God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

Chapter 477 CH 463: BIG MOVE ARE USELESS

Chapter 477 CH 463: BIG MOVE ARE USELESS

Lycaon gave a brief look toward Takoda before ignoring the running young wolf altogether. There was a brief light of confusion dancing in his eyes though as his face was colored with a mix of confusion and astonishment. As the primogenitor of all the shapeshifters, Lycaon knew absolutely all Alpha shapeshifters in existence, including how they were able to obtain their power and ascend to the throne of an Alpha.

'I guess people do change after all.'

Chuckling to himself, Lycaon watched Adam's head sail in the air and started stretching a little. Compared to his nearly perfect body born from devouring the DNA and laws of so many powerful beings over the countless years of his existence, the current body he was inhabiting could only be considered trash.

Even so, one of his primary talents, the talent that led him to become the Apex Predator, was the perfect control of his body. No matter what body it was or whichever body he was inhabiting, he could control them all, and that too with perfect proficiency.

This was a relatively weak skill when compared to some of the skills that his other siblings wielded, but there was a reason he was the only one amongst his siblings who could project to this world as he wished and even do it without much problem or losing a significant portion of his power in return.

Once he understood the limitations of this body, he grinned and laughed out loud as Adam's body began reforming and reconstructing at a record speed.

"Do you know Adam? The True Name of this Phantasm Realm?"

The girly voice mixed with an arrogant tone, that was totally uncharacteristic when compared to the face of Lycaon's current host, resonated in the sky. "This place is called — [Fallen Valhala]. When it was a Divine Kingdom, this was a place where one could fight for all eternity, without caring about death. But this Phantasm Realm has one caveat that makes it significantly different from the Divine Kingdom. The moment one loses faith— they die for real."

He clenched his fists tightly, "Of course, unlike us, the rest of your siblings, you do not fear death. Not even the Concept of such a Divine Kingdom is capable of killing you. But the moment you lose your faith, your soul will have to deal with the backlash that the Phantasm Realm will impose upon you and you will most likely fall into a coma for a few days at least. I don't need to say what this means for you to understand, right?"

On the horizon, Adam's body could now be seen to have been fully restored and he understood what Lycaon meant very clearly.

If he fell into a coma right now, then Natasha was most likely doomed to die, devoured by the shadow of Fenrir.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why, huh?"

A shockwave exploded as Lycaon broke the sound barrier and reached Adam once more.

"Beat me and find out for yourself!"

His fist destroyed everything as it was about to reach Adam but this time, he was barely able to react to the strike. Pushing a psychic shield that was immediately destroyed upon contact, he made some distance between them and retaliated by manipulating the gravity around Fedoram, or rather Lycaon as he was now inhabiting Fedora's body.


The air exploded like the explosion of a compressed cannon as he pushed down Fedora directly to the ground, creating a long crater as shards of ice exploded everywhere surrounding the point of impact.


Arcs of high voltage current bloomed as the electricity zapped all around, charring the coat and Fedora's skin until he was sure that she was completely down for the count.

But he knew this was not enough to stop him.

His eyes were cold, flying higher in the air until he reached the cloud. While this place may seem like a very bad place for him to fight, and he had seemingly no weapon with him, Adam knew that he couldn't have asked for a better battlefield in the current situation.

Small particles of ice and crystallized shards of water floated all around him as if creating a Prisma Field. From below, it looked so beautiful, as if boreal light were appearing in his surroundings but this was the beginning of a much more destructive phenomenon.

Twitching a little, Lycaon stood up on his feet as he looked up. If he had to be honest, he had not expected much from Adam at first. He was simply too young and had not gone through enough experience for him to amass the capability required to face him. At least this was his opinion related to Adam's growth, his youngest sibling and a newly awakened Primogenitor.

In fact, he had expected Adam to be unable to hit or at least send a fatal blow toward the body he was inhabiting even after knowing that she would not truly die in this place. After all, this was how most people with very little experience acted.

But this…

"Damn. You are more ruthless than I thought."

He chuckled a little but became completely speechless when he saw what Adam was preparing above.

"Do you know? Sometimes, I hate fighting in a city, because I cannot go all out without massive collateral damages."

The distance between them was massive. High in the sky, lightning was flashing everywhere, as if a giant thunderstorm was brewing in between the raging clouds.

"Thanks to you though, I will finally be able to try going all out without any fear."

Adam raised his arm high toward the sky, accelerating the movement of the ice particles.

Adam had never stopped reading science materials throughout his days in both the library and the real world. His domain worked in a certain way, he was able to realize that early on. It was a mix based on actual science and his intent. But a dabble of science would always be necessary for him to establish the full powers of his domain.

His eyes flashed as he fought with his own body to control the influx of energy that was churning all around him. Ever since he mastered Electromagnetism, Adam wanted to truly understand and implement a simple truth.

How was lightning created?

The answer was simpler than one would have imagined really but at the same time showed the absolute absurdness of nature.

Lightning resulted from the electrical fields that were created when ice particles in between the clouds collided with each other and caused a momentary friction between themselves.

