Chapter 19: Rich

A professor appear Infront of the students and started speaking.

"Congratulations to all that were able to climb the rank, all of you have been briefed by the vice president about the wrist watch, follow me, I will lead you into the Academy inner area"

As they walked he continued speaking

"The Top 20 rank would be put in the class called 'S class' while the rest of you will be shuffled randomly between 'Class A, B, C, D', with two hundred and forty five people in each class, your wrist watchs will be updated and you will be able to see your courses and the scheduled time" as they walked they got to a huge gate and the professor stop and greeted the man standing there.

"Hooooo...are these the new students, its a golden generation indeed" the man spoke as he scanned through the students

The professor leading them smiled at him then turned to the students and said

"Take out everything in your space ring aside only one weapon you will continue using and your clothes and life saving items should be left with you

The students frown, a student raised his hand and said to the professor

"Sir why are we bringing them out, sir?"

The professor said with an evil smirk "Nothing is allowed in the academy asides from your clothes and one weapon and life saving items provided by your families, everything else would be confiscated no matter what it is and returned to your family, be them artifact or potions, the school will provide everything for you, no matter what you want it's sold in the academy"

There were a few murmur amongst the students.

The professor continued, "what do you think your Academy points was for?, everything in the academy can only be gotten with points no matter what it is, everything here cost points, the only free thing here are your living rooms and classes, even food here cost point, so those of you that lost your point will be starting with nothing"

The students were stunned, all those who lost their points cursed and were discontented, how could they have known.

Then another student asked "Sir how do we obtain points"

The professor smiled and said "Through completing mission, doing well in class, points can also be transferred to another student so you can borrow or have another person 'gift' you"

"Well you could challenge your classmates to a match with points or any other thing as the bet, but that's if they agree, if you challenge a higher level person and win, you get the number of points you bet on, but not their rank"

Then they all submitted everything in their space rings, Anthony only submitted the throne he always sat on, as everyone has already seen it he might as well bring it out, people were surprised he brought out nothing more.

The professor looked at him then scanned Anthony's space ring and saw only clothes were there and nodded, then he scanned all students body and space bring to make sure they didn't smuggle any potion or anything, then they all moved into the Academy.

They all looked around and saw high rising buildings, the mana density was higher than that outside, they all looked at the new sight but those who grew in luxury didn't even have a change in expression and they just continued walking

They walked for a while and arrived at a tall building and the professor said

"This is the hostel, every year have their own hostel, you room number should already already be in your watch, school starts tomorrow at 8AM"

Another student asked "Sir is attending class compulsory?"

The professor looked at him and replied "No it's not but with each absence you lose a base of one hundred points and your professor could decide to increase it to a maximum of one thousand" then the professor disappeared like the wind.

The top 10 frown, since all of them already lost their points to Anthony, they all turned their gazes towards him, but he didn't care.

He just started walking towards the hostel building ignoring all their gazes as he made his way towards his room, he got into the elevator and pressed the button of the top floor.

When he got to the top floor he walked straight to room with the number '1' on it.

He opened the door and entered then set the passcode for the door, he looked around, and smiled, this was better than all five-star back on earth, the mana here increased again and was higher here than outside, he had a spacious room with a bathroom, a kitchen, a parlor, a training room and a balcony he could just relax at.

This was too luxurious, people who weren't rich would lose themselves here and forget their purpose.

He went straight to the bathroom and showered, all basic necessity that are in a house were already provided.

He came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist with his hair wet.

He stood at the window and looked out the window, thinking of how he trained for five years and he has finally stepped into the world

He changed his clothes to a pajamas and sat on the table eating steak, as he started making his next plans.

Then he remembered the guy who cursed him, he simply activated poison body and created a poison that would killed any being that uses Chaos regardless of their race and made it undetectable and traceless, a liquid appear on his palm, he looked at the colorless poison then transferred it to a bottle, then opened a portal and threw the poison into the portal.

In a different location in a room that reeked of chaos, a portal suddenly opened and a bottle flew and fell from the portal and the portal closed.

The bottle dropped on the coffin and broke and it's content permeated the coffin and touched the man sleeping inside, entering the skin

A few seconds later, the man died without even waking up from his slumber, he died in his sleep.

Anthony looked at all this with his All seeing eyes, then nodded that the enemy was gone.

He didn't want to waste his time going there to talk rubbish or trade blows and sword with someone that was a death bed and death was inevitable, he just needed to make the inevitable, inevitable already, as no one knows if the man could spring out water of life or something like that out of nowhere, Anthony has read a lot of novel and watched animes, he won't let anyone grow or give them time to breathe, if he could kill you without leaving any evidence linking to him, he would kill you immediately.

He then opened a portal again and called out "Beru"

A shadow came out from his shadow and bowed "My liege"

Anthony order "Head to the location the portal leads to, search it and bring anything of value and bring back the space ring on the corpse", then he tossed him another space bring

Beru didn't ask what space ring or where the portal lead to, he simply stepped into the portal to take care of his master's order.

After five minutes Beru came back with the coffin, the space rings with a weird stone and said

"My liege these are the only things of value, the stone looked ordinary but it was in his vault so I brought it"

Anthony looked at the stone for a while and put it aside for now. He looked at the two space rings and saw a huge amount of high grade mana crystals, the man was very rich, now Anthony forgave him for cursing him.

He activated the Authority of information, but the only thing he could find out was a fruit was inside, his authority was too low to find out more.

He stored it and all the mana crystals in his inventory, he was rich now, though he could get mana crystals from his Infinite resource system, that would wasting his spending limit.

He slept off happily were he dreamt of spending all his hard earned money.

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