Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 124: My heartbeat

Late at night.

In the city guard camp.

Kuai Xue sat cross-legged on the knee, Wei Yan with his back to the curtain, sitting alone in the military tent.

The tent was pitch black, with no light.

And Zhao Lang sat directly outside the tent, on the other side of the curtain.

The raised brazier burned in front of him, casting a red glow on his face.

The two sat back to back, separated by the curtain.

The patrolling soldiers did not look sideways, as if they were used to this scene.

It seemed that Zhao Lang had no intention of entering the tent, and Wei Yan had no intention of coming out.

Whenever he couldn't control his killing intent, Wei Yan would lock himself in the tent.

And at such times, Zhao Lang would also sit outside the tent.

They had lost count of how many times this had happened.

It felt like it had become a part of life.

"Do you think I am pitiful?" Wei Yan suddenly asked through the curtain.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just suddenly thought of it. On this journey, I have been alone, without family or friends."

"You have family and friends."

"The Wei surname doesn't count."

"Hehehe." Zhao Lang chuckled softly, seeming to feel both helpless and amused by Wei Yan's rare childishness.

"I'm serious." Wei Yan added.

"I'm also laughing seriously." Zhao Lang smiled and said, "Aren't I your friend?"

There was silence in the tent, a silence that made people think he had fallen asleep.

Then there was a voice that continued to sound: "You see, I always forget these things, always overlook others. I can only see myself and my sword. I thought I was different from that person, but maybe I'm the same."

"That's how geniuses are. Geniuses don't need to see what ordinary people see, geniuses have their own world." Zhao Lang said, "And in my opinion, you are not the same."

"What kind of genius am I?"

"Ah, it seems like you're saying that I'm not working hard enough. Am I not working hard enough, Wei Yan?"

Another silence.

Only the crackling sound of the flames in the brazier.

After a silent sigh, Wei Yan asked from inside the tent, "I never thought about it before. But now I sometimes wonder, did I make a mistake in that matter...?"

There was no need to ask, Zhao Lang knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Shen Nanqi has his own thoughts. But you are not wrong, that was the best choice. It's better to live than to die together." Zhao Lang paused and added, "If it were me, I would have made the same choice."

"Would you really make the same choice?"

Sitting back to back through the curtain, it seemed that this was the way they had always confided in each other.

Wei Yan, who was always unstoppable, seemed to only seek answers to his questions from Zhao Lang.

Zhao Lang laughed, his teeth were white, and he smiled brightly, "Of course."


It was an incredibly long night.

Jiang Wang was tormented by an uneasy feeling all night long.

Every time he closed his eyes, the dark vortex appeared before him.

In order not to disturb An An, he couldn't toss and turn in bed.

He lay quietly on the bed, looking at the dark ceiling, and didn't close his eyes all night.

Until just before dawn, an even more terrifying change occurred.

The black candle in the Tongtian Palace suddenly started to flicker.

It jumped and danced, as if it had gained spirituality but was also frightened by something.

And at this moment, his Dao veins' true spirit, the coiling star spirit snake, was swimming far away, coiled up into a ball, trembling.

The Tongtian Palace was where the great dragon of the Dao veins originally resided, the origin of all mysteries, naturally affecting spiritual perception.

With such an ominous signal coming from the Tongtian Palace, he had no idea what had happened.

There was only one instinct, a sense of fear.

Just as the sky was getting bright, Jiang Wang got up and went straight to the Daoist Academy to find Dong A.

"Dong Shi! I suspect that the White Bone Sect has taken action! Yesterday, Senior Shen Nanqi was attacked when he left the Qichang Mountains. Instead of killing him directly, the other party chose to surround and attack him.

And then in Xiaolin Town, a team from the Daoist Academy that went to assist has disappeared. Looking back at the mission records, it is clear which senior brothers it was. The fact that the Daoist Academy cultivators were targeted like this is not a coincidence!

And combined with what happened on Niutou Mountain... the White Bone Sect has started to take action!"

Dong A pondered for a moment, "You go back first. This matter must not be leaked out, remember not to startle the snake."

Jiang Wang murmured, "Dong Shi, I feel very uneasy, as if something bad is about to happen. What are they doing, what do they want to do?"

He couldn't describe the changes in the Tongtian Palace, because it was impossible to open the Tongtian Palace for Dong A to see.

"Your heart is in chaos, go back and rest well."

"You must handle it with caution!" The sense of urgency in his heart made Jiang Wang somewhat at a loss for words. He thought of every person he could think of in his mind, even at the risk of exposing many things he had experienced, "The Saintess of the White Bone Sect is very strong, but there are even stronger people in their sect who she fears. You can contact Ji Si Shou, the head of the Criminal Investigation Department, he should be near Wangjiang City. You can also contact the Qinghe Water Mansion, yes, the Lord of Qinghe Mansion is very strong. We have had a covenant with the Qinghe Water Mansion for hundreds of years, he will definitely be willing to help..."

"That's enough, calm down!" Dong A stopped him, "Things are not as serious as you think, even if the sky falls, it's not your turn to bear it."

"But... but..." Jiang Wang's hair stood on end.

At the same time, he kept telling himself to stay calm. Suppressing his emotions with the well-tempered Dao heart.

He had faced life and death and had been tested for a long time. With his temperament, it was impossible for him to be so frightened.

Perhaps it was the black candle in the Tongtian Palace that had "infected" him.

Emotions can be transmitted, especially in such a secretive place as the Tongtian Palace, especially when this black candle is so closely connected to him.

However, why would a treasure with its own spirituality like the black candle be so frightened?

"There are no 'buts'. I have my own arrangements for this matter." Dong A said.Jiang Wang still couldn't feel at ease, so he asked, "Have you investigated Mount Bullhead? Has there been any progress on Fang Heling's side?"

Seeing his increasingly absurd questions, Dong Ah frowned and said, "On Fang Heling's side, the Criminal Investigation Department is still conducting routine interrogations. With Xiao Jiaoxi overseeing, there won't be any problems."

"Also, regarding the whole matter of the Bone Path, I have already informed Wei Quji and reported to the court. This level of affairs is not something you can interfere with, I can only say this much."

Dong Ah rarely comforted, "Go home and get a good night's sleep. Don't worry, no matter what disaster you face, it will pass."

Will it... pass?

Just then, a disciple from the Daoist Academy called from outside the door, "Master Dong, Dean Song invites you over. He says there's an ancient pill recipe that needs your help to study."

"I understand, I'll go right now."

Dong Ah first responded to the outside, then stood up, giving Jiang Wang a deep look, "You should go home first."


Jiang Wang could only forcibly suppress his unease. He had done everything he could.

Indeed, as Dong Ah said, he couldn't intervene in other matters.

Leaving Dong Ah's small courtyard, the black candle in the Heavenly Palace was still flickering up and down.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump......

Like the sound of a heartbeat.

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