Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 126: My heart is like a broken moon hook

While running, Wang Changxiang's hair stood on end.

His excellent combat skills allowed him to quickly activate his cultivation technique and prepare to strike at the first opportunity.

Of course, he couldn't just leave like this. Instead, he directly rammed into the door!

The door was sent flying.

He crashed into the bedroom.

But there was no one else in the bedroom, no evildoer holding his older brother hostage as he had imagined.

There was only his older brother alone in the room.

At that moment, his older brother was curled up in a ball, huddled on the bed.

His hands were behind his head, but they were covered in blood, with a few strands of orange fluff on them.

Little Orange's fluff.

Wang Changxiang released his cultivation technique and rushed to the bedside, grabbing hold of him. "Brother, brother! What happened to you?"

Wang Changji's face was twisted and contorted, becoming ferocious. He pushed hard against the wall, waving his hands in front of him in a frenzy, trying to drive away his younger brother.

"Don't come any closer! Stay away..."

He was almost in tears, almost begging.

He then roared in anger, shouting, "Get out! Get far away!"

"Brother! What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!" Wang Changxiang grabbed his flailing hands, ignoring the bloodstains and tears streaming down his face. "What happened? Let's face it together, as brothers."


Wang Changxiang heard a sigh.

It sounded like a sigh, but also like a release.

Then he felt his hands being reversed as his older brother grabbed hold of them.

His older brother's hands were ice-cold.

He saw Wang Changji lift his head from his curled-up position and look at him silently.

The twisted struggle on his face disappeared completely, replaced by calm and tranquility.

And his voice became unusually cold, without any warmth or fluctuation.

"The time has come."

He said.

The icy and surging power almost immediately rushed into the position where their hands touched, breaking through Wang Changxiang's instinctive defense!

He felt his blood freeze, his cultivation freeze, and even his thoughts began to freeze.

He moved his lips, trying to make one last sound. "Brother..."

But his voice also froze.

Along with his breath.

Wang Changji let go of his hands, and Wang Changxiang collapsed in front of him.

His limbs spread out, his head tilted back towards the sky, his final gaze calm.

No one knew what he thought of in his final moments.

Wang Changji stood up, pulled the bedsheet over, and calmly wiped the bloodstains off his hands. There was no trace of sorrow in his eyes. Or rather, from this moment on, he had lost all emotions.

He began to walk out.

Wang Changxiang's body lay in front of him.

He lifted his foot, ready to step over.

But halfway through lifting his foot, he stopped.

He noticed a delicate bottle hanging from Wang Changxiang's belt.

The aura inside the bottle made even someone like him feel its preciousness.

He bent down gently, reached out, and took the bottle.

The name of the bottle was written on it - "Tuomai Spirit Liquid."

Wang Changji stood up straight, stepped over the corpse, and continued walking out.

There was no expression on his face.

But for some reason.

His eyes were filled with tears.



"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! All the ferocious beasts have gone mad! Even the demonic beasts!"

"Quick, send a message to Xin'an City!"

"The communication array is malfunctioning, the message can't get through!"

On Feilai Peak, the boiling emotions suddenly quieted down.

Everyone understood what this meant.

When Sun Hengqing attacked Shubi Peak, Zhuang Ting did not expect it, or rather, Zhuang Ting's side had conflicting attitudes. The cultivators guarding Shubi Peak did not receive any orders and did not dare to reveal their identities by confronting the city lord of Yiyu.

It was thought that the surging tide of beasts would eventually force the Three Mountains City team to retreat, but no one expected Sun Hengqing to go against the current and break through the beast tide alone.

For the first time, Yuheng Peak faced the danger of being overturned. The grand national minister, Du Ruhui, personally intervened to stop Dou Yuemei.

But no one expected that someone would take advantage of the county's grand competition and Du Ruhui's presence in Xin'an to attack Yuheng Peak.

Now, there was only Feilai Peak left in the Three Mountains City region.

Indeed, there were many places hidden with beast dens within the borders of Zhuang Country, used to nurture demonic beasts.

