Marvel: Start with Level Five Mutants

Chapter 67: Aliens looking for the Phoenix Force

Chapter 67: Aliens looking for the Phoenix Force

Chapter 67 Aliens looking for the Phoenix Force!

Lets go back and let the professor check it for you.

Storm Ororo said.

The three of them left here in a hurry.

Two kilometers away.

Looking at the disappearing red phoenix, Su Yao muttered to himself under Venom's doubtful gaze, "Is it the power of the phoenix?"

At first, he might not know what it was. After all, Marvel has so much red energy, who knows what it is.

However, if it is shaped like a phoenix, then there is only that one, which is the Phoenix Force, one of Marvel's three ancient powers.

In Marvel, it is a power that is often compared to Chaos Magic.

Su Yao frowned and thought, "Strange, doesn't the Phoenix Girl have the power of the Phoenix already? What is this?"

He began to think.

Soon, he figured out what was going on.

In X-Men Dark Phoenix, the Phoenix Force did appear in space.

At that time, the Phoenix Force was indeed attracted by Qin and took the initiative to possess her.

As for why Qin had traces of the Phoenix Power on her body early in the morning, he had some guesses.

The Phoenix Force has never been complete, it always exists in the form of fragments. Either this is another fragment, or this fragment has been linked to Qin a long time ago.

Flying far away from the depths of the universe is just for better integration.

It really wouldn't be that hard to do this for the abstract power of the universe to materialize, that is, as a symbol of mind and life.

As for why Phoenix Force chose Qin, thats better understood.

Su Yao pondered.

The Phoenix Force prefers people with strong mental powers. Even though Zhong Qins performance in the X-Men is mediocre, her mental power is definitely one of the strongest among humans.

Even Professor

Compared to Professor

According to the plot, as the Phoenix Power in her body gradually awakened, she lost control of her abilities again and transformed into the Dark Phoenix.

Su Yao looked a little solemn when he thought of Black Phoenix.

Qin transformed into the Dark Phoenix, or awakened her second personality, and her spiritual power increased so much that even Professor X could only end up dead in the plot.

Now that the Phoenix Power has suddenly arrived, is it going to be dark?

Su Yao pondered and had to start thinking about his chances of winning if he faced the Dark Phoenix.

After all, compared to the gentleness of his master Geqin, Black Phoenix is simply a little crazy. Who knows what he will do. If he suddenly kills him...

After some estimation, Su Yao shook his head, not feeling very sure.

I can only take advantage of this period of time to become stronger. I just hope that Dark Phoenix will not turn dark so quickly and will not cause trouble.

In addition to these, Su Yao also feels that the timeline is a bit confusing.

Dark Phoenix is supposed to be about reversing the future. After the timeline is refreshed, the situation in the Apocalypse line is not as bad as it is now.

Forget it, Marvel is already a mess, and with my influence

Su Yao shook his head and didn't think much more. He was floating in the air, gaining experience in floating flight, and absorbing light energy.

Floating flight experience +1

Light energy +1

He worked hard to develop here, and after a while he returned to the Cyclops team at X Academy, where they were inspecting the body of Phoenix Girl.

After a while of testing, they found nothing wrong except that the energy on the instrument exploded.

Qin, how are you feeling?

Professor X asked, sitting in a wheelchair.

"I..." Qin felt it and said hesitantly, "I don't know how to describe it. This feeling is unprecedented. I feel good, as if everything has been activated."

Cyclops Scott and others relaxed a little, while Professor Piano, let me check it out.


Just as soon as the psychic ability entered Qin's head, Qin's expression changed slightly, and then she said slightly ferociously, "Get out of my brain!"

As soon as he finished speaking, invisible thoughts surged out, and he immediately pushed Professor X away fiercely.

With a bang, the professor fell hard to the ground as the wheelchair fell to the ground.

The ornaments and other objects around him were also scattered everywhere by the force of his mind.



Beast, Scott and others exclaimed.

Professor X Charles stood up and said, "I'm fine."

Then, his eyes looked at Qin.

Being stared at by pairs of eyes, Phoenix Girl Qin, who had returned to normal, said in a panic, "I don't know what happened..."

Just when the X-Men were in chaos.

In the dark night sky, three white light groups were suspended.

Looking carefully from the halo, you can clearly see three alien spaceships.

Boom, boom, boom!

Three spaceships quickly fell towards the river.

Woof woof woof

A household was having a party, and suddenly the golden retriever outside the house started barking.

Im going to see Luna.

The beautiful woman wearing a white skirt and white blond hair said.

The companions said with laughter.

"go quickly."

Remember not to let it bark again.

Margaret smiled apologetically, got up and walked outside the house.

In the dim woods.

Margaret searched for a while and soon found Luna who was barking.

Luna, whats wrong with you?

Be good, be a good dog, stop barking

She stroked Luna and tried to comfort it, but unfortunately, no matter how she comforted it, Luna still barked forward.

Margaret looked confused and stood up and walked cautiously over there.

As soon as she took a few steps closer, she felt frightened and stepped back in panic.

From the dark woods, gray humanoid creatures with withered skin and mummy-like shapes came out.

There was a scream, and then silence returned to the woods.

The gray humanoid creature gradually transformed into the woman named Margaret, and then walked towards the place where the party was held.

Behind her is a gray alien.

Soon, the party venue became quiet, and the gray aliens were all disguised as humans.

If Su Yao were here, he would probably recognize who they are at a glance.

They are the Debali people who live on the planet Debali.

Because the Phoenix Force inadvertently destroyed their planet while flying to the Earth, the remaining people were unwilling to get the Phoenix Force, so they followed the Phoenix Force's trajectory and found the Earth.

There will be another update in the morning, everyone go to bed early, good night

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