Love The Psycho

Chapter 100: On a rainy day.

Chapter 100: On a rainy day.

Liyah finished watching her drama and August was still sound asleep. She didn't want to disturb her, so, Liyah gently placed her head on a pillow beside her and stood up. She went into her workshop and started cleaning up the place.

Lately, she hadn't had the opportunity to do any sewing or designing because of what happened. Now that things were going back to normal, she needed to work on her designs and send them to the factory for the mass production.

Liyah packed most of the designs she discarded on the floor and gathered them together. She placed them in a paper box and went back to sit on the chair. She spread the current designs she was working on the working table and looked at them. This was her first work as a solo designer and she wanted everything to be perfect.

Being a perfectionist at heart, Liyah took her time in designing her clothes. To her, clothes weren't just meant for wearing to cover body parts. Clothes meant so much more to her. Liyah viewed clothes as a part of life. A life that showed confidence and capability. Clothes defined people.

Liyah wanted her clothes to be able to apt the confidence of women. She wanted women to feel that there wasn't anything they couldn't achieve once they put her clothes on. She wanted her designs to speak out for themselves but she was scared to. She was scared that things were going on too smoothly for her.

She hadn't heard from Josh Saint again since that time at the hospital which was oddly strange to her because she knew Josh Saint wasn't one to stop or keep calm after suffering such humiliation that day.

Deciding not to ponder much into it, she picked her phone and dialled the factory manager's number and it went through.

Liyah leaned on her table as she spoke with the manager ''hello, this is Liyah Myers. I contacted you a month ago about some designs I wanted your company to help me with in terms of mass production? I haven't been able to get in touch again due to some personal reasons''

''Yes, Miss Myers. Actually, I was going to give you a call after not hearing from you. Is like this, we have a new CEO and she asked that all new contracts be passed through him before final decisions could be made. It will be good if you came to see him yourself?''

''That's what is it? Alright, then can you give me his secretary's number. I will call and book an appointment first'' Liyah said to the manager. Liyah wondered why there was such a rule because previously when she was at her company, they would usually contact the factory manager and everything will be settled but since that was now a company policy because of their new CEO, Liyah couldn't say much. She quickly dialled the secretary's number and it went through.

''Hello, this is Mina speaking'' the secretary answered after a few rings.

''Hi, this is Liyah Myers. I would like to book an appointment with your CEO'' Liyah spoke confidently over the phone.

''May I ask what kind of appointment this is?'' the lady called Mina asked over the phone. Her voice seemed strange.

''I would like to talk to him about a mass production I was hoping the factory would make for me. I am having a fashion show scheduled for two months' time''

''What is the name of your company if I may ask? The CEO doesn't accept individual persons' productions except for those who have a company''

''I see. well, I am starting over due to some reasons but I can assure you this is a genuine business. I would like to book an appointment and discuss further with your CEO, please?''

''Alright, I will let the CEO know and get back to you'' Mina said and the phone hung up immediately. Liyah looked at the phone and frowned. Were secretaries allowed to behave this way towards people now?

''Someone pooped on you?''

Liyah turned and saw August Maijune at the door ''you are awake? I hope I didn't wake you up?'' Liyah asked and sat down. August went inside and shook her head.

''No, you didn't wake me up. My alarm did. Is raining crazily out there" August looked at Liyah and asked "what's wrong? You look down?'' August asked as she pulled a chair closer to Liyah and sat down.

''That was the factory I contacted for the mass production of my designs. They said they recently got a new CEO and he has placed a policy that all mass productions were to pass through his scrutiny before production started''

''Then, you should send that new CEO your designs?'' August said.

''I called his secretary just now to ask for a time to meet him but she was going on about how the CEO didn't want to meet individuals who didn't have a company to represent them'' Liyah said and sighed adding ''anyways, is not as simply as it looks''.

''Explain to me'' August said.

''Having a factory to look through your designs could rise plagiarism if care of not taken. Most fashion houses usually don't allow such a thing because once the designs go to the factory administration and you don't have a strong backer, your work could easily be plagiarised. But, that is not even the problem. The problem is that; the CEO won't even meet with any designer who worked alone. It has more to do with having investors and partners''.

''That is bad. Then, how about we do this. You need a partner and investor to be able to start a company and for the factory to accept your work. Isn't it? I also want to start doing something for myself. How about we join hands and make this work?''

''I don't understand what you mean?'' Liyah said.

''How could you be slow-witted at the wrong time. Is very simple. What I mean is that, I am willing to be your business partner. I have money from my parent's trust fund. Wait, did I just say my parents trust fund? How did I suddenly remember something like that?'' August spoke and Liyah looked at her.

''August, did you just remember something about yourself?'' Liyah asked and straightened her posture on the chair.

''I don't know. It just came to me. I don't know how I suddenly remembered something like that'' August said and felt confused with herself. She frowned and felt a sudden shiver over her whole body.

''August, are you alright?'' Liyah stood up and touched her cautiously while she asked.

''I don't know; I just feel weird suddenly likelike'' August couldn't finish her sentence as she felt dizzy all of a sudden. She felt like her head was going round in circles.

''August, what is it. Don't scare me?'' Liyah said.

August tried to stand on her feet and felt dizzy. She held unto Liyah's shoulder and stuttered.

''Big sis, call Dr. Kash. I don't feel well suddenly''. August managed to speak the words out.

''Okay, let me send you to the whole first and call Kash'' Liyah said and helped August to the hall.

An hour later, Kash arrived and removed his raincoat and saw Aaron, Leo and Liyah in the hall. August was unconscious as she laid on the sofa.

''What happened to her?'' Kash asked as he put his medical box down and knelt on one knee beside August.

''I don't know. We were just talking about my designs and she suddenly remembered something about her parents leaving her a trust fund before she started acting strange. She first felt dizzy and then fainted'' Liyah narrated everything to Kash and sighed helplessly. Leo touched her hand and squeezed it gently saying.

''Don't worry, Kash is here. August Maijune will be fine''. Liyah nodded.

''She seems to be running a fever'' Kash said after running some random checks on her ''but we will have to do an MRI on her to know more about the cause. She probably fainted due to exhaustion. Her mind must be trying to remember certain expects of her life she probably didn't know about or something her other personalities knew about''.

''Will she be fine?'' Aaron asked as he sat closer to August Maijune.

''She will be fine. I will give her some injections that will help her regain consciousness soon. Don't worry too much. August Maijune is a tough nut. She will be fine'' Kash assured Aaron and opened his medical box. Her removed an injection cleaned August hand with a wet alcoholic cotton.

''She will probably sleep for a while before she wakes up. When she wakes up tomorrow, we will do the rest of the test and scan at the hospital'' Kash told them.

''The last time, you said nothing showed up in her MRI and that she was fine?'' Leo asked.

''Medically wise in terms of ailment, she is fine but the problem with August Maijune isn't about her general health. It had to do with her mental health. Her DID which she currently refuses treatment is the problem. I only hope that no new personality shows up before she agrees to the therapy''

''What happens if another personality appears before that?'' Aaron asked worriedly.

''It will only bring trouble and make it more difficult for her to get treated fast. The sooner she agrees to the therapy, the quicker her recovery will be'' Kash said and they looked at each other.

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