Milf Hunter in Another World

Chapter 47: Geum Taeyangs Intervention! 1

“You want to join our party?”

“That’s right.”

I devised a plan to approach the twin sisters with Cren’s help.

Even though we haven’t been together for long, Cecil is my family.

As her Master, it’s only natural for me to step up and teach those girls a lesson for isolating and bullying my family member.

I divided my goals into two main categories.

First, punish the twin sisters who bullied Cecil.

There’s no specific limit to the severity of the punishment. To put it simply, it’s ‘until I feel it’s enough’.

Second, keep Cren and Cecil from getting too close.

Cren is a good guy.

That’s why I can’t let him and Cecil deepen their relationship.

I’ll intervene and keep them apart, and monopolize Cecil for myself.

“What are you thinking?”

Cren took the bait.

“I’m Cecil’s guardian. Even if Cecil wants to return to you guys, I can’t send her back in this situation.”


“I have a duty to ensure that the place Cecil returns to is safe. That’s why I’m asking to join your party.”

“How do you plan to check?”

“If what I heard is true, Sona and Lena are likely to see anyone who joins the party as a nuisance. Right?”

Cren nodded.

“‘If it’s true’….”

“Yeah, I know you don’t believe me. So I’m going to test it out myself.”


“A leopard can’t change its spots, right? You’re saying they’ll do the same to me as they did to Cecil. That would be clear evidence.”

Cren’s party needs to continue working as adventurers to maintain a certain standard of living in this city while searching for Cecilia.

If I join the party, the sisters will be uncomfortable.

They won’t know when Cecil and Cren might run into each other if they stay in this city, and they can’t exactly be lovey-dovey with Cren in a party that includes me.

In this situation, there’s no way they wouldn’t reveal their true nature.

“But wouldn’t they object to suddenly bringing in a stranger?”

“Don’t worry about that. If I say I’m replacing Cecilia, they’ll feel relieved for the time being. The strange man becoming a thorn in their side is a problem for later.”

Cren seemed slightly offended.

“It’s still just a suspicion! Don’t talk like it’s confirmed that they ostracized her.”

“Right. So introduce me well so they don’t think I’m a stranger.”

“What… is your relationship with Cecil? Why are you going this far?”

“I like Cecil.”


Cren, clearly a virgin, was flustered.

“If Cecil wants to leave, I can’t stop her. But I want to see for myself. If Cecil will be happy after leaving….”

“…I’ve been misunderstanding you. We both truly care about Cecil.”

Cren extended his hand to me.

“Taeyang, can I consider you a friend?”

“Of course.”

I shook Cren’s hand.

If he asks for friendship, I’ll accept it. But Cecil is mine.

This plan had details that Cren couldn’t even imagine.

First, I’ll use Cren’s power to obtain the most difficult element needed for the lesson….

‘Continuous contact with them.’

As we spend more time together, even sleeping in the same space, the opportunities for young men and women to rub shoulders will continue to increase.

Even if the women don’t want it.

“Cren, can you sneak me into the party as a porter?”

“I’ll try. I want to believe in Sona and Lena too.”

Cren himself invites me to where his women are.

Without knowing what kind of disaster I, Geum Taeyang, will bring.

“Before that… one thing.”


“Let me meet Cecilia.”

I smiled broadly.

Cren’s head seemed filled with thoughts of Cecilia.

Since he knew nothing while Cecil was going through such hardship….

He must be desperate to see her face and apologize for not understanding her until now.

There’s no reason to prevent Cren and Cecil from meeting, unlike with the perpetrators.

Of course, that’s just common sense.

I have a ton of reasons to prevent it.

Why would I create such a touching event with my own hands?

I plan to steal all of that.

A heartwarming reunion? Fuck that.

“Sorry, but no.”

If I let them meet, Cecil will surely cry and embrace Cren.

And they’ll share stories they couldn’t before and bond over their shared experience.

That’s not the picture I want.

“Cren, I also suspect you.”


“Even if you didn’t directly participate in the bullying, you knew and turned a blind eye….

Thinking that way, I can’t let you and Cecil meet.”

“Knew and turned a blind eye, if I knew, I would have…!”

“Taken action somehow?”


“That’s your problem. Until everything is clear, it’s a no.”

“Then promise me. When my, Sona’s, and Lena’s innocence is revealed, you’ll return Cecilia.”

“Is it okay to make that promise?

Do you really trust Sona and Lena?”

“I do!”

Cren shouted, clenching his fists.

“I… trust Sona and Lena! I believe they wouldn’t do such a thing.

Once this misunderstanding is cleared, I’ll take Cecil’s hand and leave this place immediately.”

“Then… you can act convincingly, right?”


“It’s not difficult. It’s not a bad thing either. Just let me join the party and observe.”

“I feel bad about deceiving them, but…. If it can clear their names….”

Keep believing that.

The more firmly he believes, the more disappointed Cren will be when it becomes clear that Sona and Lena are the bullies.