Indeed. As funny as it was, lightning which was basically the supreme form of fire, also known as plasma, as it could reach tremendous heat. However, this ultimate heat was actually created by something incredibly cold, and currently, the thing he lacked the least was ice.

But his intent didn't just stop there.

As electrical fields passed through the ice crystals, they became polarized and aligned, generating a foraminous amount of energy that was discharged when lightning flashed. At times it created so much energy that a bolt could heat the air it passed through to—


—more than 27000 degrees Celsius (50,000 degrees F)


Lycaon whistled as the light reached him. He did not even bother trying to avoid it. While his own perception could follow, this body could not move at the speed of light. So avoiding it was useless as well as impossible.

'Starting with a big move from the very start?'

How disappointing. Shouldn't they be fighting for hours, exchanging hit after hit, breaking their bodies down to the very last atom, and only then would they bring out the big guns?

His little brother was lacking when it came to hot-blooded men's romance, wasn't he?

But well, if this was what his little brother wanted…

As the lightning flashed toward him, Lycaon smirked to himself. Avoiding was impossible but…

— He didn't need to avoid, right?

Then, following this, the howl of a wolf resonated before a giant wolf head appeared with its maw opened wide.


Like a lie. In nothing but an instant, an attack that could have burned down everything to the ground was devoured by the being renowned as the Binge Eater.

"Burp~! Haha. When was the last time I ate lightning? I think this didn't happen since I fought that rapist bastard going by the name of Zeus."

He wasn't called the Binge Eater for nothing. Energy-type attacks were nearly all but useless against him as he could simply devour them and strengthen himself using said power.

"Heh. As expected. No matter how ruthless you are trying to act, you didn't dare to mix Death with your Lightning."

After digesting the lightning and filling himself to the brim with energy. He nodded when he did not see any of his organs rot down due to the influence of Death.

Obviously, while Adam was ruthless enough to destroy Fedora's body, this was under the premise that she did not truly die.

"Though it's a shame. You have something as cool as [Death] with you but your skills are still quite lacking. If I was facing Father, he could have killed the true me through Karma without even harming one finger of this girl."

"I only awakened for 5 weeks now."


Lycaon grinned.

"Obviously I know you only awakened recently. I also know that you might find this situation unjust. After all, you are forced to fight some thousands of years old guys while only having a few weeks or months of training. But you see, life is never fair. In fact, life is the very definition of what it means to be unfair and cruel. Your enemies will never care about your training time. So all you can do is grit your teeth and fight. Fight and surpass your limit. You are the Perfect One. The chosen vessel. Don't give me some bull crap about lacking time."

Lycaon clenched his fist once again and a wolf head appeared just above Adam, closing its maw down instantly.

But this time there was no feedback.

"Oh? Illusions?"

He immediately looked to his right and could see Adam flying at full speed toward the direction where Natasha was currently located.

He smiled to himself. Clearly, Adam had deduced that fighting head-on would only be a waste of time.

'Not bad, lil' bro.'

There was nothing wrong with fleeing. All his siblings, him included and even their father, had to flee many times.

Fighting an unwinnable fight was utter idiocy and the markings of a lunatic. But this was not his goal.

"So is it a chase now?"

He started moving, making sure that he was not being ensnared by some illusions on the way.

He didn't know how far Adam was on this path but it was definitely a tricky power to deal with.

'Let's do my job well and go to sleep.'

He had one mission. One goal and he would do his job then rest until he was needed again.

'You have to become stronger fast lil' bro. Much faster than anything that you can show now.'

Time waited for no one. Heaven was becoming restless and Eve was preparing something big. Way too big.

Soon, everything would go to shit, and being a powerless immortal will only mean an eternity of suffering for him if he was not ready for the challenges ahead.

'I am such a good big brother, right?'

He laughed out loud before grimacing at the womanly voice that was resounding in his head.

He would have to punish Lupa later on. He was pretty sure he asked her to prepare a man's receptacle for him.

Adapting to this form was a pain.


Edit as of 8/12/23

(AN: I apologize sincerely for the low update. This was not in my plans at all and I am pretty overworked currently. As I said previously, I terminated the contract with WN. The plan was for chapters to be taken down by the 29th but it was swiftly taken down. Far faster than I anticipated. I had to spend the last few days thinking about the course of action and rewriting/Editing old chapters of SHK to make things flow better before posting on RR yesterday.

Anyway, it's officially over. SHK was taken down from WN and I will not post this story on WN again. The story will be exclusively for Patreon/Royal Road/Scribble Hub and eventually Amazon/KU. 

If you were readers of SHK on wn and saw this, I apologize once again for being unable to warn you guys. If you still want to support me, you can easily do so by Joining Patreon or simply following and reviewing my story on Royal Road.

Here the Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/78110/son-of-the-hero-king-a-progressive-fantasy

Or just search Son of The Hero King in Royal Road. Even if you never read SHK until now, I would be happy to receive your review there heh. Thanks for all the support and sorry for the abrupt ending. This was a very long message but needed to share this. Now, time to enjoy the chapter.)

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