Love Me if You Dare: Pristine Darkness

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Of course, it was a servant. She looked around 45 years old, was medium sized, tall and skinny, and wore plain and simple clothing. She was walking by holding a broom and didnt notice that Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao were behind the door in the middle of the night.

They took notice of her because her fair and clear skin had a fresh bruise.

People who investigated cases always thought meticulously. The deceased Fu Wei had slits on his wrist and showed traces of a fight. Although they didnt discover the killers blood or useful DNA at the crime scene, it was very possible that a bruise was left somewhere on the murderers body.

The servant looked very unsophisticated. She swept the courtyards dead leaves for awhile and then left to tidy the corridor outside the rooms. For the time being, Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao watched her from a distance.

Then, a door opened and a tall, skinny, beautiful, but sharp faced girl walked out from a room. She was wearing a satin top and wide legged pants and had a very graceful appearance. Jian Yao remembered that she stayed at the Yaos and that she was the younger cousin of a former theatrical troupe actress, Zhang Jufang.

Sweep, you damnable creature! Zhang Jufeng poked the servants forehead, My mother is currently sleeping. What are you making so much noise for, you old bitch? You just dont want me to sleep!

The servant hung her head.

That hadnt appeased Zhang Jufengs anger, so she grabbed the dustpan next to her and hit the servants face.

Jian Yaos eyes widened- so this was how she got the wound on her face. This Zhang Jufeng was also being too extreme but they couldnt expose themselves now, so they could only continue to quietly watch from afar. Zhang Jufeng yelled at her for a moment and then closed the door and went back inside her room. From a distant glance, the inside of her room was decorated very delicately. There was a big lacquered wooden bed, a corner sofa, and next to the doorway there was a European style iron coat rack where there hung a few pieces of mens clothing. There was also a few pairs of leather slippers at the doorway.

During this time, another servant holding a lot of vegetables passed through the courtyard and walked over. The servant was a woman who looked a little over forty. She saw the servant that had been hit but both of them didnt say anything; it seemed as if this was a normal occurrence. Although their ages and appearances werent the same, their depression and unsophistication sense were.

With a creak, the rooms window next to Zhang Jufeng was pushed open. A thin girl with a delicate and pretty appearance popped her head out. It was Chen Mei, the inns restaurant waitress manager. I hear scolding everyday, is there an end? Lets show a little more ability to do more for this home, even if we have to use up all your manpower. There is no use in arguing over nonsense! Ms. Tong, go bring me some food. Why isnt it here yet? You never listen to what I say. Why is it that you listen to orders given by others but not by me? It sounded as if she was scolding someone, but also sounded like she was talking to herself.

The servant who had previously been hit by Zhang Jufeng said in a low voice, Okay. She didnt sound angry. She turned around and went towards the kitchen outside the courtyard. It seemed as though Zhang Jufeng didnt dare to compete with Chen Mei. Jian Yao only heard a large clang sound in Zhang Jufengs room, as if something had been smashed to the ground.

Bo Jinyan wrinkled his eyebrows and softly said, Stupid, arrogant, and filthy.

Jian Yao didnt speak and looked up at the misty dark sky. The willow tree noiselessly hung. In this archaic courtyard, it seemed as if it gave off an old and rotten smell. When compared to the outside world, it seemed as if this world and the world outside were two different worlds.

But, this is how some people live right?

It became quiet in the courtyard and the sky was dark now. Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao walked through it soundlessly. The first big room in the hallway was Ming Lans room. Ming Lan was the legitimate wife of Yao Yuange. Right now, there was no light coming from her room. Ming Lans everyday main job was managing the bar so she would not be home. Looking through the window, the spacious entryway had old-fashioned mahogany furniture, a rug spread on the ground, and seemed to lead to two other rooms. In the back of the house was a large courtyard where there were two small rooms that was probably used for storage.

The other rooms were probably Ming Yue and Zhao Xias. The light from the corner of the rooms shone through a simple and crude room and onto a few tall and short beds. These were probably the servants room.

Bo Jinyan wandered around with Jian Yao, prepared for someone to accidentally discover them. However, this really did seem like a lifeless courtyard. They had been there for around ten minutes now and still no one noticed them.

Then, they finally got to the fishpond behind the courtyard. The servant that they had just seen get slapped was standing behind the trees and next to her was a woman with a plump figure. It was the other Yao family restaurant manager, Zhao Xia.

Zhao Xias facial features seemed nicer than Chen Meis. Her face was circular and her eyes revealing helplessness. She hit you again? Chen Mei again? The Madam?

The servant dipped her head and said, 4th mistress, Im okay.

Zhao Xia sighed. If you really cant handle it anymore, then you can go.

The servant didnt speak.

Zhao Xia spoke again. When youre done working tonight, come to my room. I have medicine for your wound.

The servant was a silent for a moment and then said, That wont work. What happens if the boss sees us

The boss wont be coming to my room tonight. Dont worry, he wont hit you again, Zhao Xia said.

The servant lowered her head and walked away on the other path. Zhao Xia turned around and saw Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao. She took a step back, on guard and surprised. Who are you people? she asked.

Bo Jinyan smiled and said, We are staying in the building in front. Jian Yao quickly said, Sorry for the inconvenience, we got lost. Are you also a guest at this inn?

