Love The Psycho

Chapter 78: The Trap 2

Chapter 78: The Trap 2

Rowena entered the hospital dressed in black with a mask over her face. She walked to the stairs and sat down waiting for the news of her victory. She sat on the stairs relaxed and waited.


'Is time for the young miss to take her medicine and injection'. The nurse spoke as she entered and saw Liyah sitting.

Liyah stood up and smiled as she gave them way. The nurse gave the man a sign and he went behind Liyah and removed a handkerchief ready to cover Liyah's nose.

Liyah already knew what was going to happen so she pretended and acted normal. When she felt the man's hand coming in contact with her, the curtains suddenly opened and four soldiers emerged with fully loaded with arms.

The plate in the nurse's hands dropped as Leo emerged and spoke 'drop that plate down. The man turned to hit the soldier behind him and the other soldiers rushed on him and subdued him.

'Didn't your mother tell you to not touch another man's woman?' Leo kicked him and he fell to his knees. He turned to the nurse and looked at her adding 'how can a beautiful woman like you be so dumb?'

The nurse fell to her knees pleading 'please, please, I was wrong. Someone paid me to do it. Please spare my life.

'Who was it? The one who paid you?' Liyah asked. Just then Aaron and Kash walked in.

'Is Rowena' Aaron told them.

'Rowena?' Liyah turned to Aaron and asked 'that girl doesn't really know when to stop'.

'We saw her entering the hospital. She went towards the stairs. I guess that is where she is supposed to meet them. The police are already on their way to arrest her'. Leo said as he held and squeezed Liyah's waist.

'Send them away, hand over the nurse to the police and send this man somewhere else and teach him a lesson before you hand him over to the police'. Aaron told the soldiers and they nodded their heads and pulled the man up.

'Let's go and meet Rowena'. Aaron turned to Leo and spoke.

'Okay, babe, I will be back'. Liyah nodded and sat by August.


The police arrested Rowena and handcuffed her as she struggled. They pushed her out towards the entrance and she saw the nurse and the man she hired with the soldiers and Aaron.

'Let me go, I have something to say to Aaron Saint'. Rowena said as she shook off the hands of the police.

Aaron and Leo got to her and she laughed saying 'you managed to save her this time. But, will you be lucky the next time? You think I am the only one who wants her dead? Let me tell you, Aaron Saint. There will be more attempts on her life. I am not the only one after the psychopath's life'.

'Really? Tell me. Who will be daring enough to harm what's mine? I just caught you and I will catch every other person who acts foolishly like you did.

I thought you will be smart to stay away after escaping the slum but, a fool will always be a fool. You just had to act like an annoying fly. If anything had happened to August Maijune, you wouldn't be alive. This time around, not even Josh or your grandmother will be able to get you out of the prison. Have a nice life there' Aaron said and smiled.

Rowena glared at him and tried to attack him and the police immediately held her back.

'Aaron Saint, this is not the end. I promise you, that girl is going to die sooner or later'. Rowena barked as the police sent her away.

The senior nurse stood up and got out of the counter and walked to the soldiers holding the nurse and the man. she raised her hand and gave the nurse a slap on the cheek saying 'how dare you try to damage the image of our hospital. I thought you were an upright person? I was really mistaken this time'. The senior nurse spoke and walked away.

She was the one who brought her to the hospital after she saw her working as a part-timer in a restaurant even with her nursing certificate. She never thought she brought in someone who would bit her back later on.


It was late into the night when Josh got news about Rowena and he fled into a rage. He had suspected that she was up to something but he didn't know what it was. He had warned her several times to stay away from Aaron Saint until the right time but she just wouldn't listen.

Now that she was arrested, he really didn't know what to do. He knew exactly the kind of person Aaron Saint was. It would be difficult to get her out of prison this time.

Josh Saint picked his phone and made several calls to several people in the armed forces and the police department but he never got any good news. All his calls were either hung up or didn't go through.

Josh Saint was sure that Aaron Saint and Leo Martins had a hand in this matter. There was no way he could be able to get Rowena Myers out without going through them. He had to think about something and use it against them or he could lobby with them.

Josh sat on the bed and thought of something. He smiled and murmured the name to himself 'Liyah Myers. Why haven't I thought of her?' Josh smiled and picked his phone again to make a call.

The next day.

August Maijune felt something wet on her forehead. Her body was hot, she was having a fever and Aaron Saint was wiping her body with a wet towel. He soaked the towel and squeezed it and stood up. He raised his hand and drew closer to August's face and started wiping her forehead with it.

August felt a hot breath on her face and opened her eyes slowly coming into close contact with Aaron's lips. Maybe because Aaron was concentrating on her forehead he failed to notice that the girl was now awake and was staring at him as he continued to wipe her with the towel.

August Maijune could smell his cologne and his natural body scent. Her face became hot as she blushed looking at his moist lips. Her heart started beating fasted at that moment. She closed her eyes at once and heaved a breath.

Her hot breath touched Aaron Saint's face and he now turned and looked at her. He realised how closed he was to her and stared at her lips.

Even though August's eyes were shut, her senses told her that the man was still close and was probably looking at her. The hair on her neck stood up and she decided to open her eyes and came into contact with Aaron's eyes.

They looked at each other and she flushed making her face turn crimson red.

Aaron furrowed his brows and said looking at her 'why is your face so red? Are you not feeling well somewhere?' Aaron said and instinctively raised his hand and touched face.

August stiffened and blushed. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and opened them again.

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