God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

Chapter 467 CH 453: THIS IS MY WAY

Chapter 467 CH 453: THIS IS MY WAY

Adam's explanation did not take too long. In fact, there wasn't much to explain in the first place so the discussion went pretty fast.

Once he finished explaining all the details to her, he continued with a more serious voice than ever,

"As for a plan, hum? I don't have much of a plan honestly speaking. I just need you as my backup. Observe the Werewolves for me and see if you can find anything about them or those so-called traitors. If you cannot find anything dubious then there's no problem with that. Just keep an eye on each of Natasha's family members and report their movements to me."

Tsubasa's lips twitched ever so slightly after hearing Adam's ludicrous request.

"I will be honest with you, it will be quite difficult for me to enact what you are asking of me. My soul is relatively powerful, if I say so myself, but observing many points of view at the same time from the perspective of the spiders is not something easy for me to do. I think I can keep an eye on two people at the same time at most. Anything more than that and it is highly likely that I won't be able to do it properly and jeopardize it all."

She was sad that she couldn't perfectly accomplish the very first task that Adam had given her, but being a good tool did not mean being able to do everything that the tool wielder asked of her. She simply needed to be very good at what she could do. And what she could not, she needed to remind her beloved of her capabilities and her specs. She didn't want to make baseless promises.

"Oh, I see…"

Adam nodded his head in understanding. He was a little surprised, also a little confused, before giving her a feeble smile. He became so used to thinking and doing so many things at the same time that he had forgotten most people only had one mind to work with. There was no way that someone would be able to have multiple minds like him or even if they did, their number would be so minuscule that it would be hard for him to discover one.

'Her skill seems more similar to my Shadow Observation.'

The way he used his soul to observe Shuri, for example, was very similar and in much the same way, it needed the full usage of one of his minds to control and observe everything clearly.

Thinking about it, Adam realized that he didn't really have a leg to stand on when it came to the stalkerish attitude of Tsubasa. It wasn't like he didn't do the same thing when it came to Shuri already, so he really did not have any say in this matter in the least.


Musing over his self-realization, Adam continued to speak to her,

"Then… Just keep an eye on Natasha for now. And for the second target… well, see if you notice anything suspicious among the members of the household and target the most suspicious individual."

He would also move his own Shadows for this matter. Out of the three he had, the first two were nearly independent and could think on their own so he didn't really need to control them fully to be able to access information in real time. He could use them without wasting too much soul power or using a full mind on their functions.

The traitor was not the main target this time. He could try to sniff them out later with the use of his [Eyes of Truth]. Even if he had to inspect all the people close to Natasha one after another, he would do it to find out the perpetrator. This was the strict minimum necessity that he must ensure after all.

Adam considered the [Eyes of Truth] as one of his most important skills and he knew for a fact that he had barely scratched the surface of what this skill could actually do.

This was an EX ranked skill after all. A skill with a very low floor but at the same time an insanely high ceiling which meant insane potential down the line. Even though his memory was blurry, he could still remember that Buddha could literally observe the past, present, and future simultaneously through the usage of that skill alone. He could even observe the laws of the universe and influence them somewhat but he didn't know if it was through the [Eyes of Truth] or some other ability of his.

'Well. I am still insanely far from that level.'

Adam had no illusion about his current situation and wasn't hoping to reach a godly level in just a few days of training. But he had to grow even faster than the pace with which he was growing currently. He desperately needed to grow to a point where he was able to become strong enough that anyone who thought of messing up with him would hesitate at least once at just the mere mention of his name.

Now that he finished giving his instruction, there came a situation where the two of them were standing in total silence and unimaginable awkwardness between them.

More precisely, he was the one standing awkwardly, his mind completely blank and lost as to what to do in the current situation. Tsubasa seemed to be completely happy about staying put like this and saying nothing.

She was simply gazing at him, gently; her seemingly innocence eyes filled with love and affection for him, as if she would be fine standing forever like this to gaze up at him and observe his visage.

