Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 89: X-Men

Chapter 89: X-Men

You can read 70 chapters in advance and GOT fic on /misterimmortal.


"400 kilos?(881lbs) I am heavy." Hector looked at the weighing machine in the Oval Office.

Being president for decades, his office was not just a workspace but a storeroom filled with all kinds of wacky stuff. There were things from a normal pen and paper to a big wall chart of what if all US presidents were bald. It had all presidents with edited bald heads.

Many asked him why he had that, he had no answer so he'd reply, "Why not?"

"Boy, come here, let's see how heavy you've gotten," He called Moony. "Yes, put your butt on it and relax."

Moony looked at the numbers, but he didn't understand the analogue machine and the small bars. ~Dad, numbers, what do they mean?~ he barked.

"Son, you are even fatter than me, 420 kilos, nice." He ruffled his furry head.

~I'm fluffy, not fat.~ Moony protested.

*Knock Knock*

"Sir, Mr Charles Xavier is here to meet you." His secretary informed him.

The man was bald but not crippled. Heck, he even trained every day and has a nice muscular body now. This made him more dangerous, a man with the mental abilities of Charles, a good thing he was on the right team.

"Sir, I have some grave news to share with you. A few American Army generals are using national funds to experiment on gifted ones, as you call us. A man named Bolivar Trask is leading it. He's a brilliant scientist and messed up in the head." Charles reported to him.

Hector closed his eyes and tried to remember. "Hmmm... oh, you're talking about that midget? Tyrion Lannister? I banned his company from experimenting on gifted ones and getting funding. How is he still doing it?"

"Lan-Lannister? I... ugh... Foreign nations do not share the same enthusiasm as you when it comes to protecting the likes of us, sir. I have news that Trask is working on a killer robot that can target mutants. I'm afraid, if nothing is done, the world will become polarised. All the gifted ones will start forming factions." Charles said. He knew this would happen because even he felt doing such. If the world can't accept the likes of him, then it's better to create a country of their own.

Hector rubbed his temples, "Fine, I will go and deal with him. You try to become a leader for the gifted ones. How is the X-Men programme going? I want X-Men to not interfere in anything, you are not supposed to be warriors, rather you are to travel the world and help nations deal with natural disasters."

Charles then briefed his complete plan. "I am still training them. A few more students have entered the school. I am heading to Africa tomorrow, it's about some girl with psionic abilities to manipulate the weather. I think with her, our X-Men team will be much better at dealing with natural disasters.

"Jean is amazing at dealing with heavy objects, such as building rubble. Cyclops can be helpful in cutting concrete or steel. Iceman can help us deal with fires and the Beast... well he's smart."

Hector had decided to form this team after much thinking. Initially, he was against using the kids that come to school for fighting, but later he felt that the Gifted Ones will need some good publicity in order for the world to accept them.

But, making them fight other villains was not good. Fighting always brings damage to property and sometimes the bystanders also die. Public anger then explodes on heroes, not villains. But in natural disasters, they will only be helping, not destroying things.

"Good. You need to start focusing on your political career as well. You need to enter the Senate before I retire in 88." Hector urged him. He didn't know if he could bring in Mutant Civil Rights before he leaves, but by letting Charles become a Senator he'd at least be bringing in some help.

Charles soon left the office. Moony headed to the Mayor's office to do his job. With that, he also left to meet Bolivar Trask.


Bolivar Trask was a weapons designer as well as the President and CEO of Trask Industries. Even from his early years as a research assistant, Bolivar always maintained a particular interest in the origin and evolution of humanity. Trask made it his goal to unlock the mysteries of human DNA. What he did not anticipate was the discovery of the X-Gene.

The fool soon hypothesised the impending extinction of the human race. So, he decided to open a company and find ways to remove this segment of the population, as he felt that one day the mutants will be the dominant species on Earth due to all their powers.

But, in Hector's view, like most other people on Earth, Trask had a myopic view of the world. He only saw Earth and not the Universe. If he did, he would see mutants as the insurance policy of Earth's survival in the messed up Universe filled with beings who can remove earth's existence just by willing it.

Heck, Hector was just waiting for 2011, so the world sees the alien invasion and from there he can go fully transparent about the whole alien situation and truly prepare the world because, at that point, people will have to accept that no, they are not alone.

"Maybe I can bring this Trask to the right path and make him work for me. He has not done anything bad yet." He thought. After all, such a magnificent science talent is needed.

He entered the warehouse that housed Bolivar Trask's manufacturing unit. He had not announced his arrival beforehand. So when he arrived, a small frenzy took over.

Trask was there however and he came to meet with him on his own. Hector was taken to his office so they could talk in private. But there was something going on behind the scenes that not even Bolivar Trask had control over.


"Our illustrious leader is here, what can I do for you, Mr President," Trask greeted him.

~Hah, he even sounds like Tyrion Lannister.~ Hector chuckled secretly.

"I heard you have kept your mutant experimentation programme running even after my ban, and you have created a robot that can hunt mutants?" he got straight to the point.

Trask fiddled in his seat. He was a dwarf, and compared to Hector, in front of whom even normal people seem dwarf, he felt on edge. "I... I am just doing tests for the future of the company, the mutants come here on their own to participate for money. We don't harm them at all."