But dens of this level, like Feilai Peak, were almost strategic-level resources. Losing any one of them would be a huge loss.

That's why someone like Du Ruhui, a powerhouse of his level, would personally go multiple times.

Zhuang Country couldn't afford any more losses.

"There are people! Someone is charging up!"

"Are they from the White Bone Path or from Yong Country?"

With the internal turmoil of the ferocious beasts and the madness of the demonic beasts, and the external attack, the defense was rapidly being broken through.

Trapped and isolated, with no way to call for help.

They couldn't even accurately determine where the enemy came from because everything happened so suddenly.

There was no preparation beforehand, and no trace of any kind.

Someone had covered up everything.

In the midst of this boiling chaos, in this state of panic and helplessness.

A law enforcement cultivator didn't hesitate and slashed his own throat with his sword!

Blood gushed out from the severed windpipe, splashing the person in front of him.

Every cultivator stationed on Feilai Peak had their soul bound by a secret technique. Once they died, there would be an immediate reaction from Xin'an City.

He had no other choice but to transmit the message through death.

The cultivator, whose face was suddenly splattered with blood, wiped his cheek and drew his sword, charging down the mountain.

"Kill! Kill them!"

"Before the grand minister arrives, we can't let them advance any further!"

Apart from the few cultivators who were constantly trying to repair the grand formation, almost all the cultivators stationed here roared and charged down the mountain together.

These cultivators were all under the jurisdiction of the law enforcement department, but no one would remember their names. They were also dressed in the uniform of the law enforcement department, but their names were not listed in the department.

Because they were tasked with such secretive missions, they were doing things they themselves were unwilling to do.

They carried shame and guilt, yet looked up to pride and honor.

They harmed innocent people, yet protected the future of the Zhuang Kingdom.

What kind of people were they?

How would history judge them?

That might be important, or perhaps not.

At this point in time, at this point in the situation, there was only one choice left.

From my high vantage point, I will not falter!


The attack on Flying Peak had begun, and the decades-long plan of the White Bone Path was fully underway, entering its final stages.

As the Saintess of the White Bone Path, Miaoyu felt lost.

Because she was still hesitating whether to initiate the third choice that had been designed long ago, using the third matter promised by Jiang Wang, to help Daozi awaken.

She knew that once the plan was carried out to the last step, if she had not taken action, all her previous efforts would be in vain.

By then, the Respected God would have descended, and Daozi's awakening would have nothing to do with her.

During those difficult times in the past, she was told countless times that she was the Saintess of the White Bone Path. She would assist the awakened White Bone Daozi in cleansing this ugly world.

Daozi would be her Dao companion.

This had always been her spiritual support, the reason why she had come this far.

So she had always been infatuated and obsessed, longing for the Daozi who had not yet appeared but would eventually appear.

So after confirming that Jiang Wang was the reincarnation of Daozi, she could even risk her life for him without hesitation.

As the Saintess of the White Bone Path, she was also very clear that the awakened Daozi was the real Daozi.

Everything before this was just confusion in the womb, delusions in the mortal world.

That's why she prepared three choices for Jiang Wang, to help him awaken quickly.

However, she couldn't explain why she had hesitated for so long.

So much so that time slipped away bit by bit.

She could never have believed that she, who had grown up fighting among fierce beasts and had believed in the White Bone Respected God since she became conscious, would have such a feeling of hesitation.

But the ultimate irony was - while she was still hesitating, Daozi... had already awakened.

Perhaps the White Bone Respected God did not trust His believers, or perhaps something unexpected had happened.

The time was not consistent with the divine oracle, but he had indeed awakened.

As the current Saintess of the White Bone, the destined sense of closeness would not deceive her.

At this moment, somewhere, the White Bone Daozi had awakened.

And the only thing she could be sure of was that the reincarnated body of the White Bone Daozi was not Jiang Wang.

It was not Jiang Wang!

Miaoyu couldn't tell whether she was relieved or regretful.



PS: The first 300,000 words were all for now. Every chapter from now on will be a climax until the end of the volume. I will do my best to write as well as I can.

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