Martial Dao Great Emperor

Chapter 61: Luo Xiu's wealth

Chapter 61: Luo Xiu's wealth

"What are the criteria for the classification and determination of genius levels?" Luo Xiu couldn't help asking.

"The genius levels in the guild are divided into four levels, heaven, earth, black and yellow, and each level is divided into three small levels: inferior, medium, and upper."

"At the age of fourteen, you can get the judgement of the lower level of the yellow rank only if you have the seventh level of Qi Hai and the great martial arts of the fifth rank. The reason why you can get this judgment based on the third level of Qi Hai is based on your performance. , It is equivalent to possessing the strength of a martial arts master of Qi Hai Seven Layers and Five Grades, so it can barely get the evaluation of the yellow rank inferior."

Hearing this, Luo Xiu couldn't help taking a breath. This hunter guild's standard for absorbing genius was too high.

As far as he knows, the fourteen-year-old Qihai Qizhong, even the core disciple of Xiaoyao Inner Sect, has never appeared before, not to mention that he needs a fifth-grade martial arts master, not only for high cultivation level, but also for martial arts talent. It is also very high.

"One year later, when you are fifteen years old, you must already be in the innate realm, with a sixth-grade martial arts master! If your cultivation level cannot meet the requirements, you can also meet the requirements."

"And this is just a requirement for the lower level of the yellow level. The higher the genius level, the higher the requirements, and the greater the benefits obtained."

"The same as the standard of fourteen years old, the requirements for the middle level of the yellow level are the nine levels of Qi Hai, the fifth-level martial arts perfection, and the requirements for the upper level of the yellow level are the innate early stage, the sixth-level martial arts master! Heavenly level, even I have never heard of it."

While speaking, Ye Xiangdou took out the lower grade war sword and said: "If you are willing to become a member of the Hunter's Guild, according to the regulations, the Guild protects the safety of your family free of charge, naturally you don't need to pay the corresponding remuneration. , So this war sword can be returned to you."

Many Wuwang-level powerhouses may not have a low-grade warrior, especially in Yunlong County, where the warriors are rare, because first forging the warriors of the earth-rank requires not only precious minerals and materials. , You also need a Tier 5 Blacksmith!

Only the branch of the Foundry Division in Yunlong County has a fifth-tier forging master, and his status is noble. It is very difficult for many martial kings to ask them to forge a soldier.

Luo Xiu could see the reluctance in the eyes of Ye Xiangdou, the martial arts master, so he smiled and said: "Since this war sword has been given to seniors, is there any reason to take it back?"

"Without the help of the seniors this time, the juniors would not be able to rescue their relatives from the martial arts hall. How could this kindness be comparable to a war sword?"

"What's more, the younger generation has a low cultivation base and swaggered through the market with this war sword. It is purely jealous, and it is tantamount to death. Instead of keeping it useless, it is better to give it to the senior. In the future, the family of the junior will be in this Qingyun City. It needs to be taken care of by seniors."

Luo Xiu's remarks made sense and reasonable. Ye Xiangdou was so sophisticated, why couldn't he hear what Luo Xiu meant?

"Well, as long as your relatives are in this Qingyun City, the old man will not allow anyone to hurt them a vellus hair!" Ye Xiangdou directly agreed. With this low-grade war sword, his strength will be Improve a lot.

Coupled with the sixth-grade Qing Yuan Gong obtained from Luo Xiu, he has the hope of reaching a higher level in the next ten years.

Luo Xiu also knew that he couldn't always be guarding his relatives. Joining the Hunter's Guild could solve the worries of the future, and it was undoubtedly the best choice.

Ye Xiangdou gave Luo Xiu another book, only three simple pages, on which some rights and obligations of genius members were written.

According to the records in the booklet, the genius members, except for their relatives, cannot get the free asylum of the Hunters' Guild.

Because the growth of a genius requires many hardships and life and death experiences, the Hunter's Guild will not interfere with Luo Xiu's personal grievances.

However, he can use his own authority to obtain all kinds of information collected by the Hunter's Guild. A genius at the lower level of Huang is equivalent to the authority of a foreign recruit member of the martial arts master in the realm of God.

This also means that Luo Xiu's authority and status in the Hunter's Guild is equivalent to that of a powerful person like Ye Xiangdou!

This is also the reason why Ye Xiangdou's attitude towards him is somewhat different.

Luo Xiu settled down, glanced at Ye Xiangdou who was sitting across from him, and said, "Junior wants to ask Senior to do me a favor."

"You said." Ye Xiangdou nodded and said, he accepted Luo Xiu's tiered war sword, and if he owed him a favor, as long as he was within his ability, he would help.


In the early morning of the next day, Luo Xiu took the teleportation formation from Qingyun City to Yunlong County City.

In the branch of the Hunter's Guild in Yunlong County, Luo Xiu met the legendary branch president.

"Introduce myself, I'm Wen Qianhong, the chairman of the Yunlong County Branch of Tianwu Country."

Wearing a white Confucian scholar's gown, the guild leader smiled politely, without the slightest hint of warrior.

But such a person holds a pivotal position in this land of Yunlong County.

"President." Luo Xiu stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

Wen Qianhong smiled and nodded, "Sit down."

Luo Xiu thanked him, and then took a seat. Originally, he planned to invite Ye Xiangdou to come forward, but he didn't expect that he would eventually alarm the branch president.

"I know everything about you, do you know why Lu Feichen wants to attack you?" Wen Qianhong went straight to the subject.

Luo Xiu shook his head. It was precisely because he didn't know all this that he wanted to understand. Originally, he wanted to ask Ye Xiangdou to come forward and ask him to meet with Lu Feichen to ask about it.