Hector would be the dumbest creature if he believed him like this, "And the robot? It's called Sentinel, right? A good name. But what they are made to do is sad. To kill mutants? Tell me, why do you even hate them? Mutants can literally be the best thing that happened to our world. They can solve world hunger, energy needs, save earth from extraterrestrial dangers,"

"They can take over the planet and make humanity their slaves," Bolivar Trask countered.

"Why would they? I know the strongest mutants in the world right now and they have normal human parents. Parents who love them, care about them. Son, anybody can be a mutant, X-Gene is in most people around the world. It's a matter of who activates it and who does not." Hector replied. It was best to have a debate with him first.

"But to allow them to take over our planet just in fear of some asteroid hitting us? It's like surrendering ourselves." Trask said.

*Sigh* "I was not talking about asteroids. I was talking about aliens. Yes, they exist, they are much more advanced than us and they can easily destroy us whenever they want to. Earth is in a galaxy that's at the edge of the more populated part of the Universe, that's why we are still safe." Hector dropped the bomb. He could have elaborated about Celestials, but honestly, if a normal human hears that some ancient godly beings experimented on apes, people would just laugh and call him a fool.

Bolivar Trask's face was worth seeing, his mouth agape and his moustache fallen now. "H-How advanced are we talking about?"

"Umm, let's just say, there are super-powered beings that eat planets for survival. All the gods you know, Greek gods, Nordic gods, Hindu gods and all, they exist, they are like extremely strong aliens that once had much influence on earth but now live in a different dimension or planets. Other than this, there are space empires spanning entire galaxies. Some Empires are also fighting each other. There are all kinds of races, some are worm-like that feed on life forms by taking over them.

"The Universe is one giant hole that you don't want to fall in. And one day, I can guarantee you that all that mess will reach Earth. When that happens, I want us to be strong and prepared. The path leads through mutants and various superheroes like Captain America. We need these powerful beings more than they need us." Hector briefed him on the details.

Bolivar Trask had no reason to believe him but he could not deny the great possibility that it might be true. After all, Hector was the president and has access to information that nobody else does.

"What is your plan?" He asked.

Hector knew he had the full focus of this man. "Make Earth stronger as a society first. There is too much race and religious divide, then there is the whole communist vs capitalist thing. I don't want that. When the bombs drop from space, they don't discriminate between Russia or America, Black or White.

"What you are doing is ultimately destroying the chances of Earth's survival. So make a choice, you can either help me build a safer world, or I will make it with you no longer living in it."

"Y-You will kill me?" Trask looked as if he was offended.

Hector scoffed, "I am a firm believer in democracy and freedom, but the same freedom sometimes becomes the enemy of itself. If KKK tried to recruit people and spread hatred, calling for the burning of other races, should I let them be because we are a democratic free nation where everyone gets the right to speak? No, that's where democracy ends and my foot starts stomping on throats.

"So, you decide, you want my foot or prolonged life."

Bolivar Trask gulped his saliva. Seeing the size of Hector, the foot might be big enough to stomp over half of his body. To take off the tension, he poured himself a glass of water and drank it. He took a long breath and said a condition, "I need proof, proof that Alien civilization much stronger than we exist. If you do that, I will wholeheartedly create weapons for you and work with mutants."

Hector silently thought about how to make him believe. Are there any aliens on Earth right now? Probably. Were they in contact with the US government? No. There was still that spacecraft hidden in the orbit, but finding it was too hard for the limited tech he had.

"For that, you will have to wait until 1995. I can guarantee you that in that year you will see not just aliens but also their might. But until then, you need to scrap all the Anti-Mutant activities. To ensure that, you will sign this contract with me," Hector proposed.

Bolivar Trask picked the piece of strange golden old-looking paper and read it. "What does my essence mean? Why would I give that to you in return for not breaking the deal and getting answers to the Universe in 1995?"

"Oh, your essence means you are forfeiting your life. It simply means that if you sign this, you accept the deal, and if you break it, my foot is itching." Hector explained, he was technically right and wrong at the same time. Yes, essence did mean his life, but not in the physical one, rather the soul.

"And why do you want me to teach in this mutant school?" this was also in the contract.

He explained, "Because I want you to meet and understand mutants from close. Until now, all you think about is that mutants are bad, but you have never really met and tried to understand them. So you are to go there and teach like a good professor of science. This is a win-win for you."

Bolivar Trask nodded and read the contract a few more times. He honestly had no other option, it was to accept or die. But accepting it gave him more advantages as he'd get answers. "Fair enough, I shall sign it... hmm, with my blood?"

"Oh, that's my way of making contracts, I believe DNA is the best way to authenticate a contract," Hector said, smiling like a devil at the same time. But he also used his illusion power to not look demonic right now or else that would create too many more problems.

However, it seemed he was too late.


All of a sudden, red emergency lights started to blink all around the warehouse and the office. Instructions to stay where you are resounded in speakers.

"What's going on?" he inquired.

Bolivar Trask had a paled face, "NO! THIS..."


He got his answers soon. A loud angry robotic voice repeated a few words again and again, at the same time, giant robotic hands tore through the roof of the small office.

Soon, there stood multiple Sentinel MK I robots.

"ELIMINATE THE PRESIDENT! To protect humans! Must control humans! Control the strongest human! ELIMINATE THE PRESIDENT! CONTROL THE PRESIDENT!"

[See Bolivar Trask and the Sentinel Discord- OR see them on Instagram - /mister_immortal_novel]



Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler*

Thank you for all your support!

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