Mightiest Melee Magician

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

After letting out a short laugh at my response, the Crown Prince said,

I dont usually ask people their reasons, but this time, I will. Why? Is it because of patriotism, or a trust in the princes, or something like that?

No. I just want to live my own life.

Ruin Ardells life Sure, that is a reason. Youre at the age where you would be seeking adventure rather than stability, and chasing ideals rather than reason. However, the existence that you dream to become doesn't exist on these lands. You will soon come to know that the only thing waiting for you will be the uncaring reality.

The Crown Prince had a point.

I, too, once felt that dreams and ideals were something that were never achievable.

I felt it for all my first five years in the Academy.

However, at the end of that dark cave, I had seen a miracle.

I even told my juniors to not settle down and to keep trying harder, so if I was to compromise here, I would be too ashamed to hold my head up high.

I do not wish to be the Crown Princes magician. I want to just be Ruin Ardell.

......My words dont seem to be reaching you.

At my stern tone, the Crown Prince shook his head with disgust.

Ive already given you a warning before. There isnt a jewel in the world that I cannot obtain.

Yes. And you told me that jewels that you cant obtain are destroyed.

I can destroy you right this instant.


My gaze moved toward the Fire King, who was standing behind the Crown Prince.

It was said that the gaze of the magician at the boundary was enough to kill.

And those killer eyes were looking directly at me.

I simply nodded.

You could do that. However, you wont.

I wont? Why are you so confident?

Because the Crown Prince that I know isnt someone so vulgar to use Disguise to hide himself and sneak in just so he could command the great magician at the boundary to kill a mere 16-year-old student.

......You think youre a mere 16-year-old student?

I smiled brightly.

Until the graduation ceremony tomorrow, yes


This was no different to saying that, if he attacked me, he was a vulgar person.

Yes, this was a gamble.

This might even worsen the situation.

However, I hadnt just said this thoughtlessly.

I at least had the certainty that the Crown Prince and Fire King I knew wouldnt choke me out with a method like this.

And this was the answer.

I dont know if you have guts or if youre good at guessing.

The Crown Prince smirked as if intrigued, and then turned his back.

Ill leave for now, but you can look forward to the next time well meet. For it shall be as enemies.


And then, he faded into the shadows with the Fire King and disappeared off to somewhere.

* * *

After getting past the Academy walls in an instant, Fire King Teron asked the Crown Prince as they walked eastward toward the Raynac Empire,

Are you really thinking of leaving him alone?

The Crown Prince replied with a joyous smile,

Yes, Godfather. I do not want to kill him today.

Although the relationship between the Empire and this small nation isnt bad, if you leave him alone on the basis of fleeting emotions, he is a child that could very well come back later as a major obstacle in the future. Its good to uproot troublesome seeds before they

Yes, he may trouble me in the future. Godfather, have you ever loved before?

......Do you love Ruin Ardell?

Teron narrowed his eyes, and the Crown Prince laughed at the notion.

No, how could that be? You know me quite well, Godfather. I love girls. Pretty girls.

......Then why did you ask me that?

Well, I feel my current emotion is similar to a first love that was never fulfilled. Its a bit bitter.

......So you loved him.

No. Never.


I dont know why Im trying to justify myself to you.

As the topic of conversation turned in a weird direction, the Crown Prince cleared his throat.

In any case, for normal people, ones first love is said to be a faint memory that they could never forget. However its a little different for me.

No longer did emotions like possessiveness and jealousy for Ruin Ardell cloud his eyes.

That empty spot

Its only a humiliating dark history that I want to erase from my memory.

was filled to the brim with only the instinct to destroy.

The history of rejection?

It would be erased.

After all, he was the perfect Crown Prince who couldnt allow even a single spec of imperfection.

The Crown Prince Chaurmetan Raynac looked back at the Academy and smiled.

Soon, a good justification for this will appear. But till then, Ill leave this as a distant memory of first love.

Then, they shimmered once more and disappeared.

* * *

As soon as I returned to the graduation party area, a warm blast of air hit my skin.


Ruuuiiin! Where were yew?


Facing Straang, who grabbed my shoulder while stinking of alcohol, wasnt the easiest task in the world.

Did you go drinking?

I drank a biiit. Why? Is it obvious?


She boasted about how she was the great Incarnation of Strength and whatever

But she was a light drinker?

Also, Im the one whos graduating. Why are you the one whos drunk?

Just how much did you drink?



One cup.

Ah, so just a single cup was enough to turn the great Incarnation of Strength into a fool like this?

But as I noticed the bottle held in Straangs hand, I nodded knowingly.

Damons Dragon Kiss.

How much trouble was I in after drinking that in the Grand Festival?

My body remembered it.

It was a drink that I needed to get away from.


......Get some rest.