He might even disband the party in disgust.

That was the flow I was hoping for.

Sona and Lena are not suitable as friends, but as slaves, they’re quite appetizing.

I set my shady plan into motion.

“Cren, why are you so late?”

Sona complained as we returned to the Adventurer’s Guild.

Her sister shrugs when she sees me.

“Sir Cren, who is that behind you…?”

“Sorry I’m late. I was talking with him and lost track of time.”

“Do you know him?”

“Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Geum Taeyang. He’s joining our party as a porter.”



The sisters spoke in unison.

It’s like surround sound….

“I’m Geum Taeyang. Nice to meet you.”

“Why a porter all of a sudden….”

I looked at Cren.

Can you do it as we practiced?

If you can’t deceive the twin sisters and get rejected at the entrance, the plan is ruined.

That’s why I coordinated with Cren before returning to the guild building. I came up with the lines.

Because the lines they couldn’t refuse came to mind easily.

“It might sound strange to say this right after suggesting we look for Cecil, but….”

Their eyes sparkled.

“We can’t leave the empty spot open forever. So we decided to get temporary help from Mr. Taeyang.”

“Good thinking, Cren.”

“Mr. Geum Taeyang! Nice to meet you.”

Now that it seems like I’m replacing Cecilia, they’re welcoming me with open arms.

Hypocritical bitches. I knew it.

“Nice to meet you too.”

“We’ll continue to work together as usual for combat.”

“Do you know how to fight?”

“A little. Enough to protect you all.”


Sona and Lena’s eyes quickly scanned my arms and chest.

This is the power of fashion muscles.

Forbes’ #1 body that MILFs go crazy for!

A firmly built chest and lean muscles! Veiny forearms!

I might not be confident in my face, but I was confident in my body.

“You seem to work out a lot….”

Lena, the younger sister, showed great interest.

“Leave the heavy lifting to me.”

“Ah, yes….”

“Speak comfortably. I’m Sona.”

“Got it, Sona. And Lena.”

Lena smiles shyly.

Every single one of their reactions irritated me.

The bitches who did those things with Cren just because he was nice….

I even started to think that the sisters were equally promiscuous.

Show your true colors.

I’ll make sure to rip out that spoiled brat attitude of yours.

I turned to Cren and said,

“Cren, when are we leaving?”

“We have an expedition mission early tomorrow morning. Come to the front of the guild before sunrise.”


Sona looked at us both suspiciously.

“Didn’t you two just meet? You seem close, already speaking casually.”

“Uh…. Um….”

I step in for the stammering Cren.

“We happen to be around the same age, and Cren and I hit it off.”

“Hit it off?”

“Our taste in women.”

Sona and Lena flinched.

“Cren talked about that to someone he just met?

Taste in women, I want to hear it too.”

“Cre… Sir Cren’s ideal type… I want to hear it!”

Cren pleads with his eyes as if to say, ‘We never talked about that!’

Just stay still, I’ll handle everything.

“Should I tell them?”

“Wa… wait. Taeyang….”

“I’m curious. Tell me.”

“First of all, she has to have big breasts. He doesn’t see women with small breasts as women, right? Cren.”


Cren forces himself to agree with a pained expression, as if he’d bitten his tongue.

“That’s right….”


Sona seemed pleased.

It seems she thinks she’s closer to Cren’s ideal type in the competition between the sisters’ similar breast sizes.

Even though the two of them combined wouldn’t compare to Cecil’s tits.

“And big hips like this!”

I show off the skills I honed while telling stories to the Chartreuse Royal Guards for money!

While I lewdly mime large hips, Sona stops me.

“Tha… that’s vulgar! Stop it, everyone’s watching.”

“It’s embarrassing…!”

“Haha, sorry. I got scolded earlier for getting excited like this too.”

“I understand why you became friends, but you’re not going to go through our luggage and steal our underwear, are you?”

“You’re worried I’ll play pranks when our livelihoods are at stake?”

Sona sighs.

“Don’t be late tomorrow. We’ll leave without you if you are.”

Acting friendly and cheerful is quite a chore.

That just shows how much I care about Cecil.

After parting ways with Cren and his party, promising to meet at the agreed time tomorrow, I returned to the workshop.

What should I tell Cecil?

Since there’s a possibility of staying out overnight, I can’t keep it completely secret, I need to come up with some excuse….

As soon as I open the door, I see Cecil busily moving around.

“Welcome back, Master!”

“What are you doing?”


Cleaning? What’s there to clean in this small room….

“Oppa, sit and wait. I’ll make dinner soon!”

I feel like she’s pushing herself for some reason.


“I’ll work hard for the remaining days and earn three gold coins next week!”

“Who decided that?”

I jokingly retorted, thinking she was joking, but large teardrops fell from Cecil’s eyes.

“Huh? Huh?”

She hurriedly wipes them away with her arm, but they keep flowing down uncontrollably.

