there was nothing to say.

Agriculture is not something alien on Planet Gudah, the northern half is extremely hot but there are still certain types of thorny plants that can grow... They may taste bitter, are full of thorns and their chances of surviving to bloom are very low. However, they grow quickly and can be replanted in large numbers, so even if one tree out of a hundred survives, it will be a good food source for them.

But even this kind of harsh farming is not found in the South... The bitter cold seeps into everything and destroys it from the inside, the plants spread in the southern hemisphere all contain fruits that can boost the law familiarity or for some unknown value, but they are definitely not for eating.

"The frost forms as soon as it melts because of that whirlpool above." On of the martial emperors wearing black gold armor pointed upwards

*Rumble* The sound of thunder far away resounded from above

Then that martial emperor began to move his index finger, and the air chased it in the form of a small whirlpool, "There is a whirlpool that originates from the lair of Defus the Transcendent, from there comes out a large amount of frost that sweeps across the entire southern hemisphere, this whirlpool works to strengthen what the Transcendent Defus had previously frozen, and to keep the southern hemisphere in a state of permanent frost... That's why if you tried to melt a piece of ice, for example, you would find it quickly forming again."

Samson whistled softly at this new information, but King Volpe nodded. He had noticed the workings of that whirlpool long ago, but it was a useless observation in his eyes. It was like noticing that the sun rises in the east, So what?!

"Huh~" Old Man Gu let out a long sigh, then opened his eyes wide and spread his arms, "Humph!"


A white flame ball began to expand rapidly, starting as a small orb and quickly becoming several meters in diameter, and still growing until it became like a small sun!

"Retreat!" King Volp quickly retreated before this tremendous firepower, even Samson opened his eyes wide as he saw the work of the Major Fire Law!


The ice under the white sun began to visibly melt, first turning into a liquid and then quickly evaporating.

"Arrrgh..." Old Gu kept his hand raised, but sweat began to run down his face

Keeping up the Sun of Exaltation's ultimate attack for such a long time, especially in such an illogical atmosphere, was quickly consuming his strength. If it weren't for the many pearls in his armor that he was constantly drawing energy from, he would have already fallen.

"Well, here comes my turn~" The Martial Emperor who was explaining the work of the whirlpool a moment ago stepped forward, then waved his hand


A powerful storm came, carrying away all the steam and water resulting from the melting, creating a breathtaking sight

"Wow..." Sandria and even the rest of the True Beginning Emperors came forward to take a look.

In front of Old Man Gu now was a large pit of solid ice about 10 meters deep, and its dimensions were the size of a small kid's football field!

"..." King Volpe opened his eyes in surprise, this was the first time in his life that he had seen the ground of the southern hemisphere from above.

*Paa* One of the other True Beginning Emperors kicked his foot hard, and the piece of land began to shake and sway until soft soil was brought out from underneath.

"I have a lot of work today hehe." The Wind Emperor received the bag of grain from Old Man Gu, opened it, and played with the grain until they were all planted at equal distances. "My turn." The Beautiful Empress let out a long exhale and began to say with her movement, a number of frost blocks turned into liquid water, and the Emperor then passed the water under the sun of elevation to make it warmer, before watering the piece of land with it.

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