Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 250: Waging the War against Buddhist Part 3

Chapter 250: Waging the War against Buddhist Part 3

"What a short-tempered boy! Do you think we are weak as those dragons?" When his voice resounded, another voice rang on the golden bridge. An old monk appeared in Johnny's vision. Unlike the previous monk, this monk had a terrifying aura accompanying him.

This kind of aura he has only felt once. During the slaughter of celestial ants, he felt this aura within those ants.

Galaxy Realm Cultivator!


Giants sucked cold air after they felt the aura of the old monk. Seeing this, Johnny frowned. He thought he could inject fear in their heart. But it seems they were pretty serious about it. But Johnny had no intention of showing his weakness.

Path of a Magic and Martial War God. Fight against heaven, fight for heaven, fight against all, never retreat, never surrender, burn your blood, burn your soul, burn your essence, and burn everything. When he was inside the golden road for years, he learned one foundational law of Magic and Martial War God Path.

Balance is eternal, he must maintain the balance. But currently, his strength is very weak. He can't do anything to make a balance in the world. So, he can only fight for balance putting everything on his arsenal.

It's kind of a path of the king. Balance is made by the ruler, and the ruler must make the balance.  So, he must have the authority and nobody should challenge this authority. In short, if someone doesn't follow his wish, that's against his authority. If something like this happens, the war is imminent.

But Johnny wasn't a short-tempered person. He didn't make any rash actions instead, he asked "My first question, why did Buddhist act against my parents?"

"Your parents?" When the galaxy realm monk heard him, he frowned. Naturally, he learned about Johnny slaughtering the dragon race in front of the universe. He could've done this secretly but he didn't.

He revealed everything to the world. This proves Johnny was a madman at least in others eyes. That's why monks sent Galaxy Realm Master to solve a Planet Level Cultivator. This has never happened in their universe.

And Johnny's attitude made it pretty clear. He didn't even regard the Galaxy Realm Master as someone important. Johnny was basically acting like a madman. Even those Giant Race Cultivators frowned after hearing him.

Although they didn't know Johnny, they have seen that power. They were very scared of Rose. At this moment, Max's eyes were stuck on Rose. He couldn't believe Rose was already so strong. He was a Star Body Realm Cultivator but now, Rose could easily make him immobilize him.

"Mr Fenton, our Buddhism never engage in the conflict between two parties. But this time, your father made the seal loosened. That was a heavy blow to us. And we need his cooperation to seal the devil back." Suddenly, another monk arrived out of nowhere and spoke. He was also an old monk but he was shorter than the previous monk.

"Second question! How do you plan to resolve the conflict between Western Sacred Nebula and the Supreme Sword Sect?" But Johnny didn't care about his words.

When the second galaxy realm monk heard Johnny's words, a silent killing intent erupted out of his body. But soon, the golden energy flashed and the entire killing intent disappeared. He squeezed a smile and said "Mr Fenton, we can provide Bodhi Fruits as compensation. And in return, your father must help us to seal the devil's black hole."

Not every black hole are natural, and this black hole seems to be man-made or rather a devil-made. Johnny frowned after hearing their request. But he didn't have time to argue with them. He doesn't want to add any more enemies, not now at least.

"Okay, but let me finish the conflict with them first!" Johnny nodded his head as he descended down towards the giant race. Although they were from the giant race, they were maintaining the same size as a normal human.

Suddenly, the galaxy realm monk appeared in front of Johnny, stopping his movement and said "Mr Fenton, we immediately need your father. We can hold everything for later."

When he said those words, a terrifying killing intent erupted out of Johnny. He didn't understand why they need his father. But he started doubting their real purpose. Because his father was very weak at this moment.

His voice turned cold as he spoke "Mr Monk, my father is currently sleeping. He can't entertain others."

"That's pretty good! We just want his body as the sacrifice." Suddenly, four pillars suddenly appeared around Johnny. These pillars created a powerful aura that instantly made Johnny bleed. Currently, he wasn't burning his blood and so his strength was very weak.

