Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 118: Stand For Freedom

Chapter 118: Stand For Freedom

You can read 62 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


"What about now?" Logan arrived, his clothes and hair painted in the blood of various colours. He had been going around many factions and killing the enslavers mercilessly.

*WOOSH* Hector pulled the chair with telekinesis and took a seat, "Hmm... I don't know, Logan, Yondu. The Kree Empire is vastly strong. I might have to form alliances. Maybe I can go and talk with the Skrull Emperor. They are losing the fight with the Kree anyway. Or maybe go to Asgard. I feel they won't deny me a welcome, but whether they will support me in war is doubtful. However, I know one Asgardian bloke who would join me just because it's a fight.

"Other than this, I can't think of anything else. We need numbers, soldiers, pilots. I can gather around a grand armada of warships, but how will I staff them? Even if Ravagers agreed to join, that would not be enough,"

Hector tried to think of all factions in space. The Nova Empire won't join him as they were in the middle of peace talks with the Kree. However, there were a handful of powerful beings he could count on Earth. Jean had the power of Phoenix Force and could destroy the entire Kree Empire, but doing that would most likely take a toll on her and turn her into Dark Phoenix. Not to mention, The Kree Empire most probably has its own super soldiers, mutants-like beings and sorcerers.

~I will need to drag this war with the Kree until the Avengers are formed. By then, Thor will be able to gather more Asgardians, and I will be stronger.~ he thought silently.

There was silence among them as they all brainstormed to develop a plan.

"W-WE WILL!... We will become your soldiers!"

Out of nowhere, a Moranian came forward. He was a man who didn't look as impoverished. "I saw you... as you crushed that animal's head. You shouted that you've bought us freedom. But, it's not completely here. The Kree betrayed us; they tried to enslave us; as long as either of the sides lives, we will fight."

"Yes, how can we look ourselves in the eye and face those who died in the afterlife if we don't fight?" Then, a female Moranian spoke. She was a breeding ex-slave, holding two babies in her arms.

Kul returned too, "This is what all Moranians think, Mister President. I, all of us, saw how you stood for us, even denied your own syndicate. You are not like others... we don't know who you are, which world you are from or why you are doing this, but I." He kneeled down on one knee and saluted with his right fist on the middle of his stomach. "I will forever be indebted to you. You promised me vengeance, and you gave it to me. Now I follow you, Mister President."

The Moranians who were there, a few thousand, kneeled one by one. Hector frantically rushed to a little toddler who was going to kneel and helped him back up. He picked him in his arm and looked around at the eyes that stared at him with hope and reverence like he was a beacon of guiding light to them.

He bellowed, "DO NOT KNEEL! NEVER KNEEL! I am not your king, nor your subjugator. Kneeling is giving yourself up, your free will up, and I despise it. So stand up and hear me, please."

Kul got up, seeing the seriousness in Hector's eyes. Following him, the rest did the same. So Hector continued, "I am just a simple man, a nobody in this vast cosmos. Just a tiny human from a planet far away. I came to this planet as a part of the job but decided to take it as a personal matter.

"Why? That is because, to me, Freedom and Justice are more important than money and power. But the Kree represents the exact opposite of what I believe in. They believe in destruction, enslavement and exploitation. Therefore, they are as much my enemies as yours.

"Hence, you are not alone in this fight. SoTake a vow with me today that you shall never bend the knee, that you shall never compromise with your freedom, that you shall never ignore injustice in front of your eyes. Vow that you will fight for your liberation.

"This fight won't be easy, they are vastly superior to us, but we can make a difference together. Moran will become a legend for eons to come. So raise your fists and shout with me.




With Hector, all Moranians screamed as hard as they could do. This was their battle cry, their declaration of war. This was their pillar of support. These three lines will become their mottofreedom to all, Justice to all and Death to the Kree.

Freedom Clan members silently stood behind their president and felt pride develop in their chests. They never thought they would find themselves standing in a moment in the making of history. Yet, the back of the bellowing president today seemed more respectable than ever.

This was way above matters of money. This was about being compassionate towards another life form. It was about fighting mad tyranny.

Moran had just become the start of a revolution.


When Moran was being rehabilitated with more food and resources being brought by Hector, he decided to vanish for a while and pay Erskine a visit in the Funhouse dimension.

The place looked as hellish as ever, red burning lava flowing like rivers, the fiery red colour emitted from cracks on the ground. Nevertheless, the giant castle remained as it was. The Spirit of Vengeance took care of everything by cleaning the place and guarding it.

