Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 93: Who sends a letter of brocade in the clouds?

The Yuheng Peak collapsed, and the Three Mountains City shook.

Not far from Yuheng Peak, Dou Yuemei, dressed in armor, suddenly turned around and flew back to the City Lord's Mansion.

She landed, removed her armor, and relaxed.

"Go and bring Xiaoyan back. He doesn't need to run so far."

She ordered this and walked briskly into the study.

The commander of the city guards, who had been guarding the City Lord's Mansion all along, went from shocked to happy, and finally burst into tears.

"I'll go right away!"

City Lord Dou...she was originally planning to go to Yuheng Peak alone today.

After closing the door for a long time, she finally made this decision.

After sending her daughter and son away one after another, she wiped off her makeup and put on armor.

Alone, she was determined to challenge that mountain peak again.

The mountain she was challenging was not the mountain outside the city, but the mountain in her heart.

But whether it was lucky or unlucky, she no longer had to go.

From now on, the Shubi Peak was clear, the Yuheng Peak was collapsed, and there was only one Feilaifeng left as the source of fierce beasts in the Three Mountains City.

With only one-third of the number of fierce beasts left, it was no longer an unbearable pressure for the entire Three Mountains City.



On the way back to Fenglin City.

"Okay!" Bai Lian, with her hands behind her back, jumped twice like a little girl: "What I look like depends on what you think!"

"I don't want to think about it." Jiang Wang arched his hands: "I'll take my leave first."

"Hey." Bai Lian opened her arms and stopped him: "Are you angry?"


"Then smile."


"You see, you are angry after all!"

Jiang Wang didn't want to argue, so he helplessly said: "I have to go back and take care of my sister."

"You only know how to take care of your sister, what about your older sister?"

"...Miss Bai Lian, do you have anything else to say?"

Bai Lian looked at him, seeming to appreciate his helpless look, with a smile in her eyes.

"Sister..." Her words suddenly turned: "No, you can go."

Jiang Wang felt inexplicable, but he was very upset at the moment, so it was good to be able to leave. He immediately left without hesitation.

"He's really a heartless man." Bai Lian looked at his back and smiled softly.

At this moment, her voice was still gentle and soft.

But just turning around, her temperament changed drastically.

She jumped up, and white flames ignited around her body. The fire was burning, but it gave people a cold feeling.

At this moment, a black light swept over from the direction of Yuheng Peak.

Bai Lian, like a white flame meteor, collided head-on with it!

The black light dissipated, revealing an old man in a white robe. His wrinkled face was no different from other old men, but his long hair was jet black, and there was not a single white hair to be seen.He stopped in mid-air, his hand outstretched, and almost endless black light surged out from his hand, condensing into a giant hand and pressing down.

But before the collision, Bai Lian had already turned around. She transformed into a forest-white stream of light and passed through the gap between his fingers, heading straight towards the east.


The old man with black hair only snorted lightly, and there was no visible movement as he appeared in front of the stream of light.

As if already prepared, the forest-white stream of light turned again.

The old man with black hair obviously didn't have the patience to toy with his prey like a cat and mouse. He stepped forward again and clasped his hands together.

The black light shot out like a ribbon, instantly binding the white light.

The white light then dispersed, revealing a graceful woman.

But the old man with black hair frowned instead, lifted his foot, and stepped away.

At the same time, the woman also dissipated like smoke, not a real person.


Almost at the same time as Bai Lian soared into the sky with white flames, a white lotus seed fell to the ground.

As the forest-white stream of light fled, the seed sprouted instantly, blooming into a rapidly growing lotus flower.

Bai Lian stood up from the lotus flower, smoothing out the scene with a wave of her hand, and quickly sped away along the ground.

Shortly after she left, the old man with black hair arrived at the scene, looking around, but he couldn't see any trace of a person.

He had a skilled tracker under his command, who had caught a trace of breath on Yuheng Peak and pointed him in the direction. So he rushed over, but the cunning woman had already lost her trail with a false body.

