Magi’s Grandson

Vol 2 Chapter 39

The Experimentation of a New Magic

The members of the research society who just got out of the hot springs had strange expressions on their faces.

It seems like they received a large impact from grandpas story.

Although the topic of the conversation is a little complicated, it seems like everyone was in an agreement that they were grateful to be friends with me

And with the same timing, the women got out of the hot springs.

They looked towards us with strange yet refreshed expressions. And when they looked at my face, their expressions turned gentle.

Eh? What is it?

After we left the bath house and were preparing for our meals, grandma suddenly brought up the topic of the training camp.

Ah, thats right. This was decided earlier in the bath house. In the beginning, we were only intending on acting as your guardians, but we decided to train you as well.

Eh? Are you telling the truth?

Merlin-sama and Melinda-sama will be teaching us as well?

The girls were calm because they knew of this information beforehand, but the boys were fired up after hearing it.

Eh? Is this okay, grandpa?

Hohho This is the first time Ive heard of it

It seems like even grandpa is hearing it for the first time.

Well, s.h.i.+n will be teaching you how to imagine the magic spells. The grandpa will be in charge of teaching you magic control, and Ill teach you Enchantment magic.

Whoa! Its like a dream!

When she heard that grandma will be teaching Enchantment magic, Yuris tension went up.

Its quite unusual for that childs tension to go up. Shes usually very quiet.

In other words, when I have some free time Ill be able to experiment with new magic.

When I spoke, everyones movements suddenly froze into place.

Wait a minute there, s.h.i.+n.

What is it? Grandma?

Its not what is it? Theres no way I can let what youve just said slide!

A new kind of magic, he says

Experimenting, he says

Umm! When that time comes, please let us know! Because we want to evacuate!

Olivia unusually stepped forward and said. While looking somewhat frightened

Eh Whats with this reaction

You When you said new kind of magic, what were you intending of doing?

Gus continued to interrogate.

About that In order to defeat Schtrom, I thought that a new magic is necessary

Eh? If I remember correctly, when you faced Schtrom, you said that you werent using your full power?

Thor remembered what happened in the Security Force training ground.

Well, although I did indeed say that, but when I think about that event, something suddenly came to my mind and I wanted to test it out

What is this, is it only me who feels that it will be a dangerous situation right after hearing it?

No, Your Highness, I feel the same way.

I feel the same way as well.

Me, as well! It has the strong smell of danger all around it!

Even though they havent heard the details, and to actually have this kind of reaction Is it okay if I cry soon?

I want to hear about it a little, will that be really dangerous?

Its not at all dangerous to me

In other words it will be dangerous to the people around?

No Well although its more or less an attack magic, so the other party will

Well, I guess that is somewhat expected. Then? How much power does it have?

Who knows? Thats the reason I want to test it out

It has become a pet.i.tion on whether or not I can be allowed to perform experiments.

Haaa~ Listen well, when you want to perform experiments, go to that wasteland and make sure no one else is around.

That is only natural. Then, is it okay if I experiment?

Will it be really alright? When you use that magic of yours, the world wont come to an end, right?

No As one would expect, I wont practice that kind of magic

What in the world does grandma thinks of me? Im not the G.o.d of Destruction!

Although I was persistently grilled by grandma, I somehow managed to receive permission to experiment on a new magic.

While everyone is receiving guidance from grandpa and grandma, I will be experimenting with new magic.

While I was watching grandpas magic, I thought of something.

With my imagination, it might turn out to be something really interesting. I really want to hurry up and test it out.

s.h.i.+n-kun Umm, as I thought, you should take care of yourself a little more

Sicily? Whats wrong?

Umm how should I say this you have an extremely excited expression on your face

As I thought, I am really worried.

Haaa. Will this really be alright

Eh? Was I really making that kind of expression? It might be because Im happy to have a chance to finally test it out

For the time being, I decided on the schedule for tomorrows training.

In the morning will be magic control practice under grandpas supervision, magic practice with me in the afternoon, and in the evening until dinner time will be Enchantment magic lesson with grandma and my magic experiment time.

However, during my magic experimentation time, either grandpa or grandma must be supervising me or else Im not allowed to do it.

The reason is because theyll be able to deal with it in a case of an emergency.

Well, although I understand their worries because its a practice for a new magic, but I feel like theyre being too overly anxious

Think about the things youve done up until now.

I cant say anything in retort

Maybe it was because of the long journey, or because I was able to relax in the hot springs, I immediately fell asleep that night.

The next morning, when everyone appeared for breakfast, they all looked refreshed. As I thought, the hot springs are effective. It is the best accommodation for a training camp.

When everyone said that, Sicily and the employees of her house looked really delighted. After all, Ill feel delighted if my own territory was praised.

And as decided yesterday, everyone partic.i.p.ated in magic control practice.

As expected, grandpas magic control guidance is precise.

Pay attention, Thor-kun. Your magic control is a little disordered.


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Sicily-san, you can already control that much magic power, why dont you increase it a little.

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