Adam thought about his recent endeavors. He thought he was slowly becoming crazy and was on the verge of losing his mind.

Tsubasa was a clear indicator that he didn't even come close to what being crazy really meant, so he should think twice before labeling himself as such.

Though…. There was something else that was bothering him at the moment.

"You said you've always been observing me, right? At least as much as possible."

"Yes. I already memorized the scent of your aura. Wherever you are, as long as there is a spider in the surroundings, I can find you immediately."


This seemed more like a threat than anything else to his ears but he sighed, "If you could see everything. Then…"

"I have also seen most of your… Well, let's call it escapades with other women."

Her eyes seemed to flash eerily for a moment but her voice was calm and there was even a hint of laughter echoing in her voice,

"At first, I was very angry, you know? I mean, how could those women dare to mingle their bodies with yours? This was nothing short of a sacrilege. I have contemplated many times how I could punish them appropriately. But every time I wanted to act, I realized that doing so would not bring you happiness. Rather sadness and anger, I would earn your ire which I don't want to incur in my worst nightmares."

More than her own joy, wants, and needs, what was the most important for her was Adam's joy.

His happiness was hers.

His sadness was hers as well.

She would laugh when he would. Cry when he would and do so much more. Assuring his happiness was paramount to everything else.

"After I understood this, I started to see things from another point of view. In the end— they will all die at one point in time. Only I will be with you until the very end."

Adam's furrowed his brows, "What do you mean? You are human, right?"

Even if she wasn't, it wasn't as if Earthly Supernatural creatures were eternal existences. Much less was the case for Hybrids.

"I am… but this body is but a shell I need to break."

She grinned,

"I simply have to transcend. Only then can I truly walk alongside you."

"I heard that no one transcended for the last 1400 years."

"So what?"

Tsubasa laughed. A candid laugh filled with joy and excitement. But at the same time, a supreme pride resided in her words.

"As long as a path to transcendence exists— I will find it, I will tread it, and I… will reach the very end of that path…"

The clouds moved, shining a ray of moonlight over her head, seemingly giving her a halo of light.

"If there is no path— then I shall create one.

"If I die trying— my soul will become a ghost to accompany you for all eternity.

"If even my soul enters the river of forgetfulness— I will find you in my next life. I will never leave you. Never, not in any existence, space, time, or reality… I will forever be… alongside you…"

Adam had the feeling the world itself was listening to her words. Those were not just mere words spoken in the heat of passion.

This was her pledge. A pledge written on the very laws that governed this world. This was her devotion. Binding vows engraved in the depths of her soul that she declared and imposed on this world.

"Nothing can stop my love for you. In times of rich or poverty. In health or sickness and even beyond Time and Death. I will always be with you. Always… And forever…"

She spoke quietly,

"This is my truth. This is my way. You could also say that this is my Dao. Do you understand, my love?"

Adam understood and because of this… He didn't know whether he should be glad or be afraid out of his wits at her remarks.

But it was then, just as he was about to give her an answer —



The enraged howl of an enraged wolf covered the earth and the skies.


[AN: I spoke about this in my server but I am going to Paris tomorrow to recuperate my Diploma. Normally, I will be in Paris from the 27th to the 4th or the 6th grand max. Hopefully, in November everything will go back to normal. As an apology, I will keep the discount I boosted on the different Tiers. There isn't much I can do for the highest tiers though since I already gave the maximum discount possible.)

Bonus for Gifts:

A car= 1 bonus chapter

A Dragon= 3 Bonus Chapter

A Castle= 5 Bonus chapters

A golden Gachapon= 8 BC (Spread over a week, otherwise I would die)

Bonus for Golden Tickets

500 GT= 1 BC

1000 GT= 2 BC

Bonus for Priv unlock

5K= 3 BC (Spread over four days)

15K= 8 BC (Spread over a week, otherwise I would die)

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