It was too late to wait for the tracker to arrive now.

He wasn't angry, just letting out a long sigh.


Jiang Wang returned home with mixed feelings and lay down on the bed without doing anything else.

He always had a full schedule, except for accompanying Jiang Anan, he had little free time.

Whether it was the Control Yuan Formula, the Four Spirit Refining Body, or the Purple Qi Coming Sword, they all required a lot of time to practice. Cultivating Dao Yuan was even more time-consuming.

But he didn't want to do anything now.

In his mind, sometimes it was Zhuang Guo. Because of the death of Zuo Guanglie, the envoy of Zhuang Guo had been humiliated by Chu not long ago, and the academy had supported the disciples with resources. Dean Dong Ayu had urged him to practice well and serve the country in the future...

Sometimes it was still Zhuang Guo. It was the smell of fireworks he smelled and saw as he walked through the streets and alleys, the hardworking farmers, the hunters and gatherers risking their lives, and the countless people who couldn't protect themselves in the face of ferocious beasts.

Until now, he didn't know if his choice on Yuheng Peak was right or wrong.

Jiang Wang had always been a very determined person since he was young. When he said he wanted to enter the academy, he didn't hesitate to leave home at a young age. When he wanted to see the scenery of flying and escaping, he walked all the way to where he was now.He had always had a firm goal and pace, but at this moment, he felt lost.

Zhuang Country was his homeland, and he loved it dearly.

But were the choices he made for this country truly acts of love?

He had no answer.


Just then, he heard a crane's cry and looked out of the window.

He saw a cluster of white clouds falling and condensing into a small crane. It circled around the courtyard a few times, seemingly harmless.

Jiang Wang stepped out of the door with some doubts, and the little cloud crane flapped its wings, flying in front of him and transforming into a floating envelope.

He opened the delicate envelope to find a beautifully designed invitation and a similarly textured piece of paper.

It read:

Dear Jiang Wang:

It has been nearly a month since we parted at Yuheng.

I have been waiting for your arrival, but it seems that Qingyu has not been sincere enough.

On the 16th of the twelfth lunar month, there will be a gathering at Yunhe Market. I invite you to meet me there to repay your kindness.

If you see the cloud crane, please send back your response.

The signature was: Qingyu from the Clouds.

After Jiang Wang finished reading, a wisp of cloud emerged from the paper, swirling into the shape of a pen and hovering in front of him, as if urging him to reply. The words on the cloud paper had already disappeared.

It seemed that Ye Qingyu, a proud daughter of heaven, had never owed anyone favors. When she sent the Cloud Order back then, she hoped to clear their debts as much as possible. If someone else who knew the reputation of Lingxiao Pavilion had received the order, they would have probably planned how to use it for a peerless technique or a cultivation treasure. However, Jiang Wang didn't care about it at all. He even gave the beautiful Cloud Order to Jiang An'an. It was locked in her little box along with the various gifts she had received.

Jiang Wang didn't know what scale of event the Yunhe Market gathering was, but he could guess that it must be a gathering of rare treasures. Ye Qingyu's intention was probably to help Jiang Wang choose a treasure at the Yunhe Market, so she could feel at ease.

However, Jiang Wang didn't think he owed Ye Qingyu that much of a favor. He had later heard about her skills and treasures, and he thought that even if he hadn't intervened at the time, she would have been able to escape unscathed.

Not to mention, would the master of Lingxiao Pavilion not provide his only daughter with a means of saving her life?

Jiang Wang himself was even more unwilling to take advantage of others' kindness.

So he immediately picked up the cloud pen and wrote:

It was just a small favor, not worth mentioning. I have a younger sister at home, so I cannot travel far. We will meet again in the future.

It should have ended here, and the cloud crane would have flown back to where it should go.

But for some unknown reason, Jiang Wang added another sentence.

This sentence was much simpler and more casual:

I have a question. Is it right to do the wrong thing for the right purpose?

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