Master of the System

Chapter 160

Chapter 160

As the new god of history, Azalea found that she had nothing to do. Even her previous position as Grandpa Vremyas secretary was no longer necessary. Now that he had become a god, there wasnt anything he had to focus on either. As such, Azalea got tired of the two Vremyas searching up pictures of rivers on their personal computers and went to find something else to do instead. Since she didnt really know anyone other than Karta and Pravos, and seeing as the black dog was obsessed with the computer attached to Vremyas bellybutton, Azalea could only go find Pravos to see what she was doing. As for helping out the godly society take care of the titans, why would she do that? She wasnt a Samaritan. Besides, they already had a good system going, and the titans advance had been halted due to the gods combined effortsalthough they did lose quite a bit of territory.

Azalea stepped through the portal and checked her phone. When she had first went to the capital of Bread from the Moon Lotus Sect, she thought that world was advanced. With one button on her phone, she could have things delivered to her home without even leaving the bed. It was hard to believe the godly society was even more advanced than that. With one button on her phone, she could use the god of spaces power to open a portal directly to the destination she wanted to go to. There were so many applications created by so many different gods. As long as she had money, she had power. No wonder why Miss Emily was so self-assured despite having a relatively low cultivation base: she had wealth. Azalea shook her head, ridding herself of her distracting thoughts, and entered the building that looked similar to a friendly old neighbors house.

Inside, Azalea saw the person she was looking for. Pravos had a microwave open, and her head was practically halfway inside of it. The new god of history wasnt quite sure what was happening. Did you lose something in there?

Pravos jumped, her head banging against the top of the microwave. Ow! She clutched her head and stepped back, wincing as she glared at Azalea. Dont you know its rude to surprise people like that, she said and sighed. What are you here for? Did Vremya send you? She quickly shut the microwave door. As you can see, everything is going perfectly fine!

Azalea was tempted to leave. Having met lots of people throughout her life while helping Grandpa Vremya, she felt like she had a good understanding of peoples characters. Hanging around Pravos would bring less benefits than disbenefits, but on second thought, the god of justice was still a part of Vremyas entourage in the end: Azalea couldnt treat her too coldly. What are you doing? Azalea asked, walking up to the microwave. From the state of the room, it seemed like the microwave was the most important item there. After seeing the myriad worlds in Vremyas bellybutton, Azalea wouldnt find it too farfetched for a world to be contained in a microwave.

Pravos cleared her throat. This is the fast-time world Vremya created, she said, gesturing towards the microwave. You put things inside, indicate how long youd like the world to go through, and press this button to start it. Of course, you can also directly activate it with your divinity as long as you have the right permissions. The last bit was why Pravos was having such a hard time. Why was Kosmos given such high permissions for Vremyas fast-time world? The god of space hadnt even been involved when Vremya created the thing! If her permissions were set to what they shouldve been, how would it be possible for the five immortals inside the fast-time world to have so many generations of offspring? It mustve been related to the massively large space in Vremyas bellybutton. There was no way he created that by himself; obviously, Kosmos played a role in compressing the space inside of it.

Azalea reached to open the microwave, but Pravos slapped the cover, preventing Azalea from opening it. The two women stared at each other, and after a few seconds, Pravos cleared her throat. Can you keep a secret? she asked, giving Azalea a pleading expression. I know you and Vremyas avatar are a thing, but can you keep what youre about to see next as a secret between the two of us?

Azalea raised an eyebrow. To her, Pravos was truly nave. If Miss Emily or Michelle were in Azaleas position, the god of justice would be blackmailed or extorted to the point of tears. However, Azalea wasnt like that. Grandpa Vremya saw something in Pravos; why would he bother keeping her around otherwise? Azalea understood that, so she nodded. I can keep secrets.

Pravos exhaled. Finally, there was someone around who was actually a decent person! Pravos turned towards the microwave and pulled the door open. So, Vremya used to have five users, she said. I turned them all into immortals and left them in the fast-time world. Then, I was trapped in the black hole with Vremya for a year. During that time, Kosmos, the god of space, messed around with the settings, and the world turned back on. This is the result.

Azalea sent some of her divine sense into the microwave. A moment later, a strange expression appeared on her face. Theres over a trillion people living in there, she said. Theyre all descendants of those five immortals?

Not all of them, Pravos said. There were some plants, clouds, and mountains that developed spirits. They also contributed a bit to the population, but Id say eighty-percent of the people living there are descendants of the five.

Thats a bit disturbing, Azalea said.

Pravos shrugged. Thats how life starts. First theres one member of a species, then suddenly, trillions appear.

What are you going to do about them? Azalea asked. Move them to another world? It looks like theyve ruined a bunch of places though. As the god of history, all it took was one glance to see the history of the world. There used to be snowy mountains, volcanoes, lightning-filled clouds spanning half the sky, places optimal for certain spiritual herbs to grow. However, most of those holy places had been destroyed, gradually eroded away by the humans as they looked for places to expand. The volcanoes were sealed and cooled with spiritual formations. The snow mountains were heated and made habitable in the same way. The lightning-filled clouds were dispersed, formations blocking them from forming once more.

Pravos sighed. Its giving me a real headache, she said. At first, I wanted to construct another world and move all of them onto it, but thanks to the godly society being in chaos because of the titans, world-building materials arent up for sale.

Why dont you just exterminate them all and reset the world? Azalea asked, raising an eyebrow.

Pravos eyes widened. Youre the god of history, not the god of massacres, she said. Why would that be your solution? Besides, I cant do that. How would that be fair to all these people? It wasnt their fault Kosmos made a huge blundering mess. If I exterminated all of them, that would be punishing the innocent.

Then whats your plan?

Im going to nurture a supreme expert and have him unite everyone to work together and rebuild the world for me, Pravos said.

Azalea furrowed her brow. Why are you doing it in such a roundabout manner? Why not just appear and force them to do it?

How can the god of justice act like the god of tyranny? Pravos straightened her back and crossed her arms over her chest. This is a matter of principle!

More like you want a supreme expert working under you, Azalea said and rolled her eyes. She picked up a chair and placed it near the microwave. Scoot over. I want to nurture one too.

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