Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 128: Eater of Worlds

Chapter 128: Eater of Worlds

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"He wrote a book after the end of his first presidency. He titled it 'The President's Secretary' He wrote many things in it, like how you often complained there were no women of your age. Like how you would randomly throw tanks at the enemies in wars. Like how you would have barbecue Sundays with the soldiers. Scratch that, a whole history book about you is taught in 8th grade, and there are college degrees specialising on the 33rd President."

Hector sighed to himself. He expected to become a historical figure, but when did he complain about being a virgin?

"Grandpa, you're still a virgin?" Jean asked, her eyes slanted and face showing a wicked smile.

Hector shuddered, "Dear Jean, it's okay. You don't have to try to match me with someone."

"Hehe... I know a few beautiful old ladies. I'm sure you will like them,"

"NO! I am leaving now. Fury, keep your mouth shut, or I will whoop your ass when I return. And tell Kennedy that his presidential immunity won't save his ass from his commander. Bastard smothered my name. Just wait, I will write a book too now. Hmph!"

He didn't spare another glance, gave Jean a hug, and patted her head, "Take care, you can contact me anytime, and I will come to take you. Space is much more exciting than you can imagine."

"Thanks, grandpa. I will think about it after I complete my PhD. Bye-bye... please find a grandma for me!" She didn't forget to pull his leg one last time.

Chuckling, Hector left. The ship's hatch closed down, and the engines started rumbling. Gusts of wind hit those around, thrusting the ship up. Jean, Fury and Captain Marvel were left standing alone.

Fury gave Jean his card, "If you ever want to do more, here is my card. SHIELD is a great path."

She scoffed and flew up, "Grandpa told me to never join SHIELD! Bye."

Fury frowned, "Why? Wait... am I in the wrong profession?" Then his eyes fell on Captain Marvel, "Where will you go now?"

She was confused and just watched the ship vanish into space. "I... I don't know. I think I will stay on Earth for a bit and try to find some answers,"

"You're always welcome to live with me," Maria Rambeau suggested.

"And you can always join SHIELD!"

"Thank you, but I want to have some alone time. And I think SHIELD is fine without me. I'm not as reliable."


Fury folded his arms in annoyance, "What's with you all hating on SHIELD! Just listen to the name. It's so awesome. It's badass, anyway; it's your loss. I'm heading back now, I need a beer."

"That I can agree with." Captain Marvel also followed.


Freedom One,

A crowd of all Ravagers sat in one location, faces looking stiff and serious as if someone had just ripped their hearts out. They had a complete focus on the scene in front of them, and nobody made a noise, not even a cough.

No, it was not a war meeting, instead, it was a cute little poem recital by the one and only Yelena. She wore a cute little white dress and looked like a little angel. Beside her was Moony, wearing a dress of a sheep, only his face revealed he was a good fluffy boy.


Everyone vibed with Yelena's swinging body as she sang. Natasha sat beside Hector, clapping for her sister with an emotionless face.

"Yes, yes... continue, little one." Hector cheered her on when she seemed to be stuck.

The children's music continued, and she tried to think and sing. "Ah... Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?

Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full

One for my master, one for my d-damn

And one for the little boy who lives down the lame

Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?...

"WOOF!" Moony barked, showing his fluffy fur as if telling that yes, he got the wool.

"Hahaha... Marvellous performance, little ones." Hector gave them the reward in the form of chocolates.

Yelena skipped toward Hector and jumped onto his lap, "I still need practice,"

"We will all practice with you," an angry-looking Ravager said, fawning over the little child.

The rest of the Ravagers were the same, looking at Yelena as if they'd kill or get killed if it came to protecting her. The whole ship had been made child friendly already. All weapons were kept in safety with guards.

Talos was somewhat taken aback by the scenes, "I thought you were a group of lawless pirates."

