Lustful Paradise

Chapter 103: There's Beauty In Even The Darkest Of Times.

"Hey! Others are watching." Megan looked around with a slight blush on her cheeks before whispering, "Don't start groping me here. I don't want everyone to think I'm easy or something."

"Haha, too bad; it's already too late. You've already caught my attention, Megan. And once I set my eyes on something, I never give up until I get what I want." Lucifer laughed as he continued to caress Megan's butt and squeeze it every now and then.

"Hehe. I've noticed that about you already. You're quite persistent when you want something, aren't you?" Megan asked with a giggle as she wrapped her arm around Lucifer's neck. She enjoyed the feeling of his strong body against hers, and she couldn't help but lean closer to him. He smelled good, too. It was a mix of cologne and his natural scent, which was very pleasant to her nose.

"Of course. Who would give up the opportunity to spend time with a beautiful woman such as yourself? I'd be an idiot to pass this up."

"So, what are we doing here? Let's go for lunch and enjoy our time together."

Lucifer nodded and walked out of the studio with Megan while continuing to grope and fondle her ass cheeks. He knew that people were watching them as they left the room, but he didn't care. He wanted to show off his conquest and make sure everyone knew that she was his property now. It was a good feeling.

When they got outside, Lucifer led Megan towards his motorcycle, where she climbed on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He started the engine, revving it up a few times before driving off into the distance with the beautiful girl clinging to him. She pressed her chest against his back and rested her head against his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of being close to him.

The vibrations from the motorcycle were pleasant for both of them. They enjoyed the ride through the city streets as Lucifer drove towards a nice restaurant near the central park. The weather was warm, and the sky was clear, making it a perfect day for a motorcycle ride.

Once they reached their destination, Lucifer parked his bike in front of the restaurant, where they got off and walked inside. It was a nice place with a cozy atmosphere and good food, so Lucifer had eaten here many times before.

Megan and Lucifer sat down at a table near the window, where they could see the park across the street, and began talking about various topics as they waited for their meals.

Megan was very charming and funny, always making jokes and teasing Lucifer, which he loved. They laughed together and talked about different things, such as their families, friends, hobbies, and interests. Megan also told Lucifer about her work as a photographer, how she started doing it, and what she enjoyed the most about it. She spoke with passion, making Lucifer enjoy her company even more.

"So, you like taking pictures of strangers?" Lucifer asked after listening to her talk about photography for a while.

Megan nodded. "Yes. I love it. It's so fun to capture people in their natural environments and moments, capturing a glimpse of their lives without them even realizing it. It allows me to witness their beauty without them trying to impress me or anyone else. That way, it's honest and pure, and I get to experience their true selves instead of whatever persona they've put on for everyone else."


"Well, for example, I once took a picture of a woman standing at a bus stop. She looked sad, staring off into space while waiting for the bus to come. Her expression was filled with longing and loneliness, as if she had lost something very important to her. When I saw her face, I couldn't help but want to take her picture.

I wanted to know what was going through her mind at that moment and capture that emotion forever. So, I did."

"I see. That sounds interesting. And how do you feel when you see such expressions? What do you feel when you take a picture of someone sad or lonely? Do you feel empathy? Sympathy?


"No, none of that. I don't see them as pitiful or sad. Instead, I admire their strength, courage, and resilience. They've been through something hard, but they haven't given up. They're still trying to make the most of their lives and move forward, despite all the challenges they face. That takes courage, and it's very admirable." Megan said with a smile.

"I feel inspired by those people and want to share their stories with the rest of the world. That's why I love doing this job. It gives me a chance to capture those moments forever and show people that there's beauty in even the darkest of times. You just need to look for it."

"Wow... That's a very beautiful way of seeing things." Lucifer smiled, and his gaze grew warmer. "But isn't being a photographer in a modeling agency different from this? I don't think you will be able to capture these emotions in models. After all, they are professionals who always act in front of the camera, and their job is to look good and beautiful."

"Hehe, you're right. But this job pays way better. I can't afford to be picky." Megan winked. "Anyway, enough about work. Let's talk about something else."

They continued talking and joking with each other until their food came. Once it arrived, they started eating, enjoying every bite as they exchanged glances and smiles across the table.

The food was delicious, too. They had ordered the specials of the day, and both of them found them to be excellent. After finishing their meal, Lucifer paid the bill before they left the restaurant together.

It was a sunny day with clear blue skies overhead, so the two of them decided to take advantage of the nice weather and go for a stroll through the park.

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