Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 229: 229

Chapter 229: 229

      While civil affairs are doing their best, The army was not idle. Trying to establish a new line of defense, And the Air Force does its best to stop the movement of the invading demon hordes.

Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu is the strategic chairman this time approximately. Cooperate with the aide to find ways to cope.

"Based on satellite imagery and in-depth analysis of artificial intelligence. Pointed out that the Demon Army had invaded all directions. Unable to estimate the exact path.

But the demonic army passing by will reach the defenses of Chang'an and Beijin in the next one hundred and fifty hours, "the chief of staff said.

"What methods do we have right now?" Air Force Xiang Mu had a plan in mind to use strategic bombs to destroy enemy forces.

"According to the assessment of artificial intelligence, The use of napalm bombs will have an effect of over eighty percent. Followed by a conventional bomb, it will have a deterrent sixty-three percent," the chief of staff now reports on weapon efficacy.

"We have no choice. No matter what kind of bomb it is, we will throw it away. "

Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu said.

Hundreds of millions of demonic waves. You don't have to think much. Just throw everything that we have. Kill all enemies at once. Air Force Xiang Mu thought to use all the bombs in the arsenal. He bombed all the demons.

"Hopefully, our methods will help stop the movement of the enemy to some extent."

Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu said.

"Implement the plan. Command all aircraft to carry out the bombing mission."


Air Force orders from above have been in the outcome.

At the air force airport outside Shenzhou, The B52 has a range of more than ten thousand kilometers. This facility was used as a base for bombing missions on this mission. They transported many bombs from the arsenal. Proceed with the installation at a total rate. Ready to bombard.

More than thirty strategic bombers soared into the skies. They headed to Datang county and the Southern Protectorate State by splitting into two lines distributed in two directions.

Two hours later, the first bomber arrived. Underneath, it was full of demons and demons that were traveling at speed. Every direction the demons pass by must have some destruction done.

Various beast monsters bite into the trees and agricultural crops. The humanoid demons carried numerous weapons, killing everything they encountered. They invaded many villages. It was found that everything was nothing but emptiness, Causing them in anger, consuming emotions, burning, and destroying everything having terrible conditions.

In this area, the villagers had evacuated in advance since yesterday. Fortunately, the civilians operated quickly. But with the speed of these demons, we will follow the fleeing refugees in the next few hours. They have to delay the journey of this group of monsters.

"Confirming the target is below our position." The pilot was unable to foresee the surface conditions at such a height. But they rely on satellite positioning, which is much more accurate.

"Begin to bombard," the chief pilot ordered.

The bombs weighing more than five thousand tons were released at once. The bombs fell from the sky. When it hits the ground, it breaks down.

"Boom," both shocks and flakes spread in all directions. In an area of ten meters, the demon hordes all died instantly.

      "BOOM BOOM," an orange flame rose. Tens of thousands of demons were scorched and burned by the fire.

The low-level demon hordes were not too intellectual. They noticed a black object falling from the sky. They rushed together to escape and spread away, But many losses inevitably happened.

"The explosion is over. Mission completed. All planes return to base," the chief pilot reports the mission back to the base.

Along with requesting permission to fly back to the base immediately.

The B52 bomber has carried out many strategic bombing missions. On the same day, they dropped more than one hundred thousand tons of bombs.

When the bombing is finished, many flights travel back to the airbase in Shenzhou city to refuel and bomb. Before returning to do the same mission.

On this single day, dozens of flights circled back and forth to bombard the demon horde. In the west and the northern border, Full of air bombardment, There was a loud and trembling noise, even from many kilometers away. They can feel the explosion that occurs.

"BOOM" caused a large explosion of waves, killing the demons to death. But he couldn't stop his thirst for blood. The speed of the demon horde didn't seem to decrease at all.

A day passed, Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu called a meeting to check on the mission's progress.

"How is the bombing operation going?"