Later, Ye Xiangdou told the head of the branch about this matter, and then the present scene happened.

"Some time ago, the head of Xiaoyao was seriously injured in the Jiufeng Mountain Range, and within half a month he would die."

Wen Qianhong said, even though this news had been blocked by Xiaoyaomen, he still knew it clearly with the capabilities of the Hunter's Guild.

"After such a thing, there will naturally be a fight for the position of the head of Xiaoyao Sect. Among them, there are two inner sect elders with the highest voice, one is Di Sigu, the other is Kong Qingyu, and Lu Feichen belongs to Kong Qingyu. Proud disciple."

Hearing this, Luo Xiu's brows can't help but frown. This is obviously a power struggle within Xiaoyaomen. Lu Feichen is also involved in a lot of things, but what does this have to do with his little Qihai Warrior?

At this moment, Wen Qianhong continued: "Compared with Nadisgu, Kong Qingyu has relatively few supporters. If there is no accident, the position of the head will fall into Disgus hands. As Gu sits in charge, he will definitely try his best to eradicate Kong Qingyu's gang members, thereby stabilizing his power and prestige."

"Among the inner gates, there are Gou Hongyi, Quan Yongchen, and Deng Zhihui. The three elders are brothers and sisters who have always moved forward and retreated together. Among them, Gou Hongyi is the eldest brother and has a grandson named Gou Jinchuan. A few years ago, it was Lu Mengyao, the daughter of Lu Feichen. Suitors."

Wen Qianhong explained all the causes and consequences he knew. After Luo Xiu listened to it, it suddenly became clear.

It turns out that the reason why he was involved in this power struggle almost became a victim, everything is because he and Lu Mengyao are too close.

Lu Feichen wanted to kill herself, so that Lu Mengyao completely lost her mind, and then let her marry Gou Jinchuan, so that Kong Qingyu could gain the support of the three inner elders.

"You already know the ins and outs of it, so you don't need to risk finding Lu Feichen."

Wen Qianhong slowly said: "It stands to reason that this is your personal business, so in accordance with the regulations, the guild will not directly intervene and only provide you with relevant intelligence information."

Wen Qianhong obviously has an official attitude, and will not break the rules just because Luo Xiu is already an internal genius member.

These rules are the foundation of the Hunter's Guild. Once a precedent is set, it is easy to cause big troubles.

"Then can I post a reward quest to seek the protection of the powerful King Wu in the guild?"

Wen Qianhong was stunned by Luo Xiu's words.

Publishing reward tasks is a normal way, and of course it is not within the limits of the rules.

However, the price of seeking the help of the king of martial arts is not comparable to that of the master of martial arts!

Wen Qianhong laughed dumbly and said: "I know that you, a little guy, can come up with sixth-rank exercises and lower-rank soldiers. There must be some chances, but do you know what kind of remuneration you need to pay for the help of King Wu? ?"

Of course Luo Xiu didn't know about this, but he felt that with the identity of the fifth-order casting master of King Bu Chen Wu, and the many treasures he left behind, it was definitely enough to ask the powerful King Wu to take action.

"Things below Tier 5 are meaningless to King Wu strong. As far as I know, you gave Ye Xiangdou your ground-level soldiers, right?" Wen Qianhong said so, not thinking Luo Xiu can take out other Tier 5 treasures.

Tier 5 treasures are priceless in this Yunlong County. Many Wuwang experts can have one or two Tier 5 treasures in their hands, which is already quite rich.

Wen Qianhong didn't explain much, and directly gave Luo Xiu a list.

For the asylum-seeking reward-based tasks, the hiring of King Wu requires one to two fifth-tier treasures ranging from one to two.

King Wu needs three to five fifth-tier treasures ranging from four to six.

King Wu Qizhong needs six Tier 5 treasures.

King Wu Bazhong needs seven Tier 5 treasures.

King Wu Jiuzhong needs ten fifth-tier treasures!

As for the powerhouses of King Wu's Ninth Level Peak Realm, for this kind of existence, the value of the fifth-order treasures has little meaning, unless it is the sixth-order treasures, they can be moved.

With this list given by Wen Qianhong, any Qihai Warrior who saw it would inhale air-conditioning.

But Luo Xiu was very calm, because he had a lot of Tier 5 treasures in his storage ring. Among them, the lower grade war swords belonged to this category. Ye Xiangdou was given one, and he still had twenty!

He even has two middle-ranked swords, which are treasures of the sixth rank!

The so-called classification of treasures and other ranks is determined according to the needs of the treasures corresponding to the cultivation of the martial artist. For example, innate martial masters need third-tier treasures, master martial arts masters need fourth-tier treasures, and powerful kings need fifth-tier treasures.

If it is a third-order treasure, it will have no effect on the refining of God Wuzong, and cannot enhance one's own strength. The fourth-order treasure has the same meaning for the Wuwang powerhouse.

The martial arts exercises can also be divided into the classification of treasures and other levels. For example, Luo Xiu asked Ye Xiangdou to make a shot. What he took out was a sixth-rank middle-level exercise technique with glare, which was basically equivalent to the value of a fourth-tier top treasure.

If it is the sixth-class martial arts, the value is equivalent to the fifth-order treasure.

As for the seventh-rank martial arts, only a few powerful martial arts kings can get the opportunity to practice.

Only at this moment did Luo Xiu understand what kind of wealth the treasure house left by King Buchen Wu is!

Even if the wealth of many Wuwang powerhouses accumulates, I am afraid that they are not as rich as he alone, because Buchen Wuwang is a fifth-order casting master!

Compared with ordinary warriors, casting masters, formation masters, and alchemists, once they can reach a high level, they are undoubtedly the richest group of people.

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