Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 244

244 Back to the first place

Zwetta became the last person whose name was called by the airport officials, with a jog Zwetta rushed to the departure gate which was about to close. With only a medium-sized backpack Zwetta ran towards the plane that was ready to fly, several times Zwetta apologized to other passengers who saw her with disapproving looks. As the person who caused the flight to be slightly delayed Zwetta was self-aware enough to apologize immediately.

“Ahhh good luck,” said Zwetta, relieved when she sat in her chair in the best position.

A flight attendant who had finished explaining the mandatory rules for passengers stopped beside Zwetta. “Please fasten your seat belts, Miss. In two minutes the plane will take off.”

“Ah yes....sorry, sorry. I forgot,” Zwetta said quickly, as fast as her hands reached out and put on her seat belt to protect her body from the shock.

The beautiful flight attendant smiled broadly when she saw Zwetta managed to fasten her seat belt. “Enjoy your flight with us,” she said back in a friendly manner.

“Thank you.”

The beautiful flight attendant smiled again in response to Zwetta’s words, because the plane was about to take off, the flight attendant then rushed to her place to quickly put on a seat belt like the other passengers. In less than two minutes, the American-made plane slowly moved and managed to take the air beautifully, through the dark American skies towards Switzerland, one of the most beautiful countries in Europe that Zwetta desperately wanted to visit.

Once the plane was in the air for almost ten minutes, the flight attendant who had previously asked Zwetta to put on her seat belt came back. This time the flight attendant came to provide dinner for the passengers, including Zwetta, who was busy sending messages to Robin. Two hours ago, when Zwetta arrived at Robin’s house and the others were not home due to attending an event at one of Robin’s school friends in Washington DC. That’s why Zwetta could leave easily without having to argue with Robin first.

Not being too hungry, the only dish Zwetta touched was the wine the flight attendant gave her last. Even though she had flown many times, but still when she was above the altitude like now, Zwetta felt a little dizzy and wine was the best medicine to relieve the pain that was whacking her.


Zwetta, who was already sitting back with her hands still shaking the glass of wine, looked straight at the dark night through the large window beside her. Until this moment when she was on the plane, Zwetta still didn’t understand why she suddenly wanted to go to Switzerland. As if an invisible force kept pushing her to immediately go to one of the most beautiful countries at this time, Zwetta was completely confused by the decision she had made without thinking twice.

With one gulp, Zwetta finished one of her favorite drinks and immediately returned the crystal glass to the flight attendant who happened to be back beside her.

“You don’t want dinner, Miss?”

Zwetta smiled. “The drowsiness that attacks me is much stronger, Mary,” Zwetta answered quietly while mentioning the name of the flight attendant who had spoken to her many times.

The mention of her name by the passenger she was serving made the smile on the flight attendant’s face grow wider. “Well then, I’ll get rid of this food from you. I’ll serve it again if you ask for it, Miss.”

“Thank you, Mary,” Zwetta said sincerely.

The beautiful stewardess nodded slowly and hurried away from Zwetta to continue her other duties, as soon as the flight attendant left her, Zwetta then adjusted the chair where she was sitting so that she could be used to lie down more comfortably. The seven hour and forty minute journey was going to be a long one for her, which was why Zwetta decided to sleep for the next few hours.

“Patience, Zee... you’ll be in Switzerland in less than eight hours. Now you should sleep more and save your curiosity for the time being.” Zwetta spoke to herself when she had covered herself with the blanket that the flight attendant had prepared beforehand. “You have ten days to explore that country, so let’s go to sleep and get rid of that discomfort that keeps bothering you.”

After casting a spell to calm herself down, Zwetta tried to sleep. Today had been a really messed up day for her, from waking up in the morning to meeting an old woman who said she had children, to the big urge to visit Switzerland. In less than five minutes, Zwetta finally fell asleep. After a day’s activities, sleep is the only best medicine to rest all her sore muscles.


Clarke Mansion, Geneva, Switzerland. 8.30 AM.

Because Luna’s condition has started to stabilize, Christian then ventured to go home. It was the mountains of files waiting to be finished at the office that made Christian have to give up his time with Luna to get back to work.

With hasty steps, Christian exits his room. Because he was too focused on the tie around his neck, Christian almost bumped into Suri who happened to also just come out of her room. Luckily at the right time Christian managed to stop his steps, so the collision that must have hurt did not happen.

“Watch your step, little girl,” Christian grumbles in annoyance.