"According to our analysis, the speed of the devil doesn't seem to have been significantly reduced. According to our assessment, this bombing operation Only three percent had a deterrent effect," the Chief of Staff reported.

"What's the hell, only three percent?" Air Marshal Xiang Mu was shocked by the seemingly ineffective report.

Even though bombing would kill hundreds of thousands of demons, compared to the original number of over a hundred million, The number of kills suddenly appeared very small. Also, the primary purpose was to prevent the demonic horde's journey from slowing down. Therefore, the past bombing was considered a practical failure.

"To just bombard a bomb is certainly not enough. We have to find another way to buy more time. "

"General, we have drafted a plan." The Chief of Staff made up some plans.

"According to the analysis of tissue biopsies of the research institute

Dr. Chen submitted a report that the demons were extremely prone to losing the fire. Which if we use fire as a barrier, it may have practical effects."

      "At least we know they have some weaknesses," the research institute's data has dramatically improved the emotion of Air Force Xiang Mu.

"The research institute has adapted the napalm bomb to use a concentrated liquid oil. Allowing the flames to last longer, "the chief of staff said.

"You can bring this to the test on those enemies," Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu approved an action plan.

The Air Force began to test the Napalm bombs. With a unique recipe oil to increase the long burning time.

The bomber planes was loaded with napalm bombs. Before heading towards the goal.

"The first test Napalm bombs can begin." The chief pilot signaled all planes to bombard the planned location.

When the Napalm exploded, it created a fiery flare of thousands of degrees. It even burns the air to evaporate. A group of demons that they had bombed with Napalm. Clearly had a fearful reaction.

"BOOMMMM" explodes on Napalm to create a wall of fire. Blocking the passage of the Demon Army from further advancing, It was evident that most of the demons were avoiding the flames, not daring to approach.

Air Force Xiang Mu noticed this matter. Then he felt delightful.

"Great, order every unit to build a line of fire to block the enemy." Air Force Xiang Mu decided to use Napalm as a countermeasure.

They dropped numerous napalm bombs. It burns all things to scorch. It has a massive impact on the environment, But at this time, no one cared about the environment. Just kill as many demons as possible.

Many demons looked up, angry at the sky. The sky is what most of them cannot fly to it. Moreover, the bomber was thirty thousand feet tall. It was a height of heaven that they could not climb for the rest of their lives.

Napalm bombs built a wall of high-temperature fire, which burned for a long time. Helped to slow down the army's movement successfully, But the Air Force could not build a line of fire to cover it. Inevitably, some gaps occur, But just that is enough.

"General, our napalm blast is working. Expect to buy time about forty hours," the chief of staff said.

"Just that is very good. This is what we can do best. The rest is to be served by the Air Force," Air Force Xiang Mu said. Their purchase was a success. It can help to slow down the duration of the demonic army.

"Put away all the bombs that we have. Let the demons know how frightening we are." Air Chief Marshal Xiang Mu knows that other bombs are not effective. But he decided to reduce the number of demons as little as possible.

The end of the demons happened. Hundreds of tons of phosphorus bombs hit. Breaks in the air, releasing deadly flames. Burns, the body of the demons, falling to a hundred thousand people. Struggling with agony Not only that, the Air Force drops five hundred thousand tons of bombs every day. They were killing a large number of demons.

If you look at the ground, even the devil's tears flow. They must follow orders to invade human land. They also had to meet with an enormous explosion that he had never seen before in his life.

Just walk on the floor. May die at any time. Even if they did not die, they were attacked by flak, amputated, and deformed and in a very miserable state.

Demonic comrades, their bodies were crushed. Not even a corpse was leftonly a pile of stained flesh.

According to Hong Baoer's preliminary assessment, she used satellite images to analyze. The number of demons slaughtered could reach millions per day.

But the demon tribe continued to invade and move forward. Take over every square inch of the human kingdom at the orders of the Demon General.

On the side of the army has changed Chang'An and Beijin city forever.

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