I put a blanket over Starang, who had already fallen limp, and then went back inside.

* * *

* * *

The mood of the graduation party was already through the roof.

Oh, oh, oh! Ruin! No, no! Sir Ruin!

Heeeeey! Ruin! Why is the main character of the party here so late?!


Outside, I was toeing the edge of death, and yet, in here, everyone had become absolute idiots after drinking too much.

Students and nobles were all huddled around the Twin Princes, and the one closest to the princes was none other than Jason.

Do you know how much our princes were looking for you?

Already addressing the princes so casually?

This guys friend-making skills really were something.

Jason was probably going to be a big player in the future.

Well, anyways

Here, here! Come have a drink.

I was pushed along by Jason and found myself standing right next to the princes, and in an instant, a mug of beer was pressed into my hands.

Strong drinks, women, and pleasure!

Ah, not that.

Lukewarm beer, magician employment contracts, and the smell of ink.

Thats what filled the room.


But still, it wasnt bad at all.

Taken away by the mood, I downed the beer in one go.

Hmm, its been a while.

This lukewarm beer with its bitter but grainy taste

Why is it like this?


It was strong.

The heavy alcohol hit my throat and burned it the whole way down.

Even after checking the mug again, it was definitely beer.

But why did that drinks smell come from it?

I opened my eyes wide and looked around.

Father and Ruina were looking at me while covering their mouths and shaking their heads.

Irene and Seta, who had already seen me drunk once before, put a hand on their foreheads and said while expecting something that would happen soon,

Ah, its starting again.

Yeah. Someone go and stop him.



What happened?

And finally, I looked at Jason.

Jason, wearing a perverted smile, pulled out the drink, Damons Dragon Kiss, from behind his back.

Its tradition to make drinks better by mixing them. Dont you agree?


God, please punish that alcoholic.

My head hit the table in front of me right then and there.


Ouch, my head.

* * *


How much time had passed?

When I opened my eyes, it was early morning, before the sun fully rose.

Are you awake now?

Eh? Ah, yes.

Most of the nobles had left the Academy, and the students had returned to their dorms by now.

I was still resting my head on the same table.

You have drooled on your



I wiped my face with my sleeve.

Irene Prius was sitting next to me.

But what was this squishy thing under my legs?

What is this guy doing?

......You dont remember?

As I lifted the table cloth, I could see Jason under the table snoring while grabbing onto my legs.

Just what had happened here?

As Irene tried to open her mouth, I quickly raised my hand.

Ah, you dont have to tell me.

I really wasnt interested in knowing what kind of dark event happened yesterday.

I easily pushed away Jason, who was still grabbing onto my legs.


He dared to poison my beer.

To be precise, its not really poison.

Its practically the same as poison for me.

......Thats true.

But also, what was Irene doing here at this time?

Irenes cheeks looked a little red from the drinks, and she took another sip of her beer.

I heard that youll be returning with your friends to Ardell?

Eh? How did you hear that?

I heard it from Jason. He was boasting about it a lot. Team Triple A, or something.


Why did it feel a little embarrassing?

In any case

Thats right. Jason needs someone to take care of him.

Really? From what I saw, it looked like Jason was the one taking care of you, Ruin.


Just before, when you were drunk and making a scene, Jason was the one who tried to stop you by holding onto your legs.


So it was like that?

Now I felt a little bad for shaking him off just a moment ago.

I got up from my seat and got a blanket to put over Jason.

He was sleeping quite soundly.

Then, Irene asked me,

Should I come down with you?

Huh? To where?

To Ardell. It was a pretty good place last time I went.


Irene was going to come as well?

Itd be a cakewalk for her to become a top magician of the Empire.

If she was going to reject all those good offers and choose Ardell

I wanted to ask her why, but I stopped myself.

I think I could guess a little what her reason was.

Instead, I nodded and smiled lightly.

Thank you.

Its nothing. Im only going for myself. I need to get strong quickly to beat you in a fight.


Ah, was that the reason?

I thought it was something else.

Hmm. Itll be pretty hard to follow me. Im thinking of getting much stronger than my current self.

More than now? Is someone chasing after you other than me?

No. I need to chase someone.

If youre chasing someone, then I dont think there are that many people in front of you

Looking at her expression, she seemed to know who I was talking about.


Fire King Teron.

Although I didnt need to face him now, I would definitely need to in the future.

On top of that, to face the authority of the Crown Prince, I needed to get much stronger much faster.

They were still very scary and fearsome entities.

However, I wasnt going to psych myself out.

After all

Its getting quite cold now. Should we get going?

Shall we? But will it be fine to leave Jason here?

Its fine. This guy does this all the time.

Hmya Why are you drinking by yourselves Me too Hmnya


Pfft. Hes drinking even in his dreams.

I also have many good friends.

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