Loyal Heart Roaming the Skies

Chapter 97: Sword is three feet long

Zhen Wudi aroused Jiang Wang's competitiveness, but before he had a certain degree of certainty, he decided not to go back to the Illusory Realm to seek challenges.

It should be noted that Zhen Wudi is not even ranked in the top 100 of the Meridian Realm in the Illusory Realm. Judging from his attitude of "relentlessly pursuing" after winning against Jiang Wang, it is likely that he rarely encounters such easy battles...

This inference did not make Jiang Wang despair, but instead made him more determined.

What does it mean to be dominant among the cultivators of Fenglin City?

Jiang Wang has had close contact with the great battle that took place outside the True Observation Pavilion. His vision is certainly not so shallow.

Gongyang Bai, Mo Jingyu, Zuo Guanglie, and Li Yi are all formidable and unbeatable. The entire Zhuang Kingdom could only watch helplessly. On the one hand, they were intimidated by the power behind these people, and on the other hand, they were truly too strong!

They are so strong that if the Zhuang Kingdom were to deal with them, it would almost be equivalent to starting a war. And looking at the world, how many families can go to war with Qin and Chu?

Not to mention what will happen after establishing a small circulating realm, even in the Meridian Realm, with only the resources he possesses, he is far from perfect.

He has only completed the Azure Dragon part of the Four Spirits Body Refining Technique, and the convergence of the four spirits is far from complete. His understanding of Dao techniques is also shallow. He has not yet had any innovative use of any Dao techniques, let alone reaching a higher level.

Speaking of the Ziqi Donglai Sword Technique, has he really reached perfection?

In the Meridian Realm, there is already a lot of room for improvement within the range of his vision.

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the inability to face failure correctly.


To deal with Zhen Wudi, the first thing is to familiarize oneself with his endless combinations of Dao techniques.

Although the instructors at the Dao Academy have always emphasized that being well-rounded is not as good as being specialized, Jiang Wang also thinks it is a wise saying. However, if there really are cultivators with such outstanding talent and comprehensive development, their actual combat power would be extremely terrifying.

And in Jiang Wang's impression, there is one such cultivator. Zhao Lang, Wei Yan's deputy.

Jiang An'an is still in the Mingde Hall, so Jiang Wang took Tang Dun to the City Guard's residence to broaden their horizons.

For Tang Dun, being able to observe Jiang Wang's battles up close is certainly a dream come true.

The City Guard's residence is located in the southern suburbs, closer to Fengxi Town than Fenglin City.

Recently, Jiang Wang's properties have been gradually returned, and he has no intention of managing them. He donated them all to the town in Jiang An'an's name. Every year, he will use the profits from the medicinal materials to support poor children in Fengxi Town to go to school.

There is no need to worry about anyone embezzling the town's resources. If he can take back the properties from the Lin family in Wangjiang City, he won't lose face in Fengxi Town.

The reason why he did this in Jiang An'an's name is that although Jiang Wang is not very superstitious about good and evil karma, he hopes that if there is such a thing, it can bless An'an.

On the way, Jiang Wang casually said, "I went to Tangshe Town with Zhang Linchuan Senior Brother at the beginning. Why didn't you think of asking him for help? He is much stronger than me."

Tang Dun honestly replied, "Although Senior Brother Zhang is very polite, he is not close to people."

He continued to shake his head, "I'm not saying bad things about him, it's just a feeling."

He no longer constantly refers to himself as "I", but his honest and simple nature has not changed.

Jiang Wang didn't mind, "Senior Brother Zhang is inherently very proud."

During the conversation, the two arrived outside the City Guard's residence.

After the gate guards informed them, Zhao Lang arrived shortly after.

"What brings Brother Jiang here?" They had some interaction during the battle in Xiaolin Town, and now that Du Yehu has entered the Nine Rivers Profound Armor, Jiang Wang's reputation has also risen. Zhao Lang was still polite.

Of course, they were not familiar with each other and were not very close.

"Brother Zhao, let me explain." Jiang Wang said, "I have reached a bottleneck in my cultivation and have been thinking about how to deal with opponents who are proficient in various Dao techniques. I can't come up with many ideas, so I thought why not try a real battle. Among the people I know, only Brother Zhao has such a rich variety of Dao techniques."

