Magic Love Ring

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

As soon as song Yan stepped on the stage, someone in the audience called his name. Looking up, he found that Zhang Ran and Li Lei had pulled up a banner, which said: Song Yan, song Yan, you are the most handsome, you can defeat your opponent!

When he saw this "unconventional" banner, he was a little embarrassed, but he was moved in his heart. Before acquiring the ring system, Li Lei had no friends except for talking with him, but now he has a group of friends around him, which is strange and wonderful.

Because his performance video of audition was shown on TV, and he won the first place in the preliminary contest yesterday, so, with the help of class 9 students, the audience was influenced, and they shouted song Yan's name.

"Song Yan, it seems that you have a lot of fans, but don't be complacent. Maybe I will beat you!" Monday odd some envy envy envy way.

"OK, I'll wait."

Song Yan responded with a smile. After a short time together, he found that Monday Qi was actually a real person who was not good at concealing his heart. Almost everything he thought in his heart would be displayed on his face. Of course, there were two personalities. Although he always talked about "my father is Zhou Lianghu", the essence was not bad, which was the reason why song Yan was willing to be friends with him.

Yesterday, song Yan won the first place, so the host focused on introducing him, and attracted bursts of applause from the stage.

Then, song Yan and Monday Qi respectively came to the piano and sat down.

"Come first!" Song Yan said.

"Good." Monday Qi knew that song Yan was better than him, so he was not polite. His fingers began to beat on the black and white keys.

Then a series of notes came out of his fingers.

This piece doesn't sound complicated, but it's a little simple, but several judges have recognized the mystery.

"Black key to white key, white key to black key, black-and-white mix, this Monday is not simple. As long as song Yan is a little careless, he will fall into his trap. By then, there will be more than one wrong tone." One of the judges whispered.

"Not bad!" Another judge nodded: "Song Yan's performance skill is quite excellent, which has surpassed the professional level 9. If he loses in PK competition, he will lose his sight of this competition."

"I think your worry is superfluous. He can surpass professional level 9 at a young age. We can hear it. How can he not hear it!" Another judge interposed, looking at Song Yan's eyes full of appreciation.

"That's not necessarily true. After all, it's the one who is in charge!" The judge said stubbornly.

On stage.

"Song Yan, it's your turn!"

Monday odd play, looking at Song inkstone Road, look a little nervous, I do not know if song inkstone will be fooled.

"Black and white key mix!"

Song Yan smiled, and then his fingers hit the black and white keyboard like raindrops.

Zhou Yiqi hears song Yan direct way out of mystery, look not from become decadent rise.

The piano sounds like rain beating banana

"Is this...?"

Ten judges were surprised when they heard it, because song Yan was not confused by the so-called confusion between black and white, but doubled the rhythm of the whole song.

"It's really powerful!"

The judge spoke again.

Monday Qi begins to play the second song.

He didn't confuse the black and white key again, but a very long track, which lasted for eight minutes. What's more difficult is that the song was originally written on Monday.

After listening to Monday's odd performance, most of the people kneaded a sweat for song Yan.

"This guy is so shameless that he can play such a long tune!" Xiao Rao can't help scolding Monday odd.

"Yes! A cunning fellow! " The girl sitting next to her followed.

Han Sha is calm, because she has seen song Yan play the Fantasia of the dead, so he can play all the difficult music, I believe that this music is also difficult for him.

"How about song Yan? Didn't let you down? " Monday Qi looks at Song Yandao.

"All right."

Song Yan smiled. He took part in the piano competition to earn fame and fame. Therefore, he decided to take the lead.

So he put one hand on the key.

"Dong Dong."

The gentle and smooth piano sound flows out under the single hand playing of song Yan.

"One handed!"

All the judges were excited, but also worried about whether song Yan was too arrogant. You should know that it was an eight minute piece.

On Monday, Qi concentrated on listening to song Yan's performance and looking for his mistakes. However, most of the time in the past, song Yan still has no mistakes in one note and is still playing with one hand.

"The gap is too big!"

All of a sudden, such a sentence came out of his mind.

And the audience on the stage also felt excited and inexplicable. They thought it was not white today. Many people even took out the mobile phone video.Song Yan smiled and said to Monday, "didn't let you down?"


At this time, the tide of applause came from the judges and the audience.

The third song is very common. The time is only one minute. The first two songs are his killing moves. Since the killing moves are not difficult for song Yan, what's the trouble.

Naturally, song Yan is a sound right to play this piece.

Swap location.

Announced by the moderator.

In the wrong time, Monday Qi again reminded song Yan not to let water.

Song Yan nodded.

Sitting down in front of the piano, song Yan smiled and looked solemn. In addition, he deliberately moved his knuckles and his hands fell on the black and white keys.

Seeing song Yan's preparation, Hansha was surprised. Did he want to play "the Fantasia of the dead". When she came back from the piano room, she looked up some knowledge about piano playing, and then she knew how rebellious song Yan's "the Fantasia of the dead" was.

Under the influence of song Yan, not only the judges, but also the audience's emotions were aroused, waiting for his start.

Finally, song Yan hands slightly raised, and then fell

There is no cushion, no bedding, then it will come, like a thousand horses galloping, more like a thunderbolt, the momentum of the wind mixed with the rainstorm is coming, under the spread of auditorium sound, it will rush into everyone's ears.

It makes people feel suffocated, uncomfortable and even dizzy for such a short time.

"Sure enough! It's "Fantasia of the dead!"

Once again heard this bad, but there is a strong momentum of piano music, Hansha was particularly excited.

As for the ten judges, they were all stunned. To be exact, they were shocked.

They all count the sounds in silence.

Nine notes!

Ten notes!

Twelve notes!

"God, he played fourteen notes! How is this possible? How could you have fingers that fast! " Hearing the fourteen tones, a female judge finally couldn't help exclaiming, and her eyes fell on Song Yan's fingers on the stage.

At this moment, song Yan's fingers have turned into a mirage, as if four hands are playing together, and at the same time, he is secretly proud: This is my student.

"NIMA! Fifteen notes! "

One of the judges started with a clap of the hand and even spoke in a rude way. He was so surprised that he stared at the slightly emaciated figure on the stage. At this moment, he had an illusion that this young man was a king in the world. His piano music was incomparable and his performance level could not be surpassed.

"Sixteen notes!"

All of a sudden, a attentive judge shouted excitedly.

"What is his limit?"

On the stage, the first Monday Qi was directly shocked by song Yan's performance, especially when he heard the sixteen notes coming together, he knew that the gap between him and song Yan was even bigger than he thought, and perhaps the gap was the most appropriate description.


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