Love Code at the End of the World

Book 1: Chapter 28: Pretend To Be Deaf

Book 1: Chapter 28: Pretend To Be Deaf

Waifu! Waifu! Dont ignore me! I apologize to you! Harry followed closely. He is so annoying. Everyone was looking at him and laughing secretly. He even pointed at the others and said, All of you dont fight with me. This is my wife.

Harry! Raffles pulled Harry and said, Stop pestering Anlee! She has finally calmed down!

Harry was held back by Raffles, while I sped up to blend in with the crowd. But Harry shouted, Waifu! Waifu! Raffles! Let me go! Waifu!

I sped up even more, but the people around me gradually dispersed; they either entered the cabins that were like their homes, or they walked elsewhere.


I heard Harrys voice once again. I saw that there was another platform by the side and I immediately jumped over it. I hugged my knees as I leaned against the chilly metal wall. I was very annoyed and I couldnt imagine having to live together with such an annoying person.

But, where else can I go?

I saw that this world was very barren when I was on Xing Chuans spaceship. There wasn't a mountain or lake in sight. If I were to leave this city, I might not even live for more than three days.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps over the platform and they came to a stop right above me. It wouldnt be Harry, right? Hes such a pain in the ass.

Xue Gie. It was Sharjahs voice from above the platform. He did not get any reply, except silence. Then, Sharjah spoke again, Will you return to Silver Moon City with me?

No, the reply was quick this time. I could tell it was Xue Gies voice. Once again I heard footsteps, as someone left the platform. I saw Xue Gies cold back, when she passed by the walkway.

I see. Sharjah is trying to poach. This further verifies that Xue Gie is a very powerful metahuman, due to which she has caught Silver Moon Citys attention. She is definitely not an ordinary metahuman.

Dont waste your energy. Xue Gie wouldnt leave Noah City, Suddenly, it was Xing Chuans cold voice. He seemed to have no interest in Xue Gie. Dang, why would it be him!? I subconsciously pulled the hood over my head.

But I think she has great potential, Sharjahs voice sounded gentle.

You like her?

No, your Highness must be joking, It looked like Sharjah was panicking. Hey, hey, hey! Isnt it too obvious? Even I could tell, let alone Xing Chuan, the mind reader.

Your Highness, why are you here? Sharjah was obviously trying to change the topic.

It is very annoying up there, so I came down for a break, Xing Chuan sounded as though he was moody.

The thruster in the escape pod was damaged. He shouldnt be far from here.

No one can escape from Xing Chuans hands!

*Bang!* Someone slammed the railing of the platform heavily. Sharjah, you have to find Luo Bing. I want him.

Shh! His Highness Xing Chuan from Silver Moon City is very serious. I think Luo Bing is in big trouble. The way Sharjah joked about my situation, sent chills down my spine. From Sharjahs tone, it sounded like offending Xing Chuan was equivalent to receiving death through torture.

But Your Highness, we already searched through three cities. According to geographical location, Noah City is the most possible place. Where can Luo Bing hide?

There was a deep breath, Phew I feel that this city has its secrets."

Your Highness, every city has its secrets.

Humph! Thats right. For Silver Moon City, all of them have secrets."

There are not many people in Noah City. I have already sent people to investigate. Our detector can find every human in these buildings. As long as there is someone who hides intentionally, then that person must be Luo Bing. The moment we find Luo Bing, we will be able to find the escape pod.


F*ck No wonder Military Instructor Ceci told me to stand among the crowd. As Xing Chuan didnt know that I am a girl, he wouldnt be able to tell that I am Luo Bing even if he saw me in person. Luckily, I didnt hide.

Your Highness, are you sure that Luo Bing is not a metahuman?

Shh Suddenly, Xing Chuan signalled Sharjah to stop talking. There was some movement above me and I could hear the footsteps descending the platform. I turned around anxiously, and became highly alert when I heard footsteps right behind me.

Its a girl!? How long has she been here!? Sharjah exclaimed in surprise.  Obviously, it would have been an unwise choice to run away at that moment. I suddenly thought of Raffles!

I was originally sitting on the ground hugging my knees. So wouldnt it seem rather natural if I were to draw on the ground?

Who are you? Hurry up and get up! Sharjah roared. I continued to draw on the ground. I cant hear you, I cant hear you.

Sharjah, you must be gentle with girls, Xing Chuan spoke softly. However, I felt that he wasnt gentle in his tone at all, as there was a tinge of chilliness in his smirk. He was just like a poisonous snake who would smile and approach you in a deceiving manner.

Your Highness, I dont think she can hear us.

Oh? Shes deaf. I heard someone leap down and land behind me. I continued to draw on the ground. Then, someone pulled my hood back, and my body stiffened. I immediately replied in my girly voice, Dont disturb me! I am calculating the suns angle! I have finally found a place without any people. Go away! I pulled down my hood and covered my hair.

Heh, Your Highness, this girl seems to be hot-tempered. Youd better not disturb her, Sharjah joked.

Humph You know I like to disturb hot-tempered people the most. Suddenly, a hand was getting close to the left side of my face, and it put something next to my ear!

Waifu! You are here! Suddenly, Harry landed in front of me as he looked behind me in shock. Instantly, the hand next to my ear slowly moved away, and Harry reined back his suspicious look. He immediately ran to me and pulled me, Waifu! Dont run around, you cant hear and I wont be able to find you! Waifu! Look at my lips! He cupped my face through the hood. He looked extremely serious and slowed down his lip movement as he said, Dont, run, around, there, are, outsiders.

I looked at him, and I was stunned for a while. I thought to myself and I realized that I admired the annoying Harry at that moment. He was too good at acting. That very moment, I gave my full cooperation in front of the enemy. I blinked and said, Oh. Is it dangerous? I asked clearly so that the person behind me could definitely hear that I was a girl!

Harry pursed his lips and nodded with an exaggerated solemn expression when he answered, Very, dangerous.

Lets go home then, I quickly replied.

Thats my good girl, Harry seized the chance to pinch my face, and I glared at him.

He pretended that he couldnt see the scene behind me very clearly and asked, Your Highness, what did you put near my wifes ear earlier? Are you trying to heal her ear!?

There was silence from behind me. Was he surprised at Harrys arrival and the fact that I was deaf?

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