Cecil, her face covered in tears, says to me,

“I’ll work hard, so please don’t abandon me….”


I quickly approach Cecil and hug her with both arms.

Then, Cecil collapses into my embrace and cries.

“Sorry for leaving without saying anything.”

“You met them, right? Oppa.”

“How did you know?”

“Oppa smells like women. A familiar scent….”


I was foolish.

I shouldn’t have hidden it. How anxious must she have been while waiting for me?

But it’s not too late.

“They were both pretty, right?”


“I… I’m useless…. Oppa abandoned me too….”


I gently hold Cecil and stroke her hair.

“I know everything. It must have been hard for you.”


My clothes quickly become damp.

Cecil cries in my arms.

“It’s okay. You can stay by my side.”

“Hic…. Hiccup…. Ughh…. Waaaah.”

“I won’t abandon you. I promise.”


“Of course. I’m different from those guys.”

I subtly lump Cren in with the perpetrators and hold Cecil tight.

No matter how long she spent with Cren, could he compete with the male who shares the same room and rubs bodies with her?

“Oppa…. Oppaaa….”

Cecil clings to me and acts spoiled, as much as she was hurt by being rejected.

There’s no need to scold someone who’s been hurt.

Let her be spoiled as much as she wants.

When I naturally try to kiss her, Cecil flinches and shrinks away.

“Don’t avoid me, Cecil.”

“Bu… but…. Sir Cren….”

“Then do you want to go to Sir Cren?”

When I try to pull away, Cecil hurriedly grabs me.



“I don’t want… to be apart from Oppa….”

I stroke Cecil’s hair and show her affection.

Cecil slowly relaxes her body.

It seems she’s finally accepted me….



Without either of us taking the initiative, we lean in and press our lips together.

She has an anxious expression due to guilt, but….

As I stroke her back and gently kiss her, Cecil gradually becomes immersed in the kiss.

“Chup…. Chup…. Oppa….”

“It must have been hard for you.”

Cecil clings to me like a child who has discovered sweet honey.

“Oppaaa. Ugh….”

We look into each other’s eyes and repeat light kisses like a bird pecking at feed.

“Do you like kissing?”

“I like it. I like kissing Oppa.”

“How was kissing Cren?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never done it. Oppa is my first….”

“You said no to naughty things.”


Cecil whines and cutely begs for a kiss.

I wanted to pounce on her right away, but I suppressed it with superhuman patience.

I can’t overturn the table after setting it so nicely.

Cecil’s training must be done carefully.

“Open your mouth.”

“Ung…. Slurp…. Chup…. Chup…. Smooch….”

This time, we press our lips together and passionately intertwine our tongues, exchanging saliva.

Cecil seems completely lost in this erotic kiss, her eyes glazed over as she plays with my tongue.

I cup the back of her neck with my hand and cling to her persistently.

“Hahuu…. Unnggh…. Slurrrp…. Juup…. Smooch….”


When I pull away, our saliva stretches like a thread, showing how much we’ve been sucking on each other.

“Shall we stay together?”

Cecil’s eyes waver.


“Yes, forever.”

Cecil hesitates. She can’t easily shake off the memories she shared with Cren….

I kiss Cecil again.

Old memories can be overwritten with new ones. For example, things Cecil has never experienced before….

“Ung…. Slurrrp…. Smooch….”

I hug her tenderly and kiss her, letting Cecil completely immerse herself in the feeling of being loved.

Unable to resist my display of affection, Cecil pants softly with a melting expression.

“I… I can’t choose… right now….”

“Shall we keep kissing for now?”


Unable to refuse me as I lean in, Cecil opens her mouth.

“Chuha…. Unnggh. Oppa…. It’s naughty…. This is so naughty♥”

“Kissing is naughty?”

“But Oppa’s tongue…. It’s just….”

Cecilia tries to describe our kiss but gives up.

Her flushed cheeks are cute.

“I’ll keep it a secret from Sir Cren.”

I take Cecil to the bed.

“No, Oppa. This is something you do with someone you love….”

“What kind of person am I?”

“…I don’t know. Similar feeling to Sir Cren. Reliable, dependable…. Somehow… I feel good when I’m with you.”

“I’m different from him.”

“Ye… yes! I didn’t mean we’re the same….”

I sit Cecil on the bed and face her, saying,

“While you were going through that, I would never have just stood by.”

“Oppa, you’re acting strange today…. You’re… not kidding, right…?”

Perhaps my atmosphere is too unfamiliar, Cecil forces a laugh and tries to brush it off.

“Are you hungry? Shall we eat? I’ll prepare dinner now…. Hek…!”

I lay Cecil down and get on top of her.

Finally, we’re here.

Cecil can’t even meet my eyes. Normally, she would have immediately used a joint lock and said, ‘No lewd things!’ but….

Right now, she’s frozen stiff, busy covering her face with her arms.

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