Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 55: Improve unlocking progress

Chapter 55: Improve unlocking progress

Chapter 55: Improving unlocking progress

As the warm current flows through, Su Yao's sensory cells undergo some changes.

At this time, the venom in his right hand was startled, and a sense of threat came over him, and he subconsciously crawled out of Su Yao's right hand.

The black liquid squirmed.

"what happened?"

Sus body

At that moment, Venom felt that Su's body had undergone an inexplicable change, but he didn't know what it was exactly.

When the feeling of threat faded, he climbed into Su's right hand again. Before he could change his little brain to ask anything, he immediately felt the difference.

A feeling of far more comfort than before came over him, and Venom felt that his body, which was weakened by the split, was recovering quickly.

Venom was stunned.

Su, what happened to you? He looked confused.

He felt that he could not understand the Su in front of him more and more. Everything about Su confused him.

Su Yao did not answer him, but started the test.

As the light energy in the body decreases, the sunlight within 75 meters in the next second is slightly distorted.

Su Yao frowned slightly, "Only improved by this much?"

After a moment of disappointment, he shook his head and comforted himself.

Forget it, its not bad, just enough!

And as other abilities are upgraded, the light energy in the body increases, and the range of sunlight will also increase. Generally speaking, it is enough.

In addition to the improvement in the range of sunlight, he found that the light energy in his body had also changed.

Under the sunlight, Su Yao quietly waited for the recovery of light energy in his body.

Light energy +1

Light energy +1

Su Yao felt the light energy in his body and made a rough estimate.

The third-level ability can be used about fifty times, and the second-level ability can be used more than one hundred times.

Overall, its barely enough.

Of course, to say the least, its still not enough

Sunshine has also been upgraded, and now we can focus on unlocking progress.

Su Yaoyuan showed her expectation.

Whether it is the floating flight ability that may appear later, or the changes that may occur when the imitation reaches 100%, he is extremely looking forward to it.

At the same time, the more abilities are awakened, the more light energy will be in the body, creating a virtuous cycle!

Light energy +1

Light energy +1

The number of energy points continues to increase.

He is collecting light energy here, but Venom is now suspicious.

Just now, he sensed a change in the sunlight above his head. He thought Su was going to use that terrifying ability, so he retracted his hand in fear.

After waiting for a long time, he was relieved when the terrifying light did not appear.

At the same time, he was also a little surprised.

I dont know if its his imagination. Compared with last time, the distortion range of the sunlight seems to have increased two or three times this time.

Illusion? Venom muttered.

Just when he was confused, he saw that Su was no longer practicing his abilities, but instead turned sideways to face the sun.

Venom immediately guessed what Su was doing.

Is this absorbing sunlight to restore energy and physical fitness?

Then he was in surprise, watching Su almost motionless, basking in the sun for an entire afternoon.

Facing Sus increasingly confusing behavior, Venom expressed that he could no longer understand humans.

Are all human behaviors so strange?

Is it necessary to bask in the sun all afternoon?

If you want to restore your energy and physical fitness, you must have recovered it long ago, right?

As the sun completely set, Su Yao finally stopped basking in the sun.

He looked at the panel and stared at the energy point column above.

Energy Points: 5079 Looking at more than 5,000 energy points, Su Yao felt very good.

At a glance at the unlocking progress.

(unlock progress 80%)

Su Yao suddenly moved his mind and added all the energy points to the unlocking progress.

The next second, the unlocking progress will jump immediately.

(unlock progress 82%)

"Is it only enough to increase by 2%?" Su Yao shook his head.

After being slightly disappointed, he started to look forward to it again.

Its coming soon. It should be raised to 85% tomorrow. I dont know what abilities I will get?!

There are also possible changes after the imitation is 100%, and the next imitation target is the Scarlet Witch..."

Chaos magic

His eyes couldn't help but light up when he thought of chaos magic.

This is one of Marvel's three ancient powers, possessing the terrifying power to modify reality!

Of course, it is a bit wrong to say this. Chaos magic is only true chaos magic when combined with the Scarlet Witch's mutation ability to modify probability.

This is a power that even the master of the source of chaos magic does not possess.

In short, the Scarlet Witch has abilities that he can explore for a long time.

I just dont know if it might be related to Sissos, the **** of black magic

Su Yao frowned slightly.

Chaos magic is vaguely related to Sissos, the **** of black magic. If he really imitates it, he doesnt know if it will attract the other partys attention.

If you really attract attention, then play Dafa...

That's an ancient god, and he's not that easy to deal with!

After a long while, Su Yao shook his head and didn't think about it any more.

It is impossible for him to give up his unlocking progress for the sake of unknown threats.

Su Yao took a look at the dim sky and left here.

Having not gone far, the venom in his right hand reminded him.


Su Yao frowned and immediately knew that Venom was someone who was being followed again.

In the past few days, he has discovered that many people are looking for him. In addition to people from government departments, there are also some people who are looking for him, and some of them have malicious intentions.

Fortunately, Venom's perception is very buggy, especially the perception of danger.

Venom usually senses it in advance before people in the distance notice him.

In what direction? Su Yao asked.

Behind the wall on your left, Venom said.

Su Yao walked to the wall and listened quietly.

The voices of two middle-aged men came faintly from next door.

Im so annoyed, where is that kid!

If I hadnt collected the money, I would have gotten a large amount of US dollars if I found the person, so I wouldnt have wasted time and effort on doing such a stupid thing.

Dave, a middle-aged man in a blue shirt, complained, "The mission of that underground organization is really troublesome..."

Another man wearing white short-sleeved shirt curled his lips and said, "Please keep your voice down. Are you afraid that people won't hear you if you speak so loudly?"

If the mission target is shouted away by you, Ill beat you up!

Dave said dissatisfied, "What's this? We've been looking for it for so long and haven't found it. How could we find it now? You really think too much..."

While the two of them were muttering, Su Yao, who was next door, stopped and was about to step forward to interrogate them.

Underground organization?

Just for a moment, he thought of Kalpana who he killed and the speedster who escaped.

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