God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

Chapter 462 CH 448: THE SIN OF THE FATHER

Chapter 462 CH 448: THE SIN OF THE FATHER

"You are… Haah…"

Makarov was shocked out of his wits.




So many things were swimming in his mind in a cycle that he could not put his hand on a single one. The words kept on repeating endlessly in the depths of his mind, confusing him further…

Had he been curious about who Adam's father was? Obviously, he was! How could he not be!?

His mother was the overly illustrious Mei Kaminari herself! The legendary hunter who was more famous than anyone else in the hunter community. A young woman who was standing at the summit of what could be considered talent. She was considered the very height of what a human could possibly reach in terms of that single attribute alone.

The feats of the young woman were enough to make even heroes of old nod in respect and admiration toward her. Moreover, her history was of such glorious and epic lengths that it would be taught for generations to come.

What kind of man managed to seduce and even impregnate such a woman? He doubted there was anyone in this world who wouldn't be curious about the identity of such a man.

Even more so since the man was clearly someone from the supernatural world.

If he had to be honest, learning that the same Mei had had a son was so shocking that he even wondered if it was an immaculate birth. This wouldn't have been surprising for him. Everything was possible in the supernatural world after all.

Now though…

"So Cain is your father?"

After cursing by himself for a while, his mind seemed to have calmed down ever so slightly allowing him to understand the situation a bit better and process Adam's words after he revealed that his father was the ever notorious Cain himself.

Adam was a Primogenitor.

This made everything about the boy and his whole family dynamic much more understandable. Outside of wondering how Mei managed to even meet Cain in the first place, he was able to understand how Adam grew so strong so fast at a much better degree.

Five weeks. Five fucking weeks. In those five weeks, Adam went from a normal boy to someone nearly equal to an Executor and he didn't even have a Divine Weapon in his hands.

Everything felt more logical now once he thought about it with that piece of information in the equation.

"This is… This is quite surprising."

Makarov muttered to himself, as he looked down and started to curse once again under his breath, anger rising from the very depths of his heart before he couldn't take it anymore and began cursing out at the top of his lungs.


He was angry. He was truly angry. He was so fucking angry. As angry as once could be.

"Fucking shit! Boy! Do you know what you have done!? Now I have to start everything from scratch! From fucking scratch, dammit!!!"

He approached Adam and lifted him by his shirt collar.

".... Huh…?"

This time it was Adam's turn to be utterly confused and bewildered.

He had expected many things if he had to be honest. Anger, hatred, doubt, feelings of betrayal, wariness, disgust, and even some semblance of fear.

But this… This was truly, absolutely, utterly, and by all and every means… unexpected. As unexpected as it could be.

Letting go of his collar, Makarov turned around and started mumbling to himself, again lost in his old world. His mind started working faster than a jet engine as he tried to understand what he had to do right now to mend everything.

No matter how humans and the Earthly Supernatural looked alike, internally, they had many differences between them. This was even more so when taking into account their Chakra Pathways and the Major Pathways that were accessible to them.

"How many Chakra Pathways do you have exactly?"

This was very important. This would decide the input and output that he needed to take into account before making the weapon. If the weapon wasn't strong enough to bear the full brunt of his power then it would be utterly useless.

"What about the nature of your Prana?"


"You authorities?"


"Your physical abilities? Your skills? Your power? Your curses? Fuck! Tell me fucking everything, you fucking bitch!!"

The more he spoke the angrier he became. He needed to scrap everything, even the thought behind the whole project. All the calculations he made along the progress of this hefty project have been utterly flawed from the very start.

His eyes became bloodshot as he looked at Adam, trying to analyze the new trajectory of how his work would go and all Adam could do was just stare at him blankly.



Even more confusion…

One could say his current situation was not far from what Makarov felt a few moments ago.

"You are taking this far better than I imagined you would…"

In fact. He was taking this a little too well for his liking.


Makarov scratched his head and sighed before offering him his words, "I won't lie. You shouldn't expect everyone to react like me. I can understand why you were hesitant in spilling out the details."

Now that he was calming down a little he understood why Adam had made this whole situation. This kind of information was truly not something one should share without some insurance put in place.

"For many people, the current status quo is something favorable. There is no large war and the peace is seemingly put in place perfectly without showing any signs of breaking any time soon. They do not want to rock the boat so to speak. For those people, you are a danger. A menace to all of society. At the same time, a large majority of humans hate vampires and other similar creatures, products of your siblings. For them, you are just a monster that needs to be put down and they will not hesitate in doing so if they can."

He looked up, looking straight into his eyes before adding, "On the monster side it isn't any better. It isn't like all Primogenitors are friendly towards each other. At the very least we know that Vampire and Werewolves, in particular, have been mortal enemies for years. Dwarves hate Elves. The Succubi are shunned by everyone. The political situation is very complicated there."

"But I… I am different."

Makarov spoke quietly. He could not even imagine how much courage it took Adam to confess the truth and he wanted to answer this with sincerity. Even if he was currently in a dream.

"I am too old. I do not care about the dispute between factions. I am old enough to realize that in the end, race does not mean much in the grander scheme of things. Brothers can kill each other for nothing. Friends of yesteryears can stab the back of the others for enough profit. All of this has nothing to do with races."

Most of the greatest atrocities in human history were done by humans themselves. Makarov was sure of one thing.

If the world came to be destroyed one day, the cause would without a doubt be humans once again.

After all, this already happened once during the Black Plague and happened many times before in the past.

Even nowadays, human cultists were the ones trying to bring celestial creatures and devils on earth to destroy everything.

"I am an old man and I have never been good with words. So I will say it simply. In my opinion, as far as I am concerned, the only reason your origin matters is because I need to adapt the divine weapon to you. Nothing more, nothing less."

He grinned widely before speaking in a boisterous tone,

"Why should the sin of the Father fall on the Son? How ridiculous, don't you think?

"Outside of forging weapons, you are and will always be Adam Gospel. The son of Cecilia Gospel, my one and only benefactor, and you are also my benefactor as you saved my grandson not long ago. I owe you two too much. I am willing to use my old bones to repay this grace."

This was a vow. A solemn one but on his wrinkly face filled with the vicissitudes of time, there was nothing but kindness and understanding.

This was and will always be his motto.

Adam fell silent and finally, a leisurely smile graced his lips.

"Thank you."

This was the first time he had shared his secret with someone. And by the grace of fate, it didn't turn out into a fucking mess. So he couldn't help but be thankful to the one before him for his understanding and kindness.

"Really, thank you."

He was happy that this did not end with him having to kill Makarov or silence him for good. He could at least live with his conscience not bearing the burden of that fact…

It was good enough…

(AN: Hope you liked this chapter. Shout out to one reader who gave me the ideas of using my dream to reveal the truth. Like this even in case of failure, Adam can simply erase the dream. It was honestly a genius idea. Thanks.

I think I am finally back on track. I just learned Yesterday that my Paternal Grandma died on the 10th. Took 6 day before I was even informed. We were not super close, but she always took care of me when I visited. May her soul rest in peace.

Finally, sorry for the weird schedule lately and thanks for your understanding.)

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