"Haha, that's in the past. Now, we're a legit business that sometimes takes high-risk jobs. By the way, what will you do after this? Back to Tarnax IV?" He asked, starting the conversation that mattered.

"Tarnax? Why would I go there? Only the pampered lords live there. I also need to find a new home for these folks."

"It sounds like you're not happy with the Skull administration." He read the in-between lines.

"Are you trying to get the words out of me to help your mission? See if I'm a traitor?" Talos glared at him.

Hector chuckled, "I nearly forgot that you're also a spy. Well, how do you feel about the Skrull Empire? I am not very optimistic after meeting your emperor. Especially not after how easily I was able to plant paranoia in his mind that there is a traitor so he would hire me."

"Yeah, I don't fe... WHAT?!"

"Welcome to Freedom Clan, where the most scheming person in the galaxy rules." Yondu snarled from the side.

"Why? What do you want from him? Money?" Talos questions him.

"Alliance, I want allies to fight and end the Kree Empire. I am building a great army of thousands of warships and a billion troops. But that won't be enough. Shi'ar Empire is not interested in fighting. The Nova Empire is signing a peace treaty. That leaves Skrulls, and you guys will have to fight, no matter if you want it or not."

"You can dream. The Emperor will not make any alliances with you, no matter what. He does not see the threats outside the home planet. You're wasting energy." Talos clarified, in his eyes, the Skrulls were done, the Empire was done, all they could do now was to spread around and take refuge.

Hector caressed Yelena's hair, who sat on his lap and read a storybook. "I know that. That's why I am going to replace the emperor. I am looking for a new candidate. SoWhat do you think about becoming the Emperor of the Skrull Empire?"

"I will pass!"

Hector was amazed; most people would not deny such an offer. So he tried to convince him, "Why? You are a Skrull General. Nobody will bat an eye at you if you take the throne. You can also have my support and retain the position. Think about it,"

"It won't work; my rule would be unstable, with each noble wanting to usurp me and take over. Moreover, I have no connection to the royal line. So it's pretty important to get mass support." Talos argued.

Hector rubbed his beard in annoyance, "Then, do you know anyone with royal blood with a sane mind?"

"Hmm... there is oneAn exiled princess. But I can't guarantee that she's sane."

"I'll take it. As long as there is room for work, I will try. Who is she?"

"Princess Veranke,"

Hector had not heard this name before. He didn't know if this character was just some random Skrull or if she had some history in Marvel. "What can you tell me about her?"

At that, Talos didn't feel comfortable, "It's just some crazy things. She's a member of the Dard'van, a deeply religious sect of the Skrull society whose existence centres around an approaching scenario that would see the end of the Skrull Empire.

"She saw something, Veranke and her sect attempted to warn Emperor Dorrek VII of the impending disaster of an eater of worlds and a "wave". She challenged his claim to the throne that if he remained ignorant, then he was not worthy of it. Dorrek felt his authority challenged, so he called her insane and a religious zealot. However, he could not execute Veranke without making her a martyr, so he had her exiled to a deserted planet.

"I was the one to drop her to her exile. She's not a bad woman, just got some connections loose."

~Eater of worlds? Galactus? FUCK! This mess keeps on becoming bigger and bigger.~ Hector silently cursed.

"Can you take me to her? Then, I can meet her and decide if what she says is right or not. After all, if she is indeed right, then the Skrull Empire can be considered a lost cause. You don't want that, do you?"

Talos glanced at his kid on the side, playing with the white furry beast, "I'm out of options here anyway. But, if your reputation has even an ounce of honesty, I guess I should take you to her."

"Great! Have some rest with your friends and family. Then, I will plan things further." Hector got up and left to tuck Yelena into her bed as she had fallen asleep on his lap while reading.

[A/N: For all those who don't know, in the upcoming Marvel Secret Invasion series, Princess Varanke is probably going to be the main antagonist if they don't change it, as she was the leader of the invasion.]

[See Yelena on Discord- OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

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