Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 179: Iron Man Is Born

Chapter 179: Iron Man Is Born

[You can read 60 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.]

Hector came out of the magic circle and saw Tony lying on the sand, tired after brawling with Moony. "How's life treating you, Tony?"

Tony was not too shocked by him, rather excited. His misery was finally coming to an end, "As you can see, I got myself some nice tanning. But I must say, I've overstayed my vacation."

"Well, your brain has overstayed its uselessness too. Now get up and come along. You've got some thinking to do. By the way, how does it feel to be hurt and kidnapped with your own weapons?" Hector talked in a mocking voice all the way.

Tony grunted, "I know, I know I fucked up. Now I know what dad meant in that videotape he left to you,"

Hector confusedly asked, "What tape?"

"Something he recorded in his dying breath. He said he was sorry, asked for your forgiveness, and told me not to commit the same mistakes. And it seems I even left him behind in fuckups. So as a result, my weapons that were supposed to be in the hands of the military are used by terrorists."

Hector didn't hear anything he said afterwards. He was thinking about Howard. ~I wonder if he went to hell or heaven?~

"Let's go now," Hector didn't show him the still-alive doctor from before as that would probably mess up every single lesson Tony just learnt. Instead, he stared at the arc reactor, the technology that would help him change the world and possibly fix the image of his home nation.

"You've got a pretty shiny toy stuck to your chest, kid," Hector commented.

"The toy is what keeps me alive. But... I've been craving something now. You got any cheeseburger?"

Hector started walking away, "Let's go, Kennedy. This guy is better dead than alive."

"Hey hey... it was just a joke," Tony shouted and ran after them. Though he glanced at Moony and winked, "It was not a joke,"


Hector laughed, "HAHA... he can understand you, Tony, and he just snitched on you,"

( _ )

"WAIT! Can all dogs understand me? OH NO! The things I've told my pets."



"Wake up, bub. It's time for your first night,"

Raza, the terrorist leader and a high-ranking Ten Rings member, woke up from his forced slumber. He looked around, and it seemed he was in some military aircraft.

"Who are you?"

Logan extended his adamantium claws, "Nobody for now, but I can be your worst nightmare if I don't get any answers."

He put his claw back and placed his fist on Rasa's leg, "Where is the headquarters of Ten Rings?"

"I don't kn- AAAAAAAARGH! FUCK!"

The claws came out of his fist and pierced Raza's legs. "You don't have any regenerative ability as far as I know. So you better hurry before you lose all this precious red stuff,"

"I don't know. I'm just a leader among them. I've never even met the guy who runs it. All I know about is the ten rings," Raza babbled.

Logan narrowed his gaze; he was not buying this talk, "Okay, don't mind me if any accident happens and I cut somewhere between your legs,"


Once again, Logan pierced his same leg, now slightly higher on the thigh. Raza cried in pain, but since both of his hands were restrained to the side of the walls, he couldn't do anything.

"How do you know about the Ten Rings without seeing them? The old prez told me you recognised the blue energy. This means you saw it in use." *WOOSH*

He stabbed him again, a bit higher.


"Only I ask questions. Now answer me, where is the headquarters of Ten Rings? Tell me, or this time I will be precise."

Logan slowly scratched his blade upwards and closer to his cock. "Say it now, or I will..."

Slowly the claws started coming out, paining him and panicking him.


Logan pulled his hand away with a smile, "Good boy,"

He gripped Raza's chin from under and lifted his face, "Rest in peace!"



Logan's claws came out. This time they pierced into his throat and went upward towards his brain. His nose, eyes, mouth and ears bled out instantly, and he was dead.


On a Boeing C-17 Globemaster, Hector, Kennedy, Moony, and Tony headed back to the United States. There was also a doctor to treat Tony, and he was trying to flirt with her.


The doctor smacked him on the head with the scissors, "Shut up, or I will tell grandpa,"

"Grandpa? What the fuck?"

Hector walked in and smacked Tony on his cheeks, "Jean is my adopted child. You mess with her, I will rip that reactor out of your chest,"


"CHILL, old man. Flirting is just a reflex for me, I do it whenever I see a pretty woman. By the way, how did you get her custody? The law doesn't allow single men to adopt girls," Tony changed the subject.

Hector chuckled, "Kid, I am the law. And she still has parents. So she's just my adopted grandkid. But I do have two legally adopted daughters. Also, two sons."

"Pfft... you found kids but not a woman?" Tony snorted while trying to hold his laugh.

Hector was not entertained, "Kennedy, open the hatch. We will drop him in the Sahara desert this time,"

"AH! Be gentle," Tony cried as Jean pricked him while stitching.

"What a weak boy," she scoffed. She knew if Hector wanted to fix him, he'd have done it already. But he wanted him to feel pain, so she was here.


Hector had not forgotten how misbehaving Tony was last time they met. He was not going to let him off the hook so easily. But for now, Obadiah Stane needs to die. All those who capitalise on war needed to die. That was his simple philosophy. Obadiah was among the top as he made deals with the terrorists, and not just any terrorists but Ten fucking Rings.

As the plane landed, Tony informed his secretary and bodyguard to come and pick him up. The accomplishment of saving him was awarded to Lieutenant Frank Castle, who will now get a promotion, a medal and be taken in by SHIELD for his exceptional service. By doing this, he will also be bringing his family under SHIELD's protective umbrella.

Hector, Kennedy and Moony simply vanished from there and arrived at Mount Vernon; it was time to work on the Ten Rings and have some fun. In addition, he wanted to spend more time with Diana.

"Ah, nothing feels better than home." Hector chirped as he sat down on his chair and opened a bottle of chilled beer.

He turned on the television to watch the news. The volume was on high, and it blasted loud, [NEWS: The owner of Fisk Industries was arrested after a video of him torturing an investigative journalist, Eddie Brock, surfaced. Not only that, in the same video, he admitted to killing more people and mixing their flesh into his fish meat products.

All this was possible due to the help of the amazingly beautiful superhero, Wonder Woman.]


He threw up a mouthful of beer and blinked dumbly, "What the! DIANA?"

[NEWS: Breaking News. Tony Stark, the CEO of Stark Industries, has been saved, and his flight just landed at California Military Base. We will take your right to the press conference.]


In a hall in the Stark Industries building, Tony sat in front of the podium, eating a burger. He felt different to everyone there today, as he had emotions in his voice.

"I was never close to my dad. I wish I were. There are questions that I would have asked him. I would have asked him how he felt about what this company did. If he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts. I know he and President Washington were not on happy terms. Why? I will never know.

"Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels." He stopped speaking and looked down at his feet, the scenes of his kidnapping resurfacing.

"I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend them and protect them. And I saw that I had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability. 'You still don't understand your weapons, their power and effect, kid', a very wise man said to me not too long ago. He was right."

"What happened there, Mister Stark?" a reporter asked quickly.

Tony sighed and answered, "I had my eyes opened." he stood behind the podium. "I realised that I have more to offer this world than just making things that blow up. And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International. Until such a time I can decide what the company's future will be. Thank you for coming here,"

He didn't wait for any more seconds and left quickly. Obadiah could say whatever he wanted. It was Tony whose words mattered the most.

[See Tony on Discord at OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]

Check out my new original book if you have not: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

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