Master Of None

Chapter 2227: 2227. Broken Calm

Chapter 2227: 2227. Broken Calm

"Hello Onyx, good morning!" Su's bright and cheery attitude was contagious. She had managed to help out at both the building area for the flying ship and underwater golem along with the cathedral after she had left there. She felt invigorated to have another productive


"I have not slept yet. I spent the night teaching the little ones about darkness mana and how to use it. Also about how there will always be light within the darkness, the very same way as stars in the night sky. It seemed to help them understand our nature."

Su laughed a little at how Onyx sounded a little like Walker now. He also had described the balance of light and darkness between night and day in a similar way. "One of the young heavenly serpents managed to dye a few scales black with shadows. She is the first one. Aurora also did so, but she is special."

This made su raise her eyebrows. Aurora was the first heavenly serpent born. She had a clause bond with Alice because of their affinities light mana. But lately, Aurora had been sleeping in the eves of the cathedral to go through a growth spurt. It was normal for their species since Onyx had also done something similar.

Yet, what stood out was that Onyx called her special. As in, she wasn't in the same league as the other heavenly serpents. They might learn to use dark mana too, but it would never be the same as Aurora. "So you consider her to be better than the other heavenly serpents?" Su hid her smirk while asking casually.

It was easier for her to hide her face while she was preparing a small plate of fruit and toasted bread for her breakfast.

"Of course, she is only a little younger than I am. She also learns just as fast as I do and started to show me how to heal with light mana. She learned it from the healers who have light healing magic skills." The pride that oozed from onyx's words made Su even more confident in her ideas about the two of them.

"You should make sure you show her how glad you are to train with her then. You two would make the perfect partners. Shared knowledge and the oldest of your current race. Right? You can't stand as the leader alone, it would be better to have a partner one day." The way that Su put it was perfectly reasonable. Onyx was too in his own head to even realize where she was going with it.

Before she could keep speaking though, there was a slam from the frost door. The sounding of bells as warnings to the guards to prepare to defend the city also echoes around Genesis. "Let's get going!" Su ignored her food and sprinted to the door. She feared what might be waiting for her.

When she opened it, she found a haggard guard. Clearly he had been woken from his sleep and rushed here. "Hello hero, we have received an urgent report that we need to send people to the elemental planes bridge. There are beings traveling through the bridge and it's dangerous."

"We will handle it. The others should already know." Su and Onyx made their way toward the elemental rune teleportation formation. They knew very well that a large force would eb gathering there. The only reason genesis needed to be on alert was because whatever came through that bridge might be dangerous enough to make their way here.

While not impossible, the chances were not as small as everyone wanted them to be right now. There were monsters that had never been seen by the world within the elemental planes. On top of this, there was the chance that there could be even more dangerous races which might want war with them.

It was not unforeseen that there would be opposing races within the elemental planes. Walker had gathered that some races were seen as lesser since he saw a species of Orc there which was ignored by the angelic wind angels and others that could help them. They even lived in small villages where they did not have protection.

On top of this, there were powerful races like the dragons who split themselves in to different roles to keep the balance within the elemental planes overall. Therefore, they didn't even have the chance to worry about any issues with other races. Their grand goals to maintain balance was much more important in the long run.

Many people rushed around Genesis to get home where they could be kept safe. There were many different groups of guards that would patrol the streets in times of danger like this. All of the plans set in place to defend the city and protect everyone had been done so because of dangers like the immortal king and demon lord. Now that they weren't around, these protection plans had not been tossed aside. Danger always grew somewhere.

When Onyx and Su made it to the elemental rune teleportation formation, they found Walker there with Remey, Alma, and Midnight. Gil appeared within a few seconds too. "We will be the first to head there. Everyone else will be coming afterwards. Be ready for a fight. We have no idea what set off the alarm from the guards on the island. But they sent a warning to us to rush there and be prepared."

There was steel in the way that Walker spoke. He had not needed to defend Genesis like this yet. They had not been directly attacked in this format. Where they might have to fight something or someone for the elemental planes who might have incredibly high control over an elemental mana. It could test him and the others in ways they never knew they could be tested.

There were many guards that had the area cut off, but a few of the soldiers that had helped clear the island managed to make it in full armor with their weapons ready. Walker was not forgetful of their actions and knew that they would rush when they heard. They might not be guards for Genesis, but they had a deep connection in the island and Genesis now. The island was effectively their territory too.

Walker motioned for twenty of them to come toward them while letting the others that arrived know they would come in the second group. Whatever they needed to do, they would do. The heroes would be the driving force when they arrived so that the soldiers could keep their duty to protect the people beside them.

The familiar feeling of mana flowing and sending them away hit the party and the soldiers. They all knew that they had to be ready. But they didn't know what for.

"Cold." Midnight said that one word. But that summed up everything.

"It shouldn't be this cold. Not at this time of year." Gil prepared a fire arrow. He figured that at the very least he could prepare to counter the ice he saw covering everything. There was a frost that cloaked everything. Some larger spikes of ice were all around the ruins which were part of an exploration mission for many of those wishing to discover ancient magic or just basic history. However, the people that had been here were all huddled inside the ruins now. Walker spotted them quickly. Their small fires were enough to keep them


"Heroes! This began an hour ago and has progressed to this point. At first we all felt a cool breeze and then it was suddenly starting to cover everything in frost. We have no idea what is causing this, but the mana and the ice is coming from the elemental planes bridge." a guard covered in multiple layers of clothing ran up to them.

"We will handle keeping everyone warm while we investigate. The teleportation formation will bring more soldiers. Set up fires here too, we can evacuate everyone as we get soldiers here." It was better safe than sorry with this. Walker had no idea what they might be dealing with.

"They had just begun to grow some crops in the sandy soil here. And all their hard work was lost." as Su spoke, everyone felt her disappointment. She did not wish to see the hard work

wasted like this.

"We can knock some sense in to whoever is causing this." Remey's fists burst in to flames warming the area. She had plenty of fire mana to spare right now.

"Then we will go and greet whatever is starting to arrive through the bridge." Walker could sense it. The dense water mana changing in to ice. He knew that it was powerful, but the manas would not be able to remain like this for whatever was coming through. The world couldn't offer enough water mana in the proper density. He had the advantage.


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