Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 71: Sun Heng defended Shubi Peak here

What kind of effort was made during those more than 700 days and nights, for a weakling who fled without a fight to transform into a powerful figure who could defeat all the ferocious beasts?

No one else could know.

Jiang Wang and the others just followed his footsteps subconsciously, climbing up and up.

Finally, they stood on the top of Shubi Peak.

There was nothing on the mountaintop but a solitary tomb.

The tomb was small and simple, with only a gravestone in front of it.

Jiang Wang walked over to take a closer look and saw the words carved on it:

Sun Heng defended Shubi Peak here.

The handwriting was elegant and the carving was deep, showing great strength.

"Sun Heng was the lord of Sanshan City two years ago. His wife erected this gravestone for him."

Li Jianqiu said, "The rampant ferocious beasts have been a problem that Sanshan City has had to face since its establishment.

After Sun Heng became the lord of the city, he worked hard to cultivate talents and finally formed a team two years ago to launch a campaign against the ferocious beasts.

His first target was Shubi Peak.

Although they had greatly overestimated the situation, no one could have imagined that so many ferocious beasts, numbering in the tens of thousands, would gather on this mountain!

Where did they get their food? These ferocious beasts were enough to devour the entire Sanshan City.

When they went mad together, no defense could stop them.

I ran away at the time. But I heard that only Sun Heng stood on the front line and never retreated. Not only did he not retreat, he even advanced."

Li Jianqiu continued, "He alone killed his way from the foot of the mountain to the top, and here, right under our feet, he personally killed the leader of that wave of ferocious beasts, the Yin-Yang Double-Headed Eagle. When the month-long eagle cries suddenly stopped, everyone knew what had happened and began a frenzied counterattack.

Shubi Peak was cleared, but Sun Heng also died of exhaustion. It is said that when he died, as an Inner Palace Realm expert, his Five Palaces dried up, and the entire Tongtian Palace collapsed."

How magnificent!

Although he had never seen the man, only heard his name, it was already enough to stir the soul.

Jiang Wang couldn't help but think that only a man like him could have given birth to a daughter like Sun Xiaoman, right?

Standing on the mountaintop, looking around, everything was built on countless bloodshed.

Cultivation, cultivation, was it just for oneself?

Was there no responsibility to the country, no burden to the weak?

Sun Heng, the former lord of Sanshan City, wrote down an answer with his own name.

After bowing a few times in front of the grave, the group turned and descended the mountain.

On the way down, Jiang Wang thought of something and asked, "Senior Brother Li, were you lenient with Sun Xiaoyan's subordinates during the Three-City Debate because of Lord Sun?"

Li Jianqiu asked in return, "Do you know about the Kun Skin Drum?"

"I only know a name, and I heard it from an elder."

"Kun Skin Drum is a permanent solidification defensive technique. Its principle is that the practitioner peels off his own skin, applies Dao runes, and then covers the recipient with it while remaining conscious. It is precisely because the conditions for casting the spell are so harsh that the defense of Kun Skin Drum is so amazing."

Huang Azhan was shocked, "So that chubby kid had it on him?""It's the skin of the late Sun City Lord," Li Jianqiu sighed, "whether as a city lord or as a father, he gave everything."

"To defeat Sun Xiaoyan, either in the arena environment, like Wang Yichui, knock her out of the field, or use all your strength to break the Kun skin drum. I dare not try."

Jiang Wang of course knew that Li Jianqiu's "dare not" was not about facing failure, but about being afraid that once the Kun skin drum was really broken, he would not be able to hold back even if he tried his best. What he was afraid of was the result.

"Senior brother has high morals."

Li Jianqiu shook his head, "Speaking of which, my life was saved by Sun City Lord. Now that the hero is gone, how can I have the face to hurt his son?"

When they reached halfway up the mountain, Jiang Wang suddenly stopped and walked to the giant rock. He condensed a flame sword and wrote a line of words in a dragon and phoenix style behind Li Jianqiu's inscription.

Then Huang Azhan and Zhao Rucheng followed suit.

But on the stone carving, under the "bankrupt dog" Li Jianqiu, another line was written:

Junior student Jiang Wang came to admire the senior's heroism.

Junior student Huang Azhan came to admire the senior's heroism.

Zhao Rucheng, same.

It was certain that Wu Shan, who loved to show off in front of others, would laugh wildly if he saw this scene.

After all, in such a desperate situation, what he thought of in the end was to carve words to boast about himself. His thoughts were different from ordinary people.

However, when they reached the foot of the mountain, Li Jianqiu seemed to have been holding back and holding back, before looking at Zhao Rucheng with a strange look, "Junior Brother Zhao, did you get beaten for being lazy?"

Jiang Wang laughed heartily and hooked Zhao Rucheng's shoulder, saying to Li Jianqiu, "You should go ask my Wild Tiger Brother about this question. You two will have a lot in common!"

"Go away!" Zhao Rucheng pushed Jiang Wang away.

"What should we do next?" Huang Azhan asked, "The task we set before we left has been completed, and Li Senior Brother's wish has been fulfilled. Should we just take the reward and return to Fenglin City?"

Li Jianqiu drew his sword and said, "I have decided to go to Yuheng Peak. The situation there is still intense, and you can go back first."

"I only represent myself," Jiang Wang said without hesitation. "Since I came with Senior Brother, I will naturally go with Senior Brother."

"If you're already on the battlefield, how can I slip away?" Zhao Rucheng rolled his eyes.

"Hey." Huang Azhan shook his head and sighed, "I knew I couldn't follow you young people. You're too impulsive! If I don't go, I won't have the face to drink with Du Laohu in the future."

Zhao Rucheng, who usually seemed muddled, actually had a strong personality and was not easily impressed by ordinary people. He actually looked down on Huang Azhan, but only used him to relieve boredom. At most, he let him take advantage of the situation for the sake of Du Yehu's face.

Today he finally understood why Du Yehu would be willing to be friends with this guy.

At this time, Yuheng Peak was undergoing its second large-scale extermination operation.

Sun Heng's tomb was still there, and Wu Shan's inscription was not forgotten. Everyone knew how dangerous Yuheng Peak was. It was not impossible for the entire army to be wiped out.Li Jianqiu, perhaps to atone for his sins or to prove something, chose to go to Yuheng Peak, which was not surprising. As for Jiang Wang, he just considered it a moment of impulse. However, once Jiang Wang went, he couldn't help but go as well, no matter how reluctant he was.

What he didn't expect was Huang Ahzhan's choice, which was completely inconsistent with his usual sycophantic and cunning behavior.

"Great!" Li Jianqiu felt very satisfied. After two years of traveling alone, it seemed that he had found the fun of gathering friends and companions once more.

A toast to friends, a journey across thousands of miles for love and hate.

"Let's go to Yuheng Peak!"



(After streaking for a week, I finally managed to get a recommendation spot. Please give me all your recommendations!)

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