Zhao Xias complexion relaxed a little and she pointed to the path ahead of them. You guys went the wrong way. This isnt the inn, this is our familys private building. Leave quickly. There is a dog at the entrance so be careful when you go out.

Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao both thanked her. Zhao Xia was still worried though, so she personally brought them to the entrance. As expected, the vicious big black dog was about to bark but was calmed down by Zhao Xia. As Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao left, Zhao Xias eyes followed them, smiling.

During this time, Fang Qing was standing on the inns second floor, inside Bo Jinyan and Jian Yaos room. With binoculars, he was watching them the whole time. Next to him was an investigator who had just rushed in. Fang Qing, were really  letting them blindly wander by themselves? They dont need our assistance?

Fang Qing smiled and said, It will be fine. Its just a few old ladies. Dont tell me they cant even handle them! Look, arent they coming back now?

From the investigation, all of the  suspects fingerprint comparisons assigned by Professor Bo have already been completed the investigator reported.

Fang Qing turned around to look at him.

None of them match.


The sky was already black. Fang Qing brought Bo Jinyan and Jian Yao to a small roadside restaurant to eat hot pot in the ancient city.

Holding a bottle of beer, Fang Qing peered at Bo Jinyan and said, Come on. Bo Jinyan distantly shook his head. I always drink wine.

Fang Qing smiled and mentioned that this restaurant had its own brand of wine. After hearing this , Bo Jinyan said, Thank you, but Im going to drink water. Fang Qing did not respond.

Jian Yao smiled and picked up her cup. Fang Qing, Ill drink with you. Lets open two bottles.

Fang Qing raised his eyebrow, surprised by Jian Yao. Bo Jinyan lifted the corner of his mouth, faintly smiling arrogantly.

They had drunk three rounds, the hot pot was boiling, and everyone seemed to be finishing up.

I heard that in the last few years Yao Yuange  was falling for a younger female college student. She even worked for the family and exhibited wine. In the end, she ended up leaving.

Bo Jinyans eyes turned crisp and clear. Why do these women feel content with these type of abnormal and honorless families?

Fang Qing sarcastically smiled and didnt respond. Jian Yao knew that because Bo Jinyan had been abroad, he generally didnt understand these type of matters. In fact, earlier when she saw the information, she thought that a rich guy with status, bringing a whole bunch of girls to live in a courtyard, was a bit weird. She didnt think it was actually all true.

Everyone else are mistresses, and will never be recognized. The legal wife cant even tolerate this situation anymore. Their family was overt in how all of them got along. Yao Yuange is a guy that is rich, powerful and has status. He can give them things that other men cant, even if they strive for it their whole life. There are two sides and they chose the side that they wanted. But this type of life Jian Yao said.

Common people like us dont understand, Fang Qing said.

Bo Jinyan held the plastic cup, arrogantly examining the wine and taking a small sip. Then, tapped the table with his finger and said, Yao Yuange: one arrogant and conceited guy. Hes strong, clever, influential, extremely rich, controls every guy with desires and possessions, and sees women as his belongings. He is very strict with them but seems to succeed in getting women.

Pervert! Fang Qing scolded, Weve always heard rumors, but Yao Yuange only has a marriage certificate with his wife so the other women are with him of their own free will so the police have no method of apprehending them.

Bo Jinyan seemed like he had a thought. Do those women really get along in sharing Yao Yuange?

The one who responded to him was actually Jian Yao. She shook her head and said, Not likely. In this world, there isnt a women who would be willing to share men with other people. Even though they seem like they get along, inevitably, in their hearts, theyre suffering and holding back on their resentment.

Bo Jinyan turned his head towards her with a smile in his eyes.

Jian Yao didnt notice his glance but looked towards Fang Qing, who was thinking about what she had said.

Thats right. Suffering, repression, resentment, and deformed love and desire were things that someone cant escape from after so many years. It didnt seem like that was the case when they saw Zhang Jufang, Chen Mei, and Zhao Xia today.

The profile which Bo Jinyan had suggested suddenly flashed through Jian Yaos mind:

A local person, very familiar with the surroundings.

Someone whom Fu Wei possibly had prior contact with.

The Yao household courtyard was not monitored. The night of the crime, it would not have been difficult to exit without being noticed. However, this was only a guess because without being there, it would be hard to prove.

They were looking for someone who usually repressed his or her emotions, with signs of schizophrenia, and yet someone who did not express these feelings while working. Some situation had to have occurred- something that impacted this persons life greatly which would cause long-term stress.

Possibly, the suspect could be a woman, as long as she was strong enough.

Unable to engage in complex or high-level work. Among Yao Yuanges five wives, one idled at home, another was, at most, in charge of the accounts, and while the other two were managers at the restaurant, this was not high-level work. Even the no. 1 wife Ming Lan, who was supposed to be the boss at the bar . . .she was only temporarily helping out her man, and had a host of subordinates to do the work. What work was there for her to actually do?

Looking at it this way, all of them actually fit the profile. Moreover, they were a better fit than the people who were previously investigated. Could Fu Weis killer be hidden amongst them? Could she and Fu Wei really have had a previous entanglement which no one knew about?

However, the women of the Yao household  and the murder case seemed to be separated by an insurmountable distance.

Fang Qing said, Right now, we have no evidence. We summoned them too hastily. I will find a way to obtain their fingerprints so we can do an initial comparison.

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