God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

Chapter 440 CH 426: MESMERIZED

Laughing, Adam lifted Fedora up by the scruff of her robe while lowering her weight as much as possible through the usage of his gravitational abilities.

Fedora squealed ever so slightly when she felt being lifted up like a cat, caught by the and all that, but there was not much she could do against someone like Adam.

"So, squirt, I guess a normal and respectful greeting is too much for you after all, eh?"

"Hmph~! I have nothing to say to a brute who cannot even catch a woman like a gentleman."

"Who said I wanted to be a gentleman for you though?"

He grinned and patted away the dust on her robes, the dust that had accumulated due to her rolling on the ground just then, before placing her back on the ground. Not far away, a maid was looking at them with a rather dumbfounded look in her eyes.

Fedora had never been one to mistreat or look down on the servants of the family. But… there was still no denying the fact that she was really a handful to deal with most of the time and caused much mischief and grief for the staff through her antics and personality.

She was the so-called spoiled girl. Though she did not really enter the territory of those detestable nouveau rich brats. She was more of a cute and spoiled girl type who could still be loved even through her annoying antics. However, these were the type of girls to make you sigh and wonder just when they would grow up mentally and mature.

To see the same spoiled girl act in such a way with someone outside of the family was a first for many of the people here… It was positively shocking, to say the least.

Fedora, ignoring the look she was receiving from practically everyone, took Adam by the hand and brought him into the mansion.

"Anyway… You wouldn't believe how excited Big Sis has been all day. I always thought she was a true tomboy and mourned how she was wasting her beautiful looks on being so ewww. I guess in the end, she simply needed to find some love for her to truly change and embrace that beauty of hers."

"Oh? Is it alright to tell me this? Don't you think… she will be angry if she learns you tattled on her?"

"Humph~! I don't fear her. Also, she is currently too busy. She won't… Oh…"

"Seems like you finally noticed. Since you are a noble wolf, you should learn to master your five senses better."

Adam cackled in delight but Fedora could not afford to answer or retort. After all, she could now feel a presence behind her and one didn't need to be a savant to understand just who it was.

"Sis… Haha. How have you been? I swear this was just a joke. I— Huh?"

Fedora gave an awkward laugh as she turned around, only to see nothing behind her. She tilted her head in confusion. While she was surprised at how Natasha had sneaked up on her, she had truly felt her presence just then. There was no way that she would be mistaken about the presence of her own sister.

But then, how did she get deceived? There was only one explanation possible. 

"You? How did you do that!?"

She looked at Adam with clear surprise, her eyes also sparkling as her mind began to draw a hundred blueprints for some future pranks she could play if everything worked out according to her plans.

"Heh. Did you not know the saying? A Magician never shares his tricks…"


Far from being disappointed, Fedora's eyes started to shine even more than before. This only made her seem even younger than she was.

"This is so cool! More, more! Do some more!!"

She knew that true magic really existed, and the fact that Adam was an apostle was also common knowledge in their group. Even so, seeing his magic firsthand made her fascinated to no end.

She always had a fancy for these types of things after all. 


Adam was quite a bit surprised by her behavior. Generally, this was simply his way to mistify his opponent and piss them off rather than anything truly worthwhile. As such, he had never really bothered with trying to make a true magic show for anyone.

[Are you sure you should continue? This would most likely make your Magician persona quite shaky.]

'It doesn't matter. Linking The Magician's persona with my identity as Adam is not a problem in reality. Either way, in the future, all those personas will become useless anyway.'

The main reason Adam had even created those personas was because he was too weak to be out in the open and also because he wanted to keep his life of crime separate from his life as a normal man or hunter.

Making the link between Adam and The Magician was not that much of a big deal for him. As long as the link between The Magician and Prince was not revealed to the world there would be nothing wrong in his honest opinion.

Smiling to himself, Adam continued to speak with Genesis while one of his minds focused on Fedora.

"Okay, how about this?"

Fedora clapped while Adam continued doing a few minor magic tricks. Those were in reality not so much magic as they were just lousy illusions but this was more than enough to make Fedora smile and jubilient.

Adam found her smile very endearing and couldn't help but ruffle her hair ever so slightly to her exasperation.

While his time spent with Fedora was extremely negligible, he had come to find that he liked her personality very much. Even more so when she didn't play the spoiled princess and just acted like a cute little sister.

'Having a little sister like this would be quite fun.'I think you should take a look at

The two of them continued having fun with each other though he could feel himself being observed by someone.

'Hum… Interesting.'

The people of importance in the house were currently, Natasha, Aleksandra, and the two eldest siblings. As well as Fedora before her.

He made sure to avoid Natasha's place to not see what she was preparing for him. It wouldn't be fun if he was able to see everything in advance and miss the surprise while spoiling all the work Natasha was doing.

He had no such scruple for the two siblings above though and what he was seeing made him cringe a little.

'Damn. Is this Sweet Home Alabama or something similar?'

While the big brother was seemingly observing them through some monitor, he could feel great wariness coming from him that he didn't feel to be warranted. Adam, however, understood where he was coming from. After all, he himself knew more than anyone else just how suspicious he was in reality. 

It was normal to wonder if he was the culprit in those cases and if he was the one trying to harm their family.

The big sister though…

'No interest.'

There was no interest in him from her. No love, no hatred, no wariness, no dislike, no nothing.

Only clear and absolute disinterest. 

Even so, she was fully pink. But not for anyone else but her twin brother and him alone. She was so pink that Adam felt like he had to close his eyes due to its brilliance. The color was hurting him at this point.

This was perhaps the first time he had witnessed such an overwhelming color from anyone.

This wasn't just love. This borderlined on obsession of the highest degree.

Adam shuddered and turned his head aside. People were free to love whoever they liked and he knew that he wasn't the best to talk about morality. After all, his whole family was technically full of incest.

'Well… Ugh.'

Ignoring the weird big sis, Adam focused back on the stairs. 

"She is coming."

Fedora stopped as well and the two waited, Adam even brought his domain to the smallest level to not miss a moment.

Finally, he saw her and he could only do one thing.

Open his mouth wide in awe and shock.

Natasha was truly beautiful. In fact, she had always been beautiful. Though Sae always mocked her figure and lack of breasts, even Sae could not say anything about Natasha's beauty. 

Sadly, said beauty was generally hidden by her boyish attire.

But now? Now she was simply stunning.

She was wearing a black sparkling evening gown. Her hair tied in a beautiful lock with one strand coming down on her face. A pair of crystal-like high heels, that made her tall height become even more prominent, was adorned on her fair feet.

The makeup that was added to her face was masterfully crafted, giving the impression that she was shining under the light of the world. Her lips had a beautiful gloss and the shadow on her eyes gave her a mysterious look.

All this, coupled with her mischievous yet shy look, as she looked at him with hesitation and self-doubt completed her whole look, giving her the impression of a candid girl who was learning about high society.

Adam breathed in and out.

He had seen many beautiful women in his life. Lilith and Eve being one of the few who stood at the absolute top.

Even so— this in no way affected how he was seeing his wolf girl.

Adam was mesmerized. Completely so.

— And while he stayed silent, his reaction was worth more than hundreds of words, causing Natasha to smile in delight.

"Shall we go?"

She had a clear goal for this date.

She simply hoped this time no one would attack them and spoil their time together.

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