Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 78: Mister Sinister

Chapter 78: Mister Sinister

You can read 70 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


Inside what used to be Xavier's mansion, now housed a new school called Washington-Xavier school for gifted children. It was already a fully advanced facility for mutant kids.

Now Charles' job was to find these kids. Though he didn't allow Charles to mentally manipulate Jean this time, rather than making her suppress the memories, he made Charles teach her in a mirror dimension created by Moony, the boy was a teacher too after all.

In fact, Moony was the best teacher for students with problematic powers that were too strong. In Mirror dimensions, nothing exists other than those put inside. So Jean wasn't able to hear messy voices while training and could regularly take naps there.

With good mental health, she picked Charles' training in no time. With this, Charles decided to find more mutant children under distress.


Hector was utterly bored. Being president was fun when there were challenges, now there were none. The world seemed peaceful, the American occupation of Germany and Japan had long ended, only Vietnam's was still ongoing, North Korea too.

USSR tried many times to spread its wings in South America but they couldn't. Hector made sure their governments were capitalists and no communists came into power.

Howard Stark and nearly 120 other industrialists hated Hector to the core. But despite that, entrepreneurship was much on the rise with the right economic policies. Taxation was decided based on percentage. The maximum tax rate for personal income was 35%, this was for those earning more than 50,000(234,089$ today) a year.

Companies had a similar thing going on but they couldn't get tax rebates if they hired more American workers instead of shifting their production outside the country.

He also acted in the hit movie Star Wars. And soon after, the election for Hector's 10th term came. He once again swooped the country clean, but he saw a trend. In a few states, particularly from where the angered industrialists came from, the voting share had dropped.

But in the end, he won all electoral votes due to his ultimately successful policies, reforms and wars won. America was not just a land of opportunity and a nation of freedom, but also a nation of justice.

Hector had made every American feel a sense of pride, that yes, they are good guys who bring goodness to the world. But he continued to do his Smart America programme so his fellow citizens don't become dumb. The new education system was already teaching the kids about the true history and the world, he also promoted critical thinking. And of course, reducing conspiracy theories.

But in 1976, Hector decided to stop trying to win elections. He was tired and bored. He's been doing it for years.


He got on his motorbike and drove to the special school. He was a regular here and even taught kids.

Hector was a man who was idolised by people of all generations. His name was taken with legends such as Genghis Khan and Alexandra the Great. But of course, his name had more value because he didn't commit genocides.

"Haha, how are my little munchkins? Are you studying well?" He asked the group of 10 kids. This was the first batch. Their teachers were Charles, Erik, Raven, Moony and Henry MacCoy. Logan also came from time to time to give physical exercise training.

Jean quickly came running and hugged him, she was just 10 years old, "I heard Moony has been teaching you his art of howling these days?"

"Grandpa, he says it's the best stress-buster, an-and whenever you are cold it can help." She tried to tell him everything.

He chuckled, ruffling her hair, "Good girl. But Moony also has a habit of licking himself clean, I hope you don't take that up and keep bathing like humans."

She rolled her eyes, "Come on, I'm not a dummy. I'm a smart, 10-year-old lady. I can also recite multiplication tables from one to hundred."

He was proud of her. After seeing the holocaust first hand, he had already decided to at least give a kinder and more comfortable life to the broken superheroes in this universe, good to see it working. "Good, and where is our resident bald man?"

"Hehe... Professor is in the machine room. He's finding more friends for us." She chirped.

"Woof!" Moony appeared out of nowhere. He wore a black tie and had thick glasses on his eyes, of course, it was just the black frame without any glass.

Jean understood his words and announced, "Everyone, professor Moony says it's time for the next class. IT'S THE NAPTIME!"

With that, they all cheered and ran back into the building. Hector headed to see Charles and find out which gifted kid he found this time.

"Logan? What are you doing here?" He found Logan sitting at the reception desk, smoking a cigar with his feet on the table.

"I came to see Moony and teach kids how to fight. They're going to need it one day. This world ain't kind of us fellas." Logan replied.

"Father? I was about to call you. Charles has found someone interesting." Erik appeared from the room. He had retired from the Army this year and now full time worked for the betterment of mutants.

"Has he? Let's go and get him then. What's his name?" Hector asked. He was itching for some action and it was finally here.

"He's a kid by the name Scott Summers. The poor boy had an accident at the orphanage where his powers manifested, causing an accident. People wanted to kill him but he ran away. Currently, he's being abused by a small-time criminal." Erik reported to him, his anger was rising as he felt pity for the kid.

But Hector had a totally different concern. "Mister Sinister!" He exclaimed.

"Who?" Eric asked.

He waved and entered to meet Charles. ~It seems I did catch a big fish. Killing Mister Sinister won't be easy with all his abilities. But for that, I need to find him."

Of course, there was another reason to kill this bastard. He was experimenting on mutants, wiped Scott's memory clean about his younger brother. He wanted to manipulate the poor kid and even Jean late, making them unstable.


"Charles, what's the name of the place Scott was living?" Hector asked him first thing.

"It was some State Home for Foundlings, why?"

Target was obtained, "You, Raven and Eric go to find the kid. The State Home for Foundlings is run by a dangerous immortal scientist who is experimenting with mutants. I shall go kill him. He's too powerful for all of you.

"His forte is shapeshifting and mental abilities. And you know, mental abilities don't work on me. I will smash his head between my palms like a watermelon. I shall not tolerate vermin like him on my land."


Charles did it. He was very well aware of Hector's brutality on the battlefield, he saw it in Vietnam. "Understood, I will head out immediately."

Hector walked back to Logan, "Get up, we've got a superhuman evil villain to slaughter. Bring Moony too, his magic can be helpful."

Logan stood up like a statue, "Finally."


Moony, Logan and Hector got into a car and headed out to reach this orphanage. He also made sure to keep the Skull Knight H ready.

"You got your claws sharp, boy?"



Hector laughed, "I was asking Moony but I guess this is also fine,"

Logan grunted. He hated being treated like a soft man. "Who is this Mister Sinister?"

"A man from 19th century gained immortality and various powers, mad about science. Can basically control his body on a molecular level. Plus everything Charles and Jean can do with mind control." He gave them a crash course as he drove.

~Dad, can I get ice cream after the fight?~ Moony innocently barked.

"Of course, you can, dear boy. You've been a good teacher I heard." Hector ruffled his head.

Moony too made happy noises and went back to his immortal biting war with the air outside the running car.


The three reached the orphanage disguised. He sent Logan inside first to check the grounds. Meanwhile, Hector tried to sense the evil. Although Mister Sinister didn't have occult evil powers, the man was still evil, and all evil people have a presence.

"Moony, your job is to trap Mister Sinister and me in a mirror dimension when I start fighting him." He ordered.

He could see parents entering and leaving the place. Some kids were happy and some sad. The place was a real orphanage on the surface as a disguise.

Hector put an illusion on himself to look like an upright smart old man, not as tall. He walked into the building, "I would like to adopt someone,"

He knew that he just needed to say one name to bring out the man. The receptionist smiled and gave him a form, "Have you seen the children?"

"Oh yes, his name is Scott Summers. He's supposed to be here with his little brother."

And as expected, her face muscles tightened.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!

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