Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 225: 225 Despondency

Chapter 225: 225 Despondency

Waves of light orange bullets moved at high speed until they could be seen as mere lines of light, traveling through the air, hitting the vanguard of demons, falling to death when it was hit by the light orange. This time, the Army was no longer careless anymore with unlimited ammunition, hundreds of millions of reserve rounds, ready to be replaced if damaged of all the kit. Such dense bullets, even flies, would be difficult to get through to this place.

Not only this, both the cannons that support the firing and air-to-ground attacks of fighter planes. Not a single demon can cross the border or get closer to this place.

"The devil's tactics are out of date." Major General Song Zihua saw the methods used by the demons. It is not that different from human wave strategies that rely on larger numbers to trade.

"When tactics like this come under constant attack. It was immediately useless against our mighty weapon." Major General Song Zihua proudly watched the heavy attack of the Western forces. This is the true power of the Imperial Army.

Two members of Congress, Sun Yuan, and Gu Heng, who watched the attack through the screen at the war headquarters, opened their mouths in shock. This was the first time they had witnessed such a frenzy attack.

"It's great, I'm still stunning from watching this. The demons die like a leaf falling to the ground. Our weapons are mighty." Sun Yuan watched the screen, unable to take his eyes off. He has been producing weapons and ammunition for the Army for a long time. And today is the first day to see the true abilities of weapons that are unmatched.

"When I saw our army as strong as this, I'm at ease. I don't have to worry about this war anymore," Gu Heng said.

As the parliament president after this battle, He prepared to bring good news to comfort other council members. While encouraging more influential people to support the military.

With a powerful army, Many capitalists do not have to worry about security and concentrate on doing their business to gain more profit and profit.

Major General Song Zihua, hearing the two of them, secretly thought that his plan was successful. Finally, he can show confidence to the influencers that The Army can cope with the demons.

More than five minutes had passed since the beginning of the battle. The Empire was able to block the attack successfully. In addition, it can also push demons to retreat across the river as well.

"Considering how this human group has developed, it is admirable. But fighting like this is a little boring to me," said the Demon General. With his large body, the Demon General saw the entire battlefield. The Demon General was a little bored because the Empire's battle was focused on the distance. Avoid a face-to-face collision.

"I have prepared a great gift for you, HERE TAKE IT!!." The Demon General raised his greatsword. The demon behind him hurried to the trumpet, sending out some signals.

The sound of trumpets echoed throughout the battlefield. As far as the HQ is almost five kilometers away. Major General Song Zihua suddenly had a serious expression.

"Command the front line to be more careful The demons will reveal their hidden trump cards." Major General Song Zihua had some instinct. And had already guessed the demons' tactic. Perhaps they thought of destroying the defenses at the front.

Western forces have raised their readiness to the highest point. They examine the surrounding area for any abnormalities that have occurred. They will not allow the Demon Lord to invade again.

However, after Major General Song Zihua gave the order, everyone in the war headquarters felt a trembling beneath the ground.

"Is it just me? Why is the floor trembling, or do I think by myself?" Sun Yuan said.

"You are not alone to feel that. I can feel it too," Gu Heng said.

The trembling was so intense that the command room trembled. Major General Song Zihua was thinking of something.

"Wrong, they are not aiming at the front line. They aim to destroy this headquarters." Major General Song Zihua thought of some schemes that the demons had come up with.

"No, we are trapped." Major General Song Zihua had not given an emergency order. The ground in the center of the fortress of the Western Headquarters had split into a huge hole several tens of meters. The ground collapsed, and a massive body of demons appeared.

On the ground, there was a demon shaped like a giant worm with sharp teeth. Pierced through the underground, this body was hundreds of meters tallrampage destroying buildings in the fortress.

Everyone never expected the demon would use this plan. The Imperial Army has prepared with all sorts of assaults, from the sky, on the land, to the defense. Who knew that the enemy would invade underground like this?

The HQ building shakes. Three parts of the building had already collapsed. Not only that, after the giant worm demolished the building. It opened its mouth several tens of meters wide. A demon soldier appeared.

Tens of thousands of Demon Soldiers spilled out like wild water flowing over this fortress.

The strongest fortress has been destroyed from within. The fortress that the Empire had invested in had been pierced in just one pass.

"Kill all the humans," the devil's hoarse voice emerged. The demonic soldiers were ugly. Armed with a chase to kill people in the fortress where the Western Command was located.

"Bang Bang" the sound of a pistol sounded. The officers tried to stop it. But everything was in vain when facing these tens of thousands of demons.

The officers in the headquarters were easily killed. A horde of demons has covered the entire headquarters. This was the profound plan of the Demon General who had invaded the last time. It was noticed that if this place was destroyed, human forces would immediately stir up.

"General, let's escape," the officer in the command room hurriedly said. They are ready to lead the General to escape. This dire situation, the Western Command, was over. When the headquarters collapsed, the soldiers on the front line were in no different condition.

"No, I will stay here and keep the border until I die." Major General Song Zihua was ashamed. This was the second time his headquarters had been destroyed. He no longer has a face to stay.

"Hurry up, help bring the General to escape."

The officers were not interested in Major General Song Zihua. Hurriedly carried himself to escape with Sun Yuan and Gu Heng cooperating. They definitely didn't want to die here.

The headquarters collapsed without even sending a single command. The soldiers on the front line were surprised. Because they suddenly couldn't contact the headquarters as if the signal had been cut off.

"I was unable to contact the HQ."

"The signal can be interrupted," the soldiers talked about the issue, not knowing that disaster was upon them.

But with great luck, at the last moment, the commanders of the HQ had sacrificed their lives, sending a final message.

"The headquarters has collapsed."

More than three front-line soldiers felt falling into an icy. Facing the enemy front and back is absolutely impossible.

"That is this demon. They come from the backline, indicating that the headquarters has fallen."

Countless demonic waves emerged from behind. It has a starting point from the headquarters. The front-line forces were being swept on either side. Most weapons are difficult to change positions. The Artillery Battalion was the first unit to be destroyed. The next target is the front line that is fighting.

"Let us sacrifice our lives for the Emperor."

"For the Emperor!!!"

The situation had changed like a palm of the hand. The imperial forces from advantage were immediately disadvantageous. They also had to cope with an assault from behind. And the command was cut off.

Although the great headquarters at the capital will be able to resume communication. But in a situation surrounded by the front and back like this, the command is no longer helpful. All three divisions are in a critical crisis, and there is no way to help.

"Kill, kill them all," the demons cried out bloodthirsty. In addition to killing the enemy. They also tore the soldiers' flesh and drank their flesh.

Every place is full of despair. When there was no way to escape, the soldiers all fought until their death, using their own lives, leading the demons to death as much as possible.

Soldiers press grenades to destroy materials to damage the demonic army, join the fight until the last moment.

The bloodthirsty demons ignore death. They grabbed the soldiers, tore them apart. Annihilate the western border forces.

Countless demons swarmed unstoppably. Take over the entire western border. They are not tired. Slaughter the Imperial Army one after another. Until the imperial army finally collapses.

"This is a great gift that I have prepared for a long time." The Demon General has raised the Demon Army. Officially to the territory of the Empire. Datang County no longer has a line to deal with.

Major General Song Zihua and two councilors in the helicopter. Major General Song Zihua was full of tears on both sides. He saw the Empire's soldiers sacrificing their lives. In the end, the demon forces had successfully invaded the Empire.

"All comrades, the sacrifice will not be wasted." Major General Song Zihua's eyes were flushed with blood. Staring down below with fierce eyes

"I swear that this resentment I will definitely come and get it back."

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