“Who’s the little girl?” said Suri was annoyed, Suri who was so shocked because she almost collided with Christian was more irritated to hear the words that came from her brother’s lips. “I’m twenty-four this year, huh!”

Christian chuckles. “Really? Why did I forget you’re twenty-four years old, huh?”


Christian laughed again, without straightening the tie that was bothering his neck first, Christian then wrapped his arms around Suri’s shoulders. “Ok..ok... don’t be angry, it’s still early to be angry.”

“I’m not angry,” said Suri curtly.

“If you’re not angry give me your best smile then,” Christian says back, teasing Suri.

Suri, who feels uncomfortable in her current position, tries to free herself from Christian’s arms, but because of Christian’s strong arms wrapped around her shoulders, what Suri does is in vain. Christian’s embrace actually entrenched in her body.


“Let’s go downstairs, let’s eat together. Hearing your fake voice really makes me hungry.”

“What? My voice is fake?”

Christian, who was really hungry, chose not to respond to Suri’s words, he preferred to continue his steps towards the stairs while still not letting go of his embrace to Suri, who inevitably had to follow his steps. Arriving at the stairs Suri had restrained herself from following Christian’s steps down the stairs, Suri looked doubtful and afraid.

Christian who managed to read Suri’s fear then removed his hand from his sister’s shoulder and said, “I carry it, yes.”

“Huh, what? Carry?”

Christian who had neglected his only sister for a long time then lowered his body and grabbed Suri’s slender body in one try into his arms, Suri who did not immediately scream loudly as her body flew into the air.

“Don’t fight, we’re on the stairs.” Christian warns Suri firmly. “Unless you want to fall, then keep on rebelling.”

Suri who had no other choice decided to stop all attempts at rebellion and let her brother carry her down the stairs to the dining table. Asher and Johan who were already at the dining table first turned in surprise to Christian who was carrying Suri in his arms.

“What happened? Are you sick, Suri?” asked Asher in shock, unable to hide his real surprise.

“Suri is fine,” Christian replies quietly, ahead of Suri who wants to answer Asher’s question. “I just wanted to hold my spoiled little sister this morning.”

“I’m not spoiled!” said Suri loudly.

“Not spoiled, just a little childish,” Asher retorted.

Hearing Asher’s words make Christian chuckle, ever since his move to Geneva eight months ago, his rigid relationship with Asher has begun to thaw. Seeing Asher who often helps Romaria take care of Luna at home makes Christian’s hatred of Asher slowly disappear and this situation has not been smelled by Johan who is still trying to make Asher and Christian remain enemies.

“Asher!” snapped Suri loudly. “Are you actually on my side or Christian’s side?!”

Asher pursed his lips. “I’m on the right side and because what Christian says is true I’m on his side.”

“Asher, you’re annoying!!” screams Suri loudly, trying to reach Asher with both hands once her feet touch the floor again not long after Christian lowers himself.

However, Suri’s intention to reach Asher is stopped by Christian who immediately grabs her hand and forces her to sit on a chair. The next second, without being asked Christian suddenly put two large pieces of grilled sausage on Suri’s plate which Suri immediately protested with a look full of such great protest.

“Come on, let’s eat, don’t make noise. It’s still too early to start a mess that...


The fork in Christian’s hand suddenly fell, hitting the edge of the plate of salad and making a very loud noise.

“What wrong, Christ?” Suri asked quietly, trying to calm down even though she looked so worried at the change in Christian’s face. “You’re okay, aren’t you?”

Asher who is also as worried as Suri has even landed his hand on his adoptive brother’s shoulder with such great fear. “What are you doing, Christ?”

Christian shakes his head slowly, with his eyes still staring blankly at the pile of healthy and delicious food in front of him Christian says, “I suddenly felt Elena’s presence.”



Christian shakes his head again. “I..I can’t explain, I just feel that if Elena is This isn’t around me. Will she...”

Christian suddenly stopped his words, his body also straightened up perfectly, Christian turned to Asher and Suri alternately. “Elena won’t take Luna by force from me, will she?”

Without waiting for an answer from Asher and Suri , Christian immediately got up from his seat and immediately ran towards the exit leaving everyone still looking so confused by what had just happened.

“Asher,” Suri stammered.

Asher who understood immediately grabbed Suri’s hand and squeezed it gently. “Calm down, Suri. I will immediately contact Uncle at the hospital.”

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