Hector entered and found Erskine in the lab, wearing his usual frames and lab coat. He stood tall now and looked buff. "I can never get used to seeing you as a buffed man,"

"Little man has gained some power now," Erskine responded.

"But is the little man still horny?" Hector asked him.

Erskine's face lit up, "I've been single for decades now. I desire a female touch at this point. But I suppose you didn't come here to hear that. So come with me. I've done what you wanted."

Erskine took him downstairs to the warehouse. Large containers were present there, each looking high-tech with a clock-like thing on it. "As you said, Pym Particles are easy to replicate with the technology available in space. I was able to make these containers for your cargo business. You just need to press a button, and the container can become big for you to store things, then press another button, and it will become as small as a Rubix cube. With this, you can move around so much cargo that it should be illegal,"

Hector was in awe of this thing. Pym Particle was one of the only reasons he decided to start the Cargo business. Doing it traditionally would have been dumb since there are already major players in this business. However, with Pym Particles, he could carry a thousand times more cargo.

"This is going to make you rich, my friend. Haha, the Universe is about to see a behemoth rising. But, I'm still weak. So, how is your research on Cosmic energy coming?" He asked him.

"Well, I have been researching on the Space Stone ever since I worked for Hydra. But I don't have the stone anymore. You said you can't take the Space Stone and Time Stone yet, but there are other stones out there in the Universe. Maybe you can bring them. You talked about the Soul Stone." Erskine said. Of course, he needed an Infinity stone to understand it better.

Hector rubbed his beard, "Hmm, to get a soul stone, one needs to give up what they love the most. I ain't letting Moony die. I will need to find another way. Until then, you keep researching. I will soon bring you the blood of a girl who gained extreme powers from being bombarded with energy from the Space Stone."

"Did she also turn red skulled?" Erskine inquired.

"No, not red skulled, but she sure did become an obnoxious unpalatable narcissistic bitch. Anyway, make as many such containers as you can. I will need them soon."

Erskine protested, "I need more helping hands, Mister President. I can't build all that alone. Maybe make a few more Skull Knights."

"I need a soul stone for that first. See you later,"


Xandar, Luxury Market District,

The people in the Market District didn't really care about what new shops closed and opened since they all sold the same things, except the specialised cuisine shops.

But today, a new shop opened. East Xandar Trading Company was a weird name to have, but sad for them, if they were not colonised by the British, they couldn't understand the joke.

Today, the shop opened silently without much promotion. This was strange as the market in Xandar was highly competitive, and to get successful, one needs as many customers as possible.

Oluwatimileyin Olayemi was a green-skinned humanoid alien from a faraway planet in a galaxy far away. But he had been trading in Xandar for a while now. His work involved buying stuff and transporting it to various shops in his home galaxy. Today, he was once again scouting for something worthy of his interest.

Hence, he found himself standing in front of the new East Xandar Trading Company. From its looks, it seemed like a shop that sold food items, but the name didn't match, not to mention it was empty.

He entered and found just four staff members. This was rare as all shops in this luxury district were top-notch and had dozens of employees. Right beside the main door, there was a counter with a system, a long table and a man dressed in Shop's Uniform, a shirt with a white beast's image.

"Can I see the menu?" He asked.

The cashier replied, "Sir, this is not a restaurant. Our work model is slightly different. You take that basket with you, put whatever you want to buy in it, then bring it to me so I can pack it for you. Then you take the items home and eat them in comfort. Or, if you want a quick bite, we have our line of Instant Noodles, fried rice, rice cakes and sandwiches. You can eat them while sitting beside the long table near the window,"

Oluwatimileyin Olayemi was pretty shocked. To make the customer work to do the shopping was unethical here. But he relented as nothing in the shop he saw was recognisable: "Where is all this material from?"

"That is classified, sir."

"Fine, I will take a look." The guy picked up a basket and moved in. There were rows and rows of stacked food on counters. He started to look around and picked whatever he felt was interesting.

Unable to wait, he went to the side and opened a few things. One bottle of Coka Cola, a Sandwich, an Oreo, Creamy onion Lays and some caramel popcorn. He took one bite each and just sat there with closed eyes like a monk.


Then, all of a sudden, his eyes shot open, and he looked at the shop, ~There is so much more. This is like a secret mine. But I just dieted and lost a few kilos last month. FUCK IT! Here I go, getting fat again.~

[See Erskine on Discord- OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

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