"What!" Johnny's eyes turned red, not because of pain rather because of his words. In an instant, his blood started burning. His origins that were barely healed released intense energy after getting burnt. Entire blood inside his body started boiling like magma.

"Four Pillars of Yama- Suppress"

It is said that Buddhists has a long relationship with Hell. Four Pillars of Yama are the gift from the god of death himself. Although these pillars are only the imitation, they are still powerful as a Galaxy Realm Master.

This suppression of the galaxy realm master made Johnny stagnant even after burning his blood. Suddenly, the monk's eyes shrunk. He felt a powerful death coming towards him. His golden energy surges wildly and collided against nothing.

But when the collision finished, a sword appeared out of nowhere. Seeing this, the monk eyes tightened as he looked at Rose and said "Cutting the future!"

At this moment, Rose was releasing intense murderous energy. Suddenly, hundreds of swords bloomed around her, each having a unique attribute. Have of these swords reached out in front of those monks in a matter of seconds, but the monk had already used the golden energy.


When this word escapes his lips, the golden energy surges above his head and a formed this word. The golden word shone with extreme brightness and suppressed all kinds of energy.

"Crack" "Crack" "Crack" "Crack" "Crack"

In an instant, those swords break into pieces. But they were accompanied by another batch of swords that were much more powerful. These swords were bending the space around them. Even the golden energy was invalid against these swords.

Suddenly, two extreme energy burst out of each sword. One was Yin, another was Yang, and two kinds of energies formed a strange seal at the tip of the sword. This seal changed and two different energy transformed into something else.

Life and Death, one moment of life made the golden energy bright while another moment of death made the golden energy dim. The process continued until the golden energy beaming out of the word disappeared.

At this moment, the space-time around them started twisting carried with Rose's cold tone.

"Yin-Yang Harmony Sword Technique- Seal of Chaos"

Suddenly, those swords rend the time and space around them, engulfing the monk into the void. Seeing this, the monk felt enormous danger around him. At this moment, Rose was holding Black Dragon Sword and Black Sword but the blood was still flowing from the corner of her mouth.

"Invincible King-Kong Glass Body"

The monk roared erupting the image of the Buddha above him. This image blessed a sacred light on him, creating a powerful barrier around his body. At the same time, space starts repairing itself. This was the reason why the monk decided to go defensive.

But suddenly, he realized he forget the number of swords present around him. Each one was tearing the space, constantly creating the void. Even though, the void was repairing itself. The damage was also constantly creating many voids around the old monk.

Suddenly, Rose pupil's shrunk. She felt an enormous power gushing at her. Although she gripped her swords hard, she felt powerless. She had suffered internal injuries when she used the second stage of the Yin-Yang Harmony Sword Technique.

Towards her right side, the monk smashed his fist against the space. The golden energy surges around space-time, creating a flow of sacred light to form a powerful fist. The stars and planets around them trembled with the power.

Space was blasted away by the punch, and time was broken, when the fist reached in front of Rose, she swings her sword. Dao of Time, Dao of Space, Dao of Reality, and Dao of Destruction created an extraordinary power. For a single second, she stopped the fist.

"Bang" "Splash" "Ke-uk"

But that power instantly disappeared and her eyes gushed out blood. Her internal injuries reached the extreme and the fist fell upon her. Her body was blasted away with space. The power of the punch made her lose both of her hands and her face was distorted.

"Boom" "Crack" "Bang

Suddenly, another explosion shook the nebula. Countless monks opened their eyes from the meditation as they found the universal energy gushing into a certain position. A powerful punch trembled the four pillars, and the pillar that suffered the punch started cracking.

"Bald donkeys, you are courting death"

At this moment, Johnny was not only burning ten per cent of energy rather a hundred percent. Although he had taken the Origin Returning Pill, he was still suffering a distorting pain.

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