Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 242: Battle for the Earth Part 7

Chapter 242: Battle for the Earth Part 7


In front of countless eyes, Johnny's spear suddenly changed into a pair of gloves around his hands. Using both of his hands, he pushed the water explosion. The spiritual energy burst out of him. In an instant, mechanical armor covered his body.

Suddenly, his spiritual energy skyrocket as he began to push down the water explosion. He didn't hesitate to put all of his strength into pressing down this explosion because it wasn't a fire explosion. When it exploded, he noticed the sharpness of those water streams released during the explosion.

Two streams of water that escape made two holes through his palms. If it wasn't for his undead bloodline, it would have been serious. If these streams hit anyone else, then it would make devastating damage.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Using all of his spiritual energy that was passed through his Mark 1st Armor, he pushed the water explosion to a single droplet. In truth, he suppressed the water molecules into a droplet but this droplet as big as his head.

"Splash" "Bang"

Only then, he released the big droplet of the water on the ground. But suddenly, his eyes shrunk. In front of him, a huge spear arrived. It was so fast that he couldn't dodge it.

"Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash" "Splash"

Five different spears, two pierced shoulders, two spears pierced his legs and one spear pierced his chest. The golden giant dragon rushed towards him with blazing golden flames on his claw. The golden dragon stretches his claw to Johnny's head.

"You should've gone for the head at the beginning." When these words left his mouth, time and space around him changed. The claw of the golden dragon slowed down and the distance between the claw and the head became infinite.

"Bloodline Ability- Nine Steps of Death- Third Step"

When Johnny raised his foot, the golden dragon was shaken. He raised his head and saw a giant foot rushing from the sky to crush him. But instead of going against the giant golden foot, he pressed all of his strength at his claw and pushed it.

"Dao Technique- Moment Reverse"

The giant golden dragon felt his body started moving back. The power that he pressed at his claw returned to his origin and its attack failed. Suddenly, he attacked again but the same thing occurred. He was using the power at his peak to attack Johnny but it returns to its original state.

At the same time, he uses that same attack again but once again, he was pulled back to that exact moment.

"Dao Technique- Time Loop"

The Giant Golden Dragon had no idea about Time Loop. To be precise, he didn't think Johnny could master such an advanced technique. But he didn't know Johnny had already master ten percent of Dao of Time and Dao of Space.

But since he had only master ten percent of these two daos, he could only use it for a minute. SO, when the dragon got free from the time loop, he instantly burrowed the power of his bloodline. But suddenly, his eyes blinked with blood as he peeked behind Johnny.

"Bloodline Ability- Death Gaze"

Two pairs of eyes appeared behind Johnny. These pairs of eyes opened their eyelid and the gaze fell upon the golden dragon. That gaze frightened the dragon as its power suddenly dropped to nothing. Of course, the power would return in no time but he was currently in a difficult position.

The power of space-time began to affect the dragon without the star essence protection. Star Level Cultivators are a general term of humans and any other humanoid race. For other races such as beasts, they are divided Profound, Spirit, Earth, and Heaven.

Spirit Rank Beasts are equal to the Star Level Cultivator. Naturally, that was only the term for their respect. After all, Beasts are very vigilant about their bloodline. Sprit Rank Beast's bloodline is much more refined than Profound Rank Beast.

As for cultivation, everyone follows their own path. The beast's path might be different from humans but in the end, they still utilize Star Essence at this level. So, when he didn't use star essence to face off against the power of space-time, his body started changing.

His body was constantly pressed by the power of space while his life span was constantly consumed by the power of time. In this short instant, his power level decreased by a lot. There is no way for Johnny to let go of this opportunity.


The giant foot crashed on his back. The giant foot was domineering enough to bear the pressure of the dragon and send the pain to its blood. His backbone was crushed by the giant foot. The injuries made the dragon roar in pain.

Heaven and Earth were trembling with his roar. The golden dragon bloodline was ushering its power. Earth's entire energy formed a powerful vortex and rushed towards the dragon to heal him. Seeing this, Johnny felt sorry for himself.

Earth was his home planet but it was helping others. He was helpless. He couldn't do anything at this moment except to go against his home planet's wish. Dao of Time revolved around his palm and suddenly released a powerful hurricane.

"Bloodline Ability- Time Cyclone"

When Dao of Time formed a cyclone around the energy vortex, it instantly froze its movement. Without the power of earth, the golden dragon was having a hard time healing his injuries. Fortunately, he was using the earth's energy most of the time, many of his star essences remained intact.

Seeing the recovery of the dragon, Johnny closed his eyes and the power of bloodline flowed inside his vein. In an instant, the peerless spirit erupted out of him. The black ring transformed into a black bow. He held the bow by his left hand, holding on to its grip, and pulled the string.

While he was pulling the string, the mana and spiritual energy condensed into a golden arrow. Suddenly, the tip of the arrow started burning with intense heat. The golden arrow left the string as he let loose of the string.

"Star Shooting Arrows Technique- Shooting the Earth"


The power of the arrow shot the heart of the golden dragon. But it couldn't pierce deep. Feeling another wound on his heart, the dragon's eyes enraged. The star essence condensed a giant claw. Instead of using his own claw, the claw condensed by the star essence got massively strong.

Suddenly, Johnny felt a difference when the claw smashed towards him. This time, the dragon used the power of his bloodline to enhance the strength of his claw. The bow changed into the spear once again and the red flames started burning on his body.

The red flame infused with the spear and formed an immense heat at its tip. When the dragon claw reached the bottom, it completely engulfed Johnny from his vision.


But a loud explosion cleared his vision. A giant sun pierced his claw. At this moment, Johnny was burning with bright flames that were countless times better than before. There was a small circular token on his forehead.

"Gene Art- Fire Spirit Summoning"

By merging with the fire spirit, his flames instantly improved in terms of quality. It was ten times hotter than the outer layer of the sun. By such intense heat, the heart should've been vapored but nothing happened to it.

With his immense control and the fire spirit acknowledgment, he could completely control the intensity of the flames. The same flame could burn the dragon and fire for winter. The giant sun pierced the golden claw and rushed towards the golden dragon.


"Human Die!"

The golden dragon was scared. He felt the power of the sun could easily turn him to ash. In such a condition, he had only one thought in his mind. If I am going down, I am going down with you. The golden dragon instantly burned his blood.

Just like Johnny but he completely burned his blood and his power reached the peak. The giant behemoth opened his large mouth and condensed a golden sun with the golden flame from his body. The golden sun was massive as the red sun, nearly the size of three buildings.


The golden dragon swings his head and strikes the golden sun towards Johnny. Feeling the upcoming attack, Johnny felt an unprecedented level of danger. His eyes turned red and he roared "Gene Art- Thunder Spirit Summoning"

In an instant, a portal opened behind him. From the portal, a young girl walked out. Unlike fire spirit, she was wearing a pair of purple Qipao. It was an ancient dress that covered her body from her shoulder to her knees.

Not exactly the knees, rather a few inches above it. Her hair was tied as a bun and there was a purple aura covering her. Her skin was fairly white with rosy lips that make a man take a bite. When she appeared, she instantly understood the situation and merged with Johnny without any hesitation.

In an instant, his strength grew by ten times. His physical strength was equal to that of two hundred flood dragons. It was extremely overbearing, so Johnny spun his spear with confidence and strike against the golden sun.


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