"So you're looking for a sparring partner!" Soldiers in the army generally speak straightforwardly. Zhao Lang was not shy and led the way to the training ground in the camp, saying, "I'm also very curious about Brother Jiang's swordsmanship."

The military is warlike, and when they heard that their Deputy General Zhao was going to spar with a disciple from the Dao Academy, the entire military camp was buzzing with excitement.

When they arrived at the training ground, the soldiers had already surrounded it.

Tang Dun was very nervous and asked Jiang Wang in a low voice, "Will they gang up on us if he loses?"

Jiang Wang rolled his eyes. Tang Dun had too much confidence in him.

As the Deputy General of the City Guard, Zhao Lang was at least an eighth-grade Circulating Realm cultivator, and he might even be a seventh-grade Perfection Realm cultivator.

Moreover, he came from a military background and had experienced countless battles. He was not comparable to some Dao Academy disciples who only knew how to cultivate in seclusion.

Stepping onto the training ground, Jiang Wang smiled awkwardly, "Brother Zhao, you don't need so many people to watch, just give me some guidance."

Zhao Lang laughed heartily, "It's alright, let these guys learn from the outstanding disciples of the Dao Academy, so that they won't be ignorant!"

This Zhao Lang looked fierce with his thick eyebrows and big eyes. Jiang Wang wondered why he was so easy to talk to, but it turned out that he just used him as a target. It could arouse the fighting spirit of the soldiers and serve as an on-site teaching.

"Yes! Let us learn!" The soldiers outside the arena shouted.

"Let us see the power of the disciples of the Dao Academy!"

There were also some more playful ones, "Defeat Zhao Lang! Make him lie down!"

The Dao Academy, the Ministry of War, and the Bureau of Arrest are the three places where cultivators are most concentrated. There is a certain factor of dissatisfaction between them.

Among them, the Dao Academy focuses on cultivating cultivators, which is the most difficult to enter and has the richest resources.

It is relatively easy for disciples from the Dao Academy to enter the Ministry of War or the Bureau of Arrest, but it is relatively difficult for cultivators from these two places to return to the Dao Academy for further study.

These soldiers saw Jiang Wang entering the military camp, and there was no reason for them not to hope that he would embarrass himself.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Wang knew that there was no way to escape. Fortunately, at most, he would be mocked, and there would be no actual loss. It was better than wasting his efforts in the Illusory Realm for no reason.

"In that case, Brother Zhao, please!"

Drawing his sword, Jiang Wang's whole demeanor changed.

If before drawing his sword, Jiang Wang was cheerful and gentle, in the eyes of the soldiers outside the arena, he was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

But after drawing his sword, he became a ferocious tiger!

The sword is three feet long, and the sword aura is seven inches long!

One inch of sword aura is the limit for ordinary martial artists. Beyond one inch is Transcendent.

Seven inches of sword aura is like a sharp whip.

Those who could recognize it immediately knew that it was dangerous.

Zhao Lang threw two water cones with a wave of his hand, and his body moved, and a vine snake rose from the ground.

The sword aura slashed, cutting the water cones. Jiang Wang's body had already moved in front of the sword, and he pulled the sword back with his backhand, cutting the vine snake. Just as he was about to advance, suddenly he grasped the sword's momentum, and he rose from the ground.

A stone wall appeared in place.

Zhao Lang's instant-casting Dao technique imprinted in the Circulating Realm was the Stone Wall Technique. This Dao technique is not very advanced, but he used it very skillfully. He constructed a stone wall centered on Jiang Wang, turning a purely defensive Dao technique into a trapping and damaging effect.

Jiang Wang moved quickly and landed in the air.

Another stone wall appeared diagonally in front of him, blocking his path.

Jiang Wang, with the sword leading the way, directly broke through the stone wall. But Zhao Lang had already moved to the side, and a stone wall appeared horizontally, once again blocking the space between him and Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang simply dissipated the Dao technique that was halfway condensed, and his body followed the sword's movement. The sword aura cut through this stone wall, and he kicked it, causing the stone wall to collapse. But Zhao Lang's figure was nowhere to be seen.

Behind the stone wall was another stone wall.

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