Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 103: Restoration of sunlight ability

Chapter 103: Restoration of sunlight ability

Chapter 103 The ability to shine under the sun is restored!

After watching Casillas' side, Su Yao turned his attention here.

His hands glowed red, his feet did not touch the ground, and he rushed towards the location where Casillas placed the Cosmic Cube energy weapon.

Soon, he arrived at the remote place.

Looking at the pile of weapons on the ground, Su Yao immediately squatted down and started absorbing energy.

The blue light flashed inside the weapon, and wisps of space energy seeped out of his hand and quickly entered his body.

Su Yao could feel that the damaged snake panel was recovering quickly.

As time goes by, one handful, two handfuls, ten handfuls, thirty handfuls...

Soon, a prompt sounded in his ears.

Ability: Floating and Flying (Unlocked)

Ability: Sunshine (unlocked)

Hearing the prompt sound, Su Yao put down his palm and felt very good.

My abilities have finally been restored, and I have a preliminary ability to protect myself!

Su Yao thought with relief.

In a place where Marvel gods are flying all over the sky, even if the sun shines on him, he still feels a little unsure.

After all, the last time he lost control was just an accident. He didn't think he could lose control and use powerful moves to destroy a city every time.

According to the normal combat power, the level 3 sunlight is currently estimated to only cover about 112 meters. It is good to clean up the weak ones, but the effect on those powerful characters is unknown.

Thinking about it, Su Yao became more eager to improve his strength.

As long as you give it some more time to develop, you will be able to develop sooner or later!

Glancing at the various abilities on the panel, Su Yao looked at the current shortcomings.

Ability: Divine Body (346/500) Level 2

Lets upgrade to level three first. I dont know if I can upgrade in the afternoon

Thinking about it, he mobilized the prototype of the divine power in his body to slowly flow around his body.

A series of prompts sounded.

God's body experience +1

God's body experience +1

God's body experience +1

While practicing the body of the gods, Su Yao was thinking about whether there was any other place or foreign object that could improve his strength.

If one can improve his strength, he must become a guinea pig in various experiments, but it is impossible for him to be a guinea pig, and his current status as a wanted criminal prevents him from doing such a thing.

Then only external objects are left...

I remember that in Thor 2, the ether particles, also known as the Reality Stone, seemed to appear?

"On Earth?"

Or in a certain space connected to the earth...

Su Yao was deep in thought.

As for the Reality Stone, it is definitely a BUG-level item. It is very similar to Chaos Magic and can modify reality!

For example, turning bullets fired from guns into bubbles, turning people into stones, etc. are extremely simple.

It can shape everything around it according to the user's wishes!

Of course, the power of a single gem has its limit. The scope of reality modified by the reality gem will be different depending on the user, and it will fluctuate according to the physical strength.

It is also time-sensitive. Even if the gem leaves the modification range too far, the changed things will be restored to their original state.

Unlike chaos magic, which can achieve permanent changes and directly distort reality, the universe will not collapse due to these distortions, which is simply outrageous.

Of course, reality gems are more convenient than chaos magic. At least they are very stable to use and can be used whenever you want.

Moreover, if there is the assistance of other gems, the effect will be incredible.

After the Infinity Gauntlet combines the power of all the gems, the reality gem erases the human body, the soul gem erases the person's soul, and the power of other gems makes this change permanent... Su Yao frowned as he thought about it.

Its better not to gather all the infinite gems together, otherwise with my current strength, there is a high probability that I wont be able to resist it

Even if he does nothing by then, he may turn into ashes, truly realizing that if a person sits at home, disaster will come from the sky.

Of course, if he has the Infinity Stones in his hand, that's a different matter.

Currently there are time gems, space gems, and suspected reality gems on the earth, and there will also be mind gems in the future..."

Su Yaos mouth twitched.

There are only six in total. Infinity stones, which are said to never gather, actually appear in so many on the earth. Is this reasonable? This is not reasonable!

Speaking of ether particles, where are the Reality Stones?

Suddenly, Su Yao thought of this problem.

He thought about the plot, and then found helplessly that there was no specific place name for that place, at least he couldn't remember it.

The woman named Jane needs to go to that place, and then the Reality Stone will truly appear.

It seems that we can only keep an eye on that woman and see when she disappears unexpectedly. Then the Reality Stone should appear.

Su Yao thought in thought as he touched his chin.

Under the sunlight, the light energy consumed in his body is constantly replenished.

God's body experience +1

Time passed, and it soon came to about two o'clock in the afternoon.

Ability: Divine Body (488/500) Level 2

Leaving the park, Su Yao walked on a remote path while taking a look at the experience points of the Eye Clan's body.

Almost level 3

Just as he was running the embryonic form of divine power in his body, someone was already quietly watching him.

Looking at the guy in white not far away, Yamazaki Masao showed disdain in his eyes.

Just a mutant, no matter how powerful he is, his body is not as fragile as a mortal. As long as the sneak attack is successful, no matter how powerful the mutant is, he will be defeated!

Even the Messiah will die if I touch him, let alone this so-called man in white!

Yamazaki Masao thought with disdain.

He was ready to take action, and the secret camera was turned on on time to play the scene.

Is it that weird guy in white?

Are you ready to take action again?

The audience and netizens became excited and their eyes showed anticipation.

Some guys who knew the truth started to mourn Su Yao.

The tenth-ranked killer in the world, no one who is targeted by him is alive!

If they were this guy in white, they would have arranged the will and coffin long ago.

How miserable!

Many powerful people or well-informed people thought with pity.

At this time.

Su Yao was walking on the street when he noticed two middle-aged passers-by walking not far away.

These two people did not attract his attention at first. After all, there were many passers-by, and he often met other people.

But just when they were about to pass each other, Su Yao suddenly saw from the corner of his eye that the middle-aged man with a mustache on the left suddenly moved his right hand.

With a swipe, a sharp dagger slipped out of his sleeve.

A bright light flashed, and the next second the dagger was about to pierce his heart.

At this moment, both Venom and Su Yao were slightly stunned.

This persons action didnt trigger the crisis sensor?

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