Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss R18

Chapter 206

206 Too Good to be True

Regardless, I tried again and then again. By that time, I was so paranoid that I was certain that the two of them were together. As to why they were together, maybe I didn’t even want to know.

Seriously, if they were so into each other, why didn’t they get married back when they were engaged?

“Is something the matter?” Jeremy asked with a look of concern on his face.

I must have been showing signs of my stress and frustration so openly that Jeremy took notice. After forcing a smile onto my lips, I lied and told him that everything was fine. Jeremy gave me a doubtful look but decided to drop the matter altogether. Thankfully, he decided to leave me alone before heading toward the crew.

Alone and confused, I couldn’t do anything but stare at the screen of my phone as my hand shook in my panic. All my mind could think of was all the times that I saw Ace and Elizabeth together. Had they somehow been involved all along from the beginning, but I just didn’t realize it? Or did this affair of theirs just started recently because I had been too busy with work to give Ace the attention that he needed?

My head started to throb, and I felt like I wanted to throw up. Feeling dizzy and nauseated, I headed towards the van so that at least, I could hide behind it away from the other people. There was no way that I wanted anyone to see me like this. Pressing my back up against the side of the van, I closed my eyes and concentrated on taking deep breaths to calm myself.

There is no proof that Ace is with Elizabeth right now. He could be somewhere else with someone else and the same applied to Elizabeth. This whole episode might be the result of Kyle’s panic and unreasonable insecurities. That was what I told myself, although I had serious trouble believing it myself. The timing was just too perfect. Both of them are not answering their phone at the same time and we had no idea where they were.

I looked around me at the field of tall grass while I wondered again why I was sent here. Did Ace send me here just so that he could get away? Did he send me here so that I wouldn’t be in their way?

Did he really have to go that far just to meet up with Elizabeth?


So much for saying that I was going to place my trust in him. This happens and I lose all my nerves and started doubting him. Everything was suspicious to me and soon I was biting my nails in my frustration. I made my way around the bus to spy on the crew members who were still busy packing up their equipment.

How long am I going to be stuck here? Why can’t we quickly head back so I can try to find Ace?

Seriously, how long does it take to pack away some filming equipment?

I was so irritated that I started blaming everything and everyone although I knew deep down that it wasn’t their fault at all. My hands gripped my phone so tightly that it hurt. When I was about to give Ace another call, my phone started vibrating in my hand. My eyes widened when I saw that it was Kyle who was calling me and not Ace calling me back. Honestly, I didn’t want to talk to Kyle at all, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he had something important to tell me. After all, he was calling instead of texting me.

“What is it?” I asked immediately after connecting the line.

“Were you able to get a hold of Ace?” Kyle asked with clear urgency in his tone.

“No. What about you?” I asked.

“No luck on my end. Elizabeth just texted that she’ll be back home late. That’s all,” Kyle said, and I could hear his frustration.

Great. In other words, we were at the same place where we started without any progress.

“I’m hanging up. Don’t call me if there’s nothing important to update,” I said curtly before immediately hanging up.

Where are you, Ace?

I wanted to give him another call, but I knew that he probably won’t pick up. Unable to stop myself any further, I opened up his calendar to see whom he had his last meeting with. I had the phone numbers of all his managers in case I needed to contact them so maybe it wouldn’t be too strange if I gave one or two of them a call to ask about Ace’s whereabouts. Maybe they would know something or at least they could tell me what time he left after their meeting?

By that time, I was so desperate that I had to do something even if it would lead to nothing new just to keep myself from going crazy right there on the stop. When I was about to call one of the managers, there was some ruckus from where the other people were. Suddenly, people were laughing and talking loudly. That perked my curiosity, and I made my way around the van again to take a peek at what was going on on the other side.

“I never thought that you would turn up. Are you here to spy on us, Mr. CEO?” the director spoke up loudly in his booming voice.

The other crew members laughed along with their director’s joke. While taking in the scene that was unfolding in front of me, I almost dropped my phone to the floor in pure shock.

Ace is here.

How is this even possible? When did he get here? Why is he here? Why didn’t he tell me anything about this?

Countless questions flooded my mind as Ace laughed along with the directors and the other members of the filming crew and production team. Jeremy, being the diligent man that he was, quickly made his way to Ace’s side to undoubtedly report the progress of our work. I blinked my eyes rapidly a couple of times as I struggled to believe what I was seeing.

–To be continued...

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