Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 293: 293 Ordinary days in the Empire

Chapter 293: 293 Ordinary days in the Empire

The news of the Great Martial Artists war had ended, Zhao Lingxin and the imperial government had also heard the news.

In Zhao Lingxin's hand, there was a golden revelation in his hand. Zhao Lingxin's identity was now known in the Martial Artists Realm. God-level masters did not forget to pass a message about the end of the war to Zhao Lingxin as well.

Zhao Lingxin, who had finished reading the Golden Revelation, placed it on his desk. His new office is being built quickly, and it's expected to be ready in the next few days.

"The Martial Artists have stopped fighting. What do you guys think about this?" Zhao Lingxin asked the Security Council who had received the big news as well.

The situation in the Martial Artists World was such a delicate matter that the Empire had to constantly be aware of and analyze the international situation.

Hearing that, Colonel Li Wei, Foreign Minister, replied to Zhao Lingxin:

"Your majesty, such an incident that becomes like this must be caused by us more or less."

The Imperial Security Service analyzed that. The war in the Martial Artists World was so quickly settled was because of the exposure of the Empire's strong identities, causing them to end their fighting amongst themselves and turn hand in hand to find a way to deal against the Empire.

With a large amount of information in hand, the Foreign Ministry became confident that the Martial Artists would definitely have some plans to do with the imperial.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has to keep an eye on it. We absolutely cannot underestimate them for this matter," Zhao Lingxin reiterated, reminding the cabinet to be cautious of the current situation. Although everything seemed calm, it was ready to erupt at any time.

"Yes, sir," the Cabinet group accepted the order. before separating to do their job.

At the western border of the Empire, a place that overlaps between the Five Elements Sect and the King Slayer Demon Palace Sect. Now, after the war, everything has calmed down. However, this part of the border immediately became chaotic as many Martial Artists were queuing up to ask for permission to enter the Empire.

They had heard rumors about the Eastern Wonderland and were determined to find the truth.

"What is the purpose of traveling to this place?" the officer asked.

"Huh, what right do you guys have to interrogate me? We will come to travel in the Eastern Lands." The Martial Artists exclaimed angrily after being interrogated by the authorities.

"I am a great person. Normal mortals like you have no right to hold me back like this." This Martial Artist continued to growl until the officer had to agree to issue a temporary residence permit to this guy.

"The immigration number 1123234 has aggressive behavior affecting the public safety. Immigration is approved but must be trained at the concentration camp first." Officers keyed the information into a computer. before handing over the license to this Martial Artist

"Huh, this is over yet. Busy and delayed, this is wasting my time." The Martial Artist accepted the entrance ticket. Walking forward, they met a group of beautiful officers waiting.

"Master, would you have a moment with us? We have a special service for you, my masters." The beautiful officer persuaded the Martial Artist. He then found that his consciousness had slowly faded as the group of staff had injected him with a powerful anesthetic.

"The target is knocked unconscious and taken to the concentration camp right now." The beautiful officer changed her expression in the blink of an eye. before taking the troublesome Martial Artists to the other side, where specific personnel will be picked up to another location

Now at the immigration checkpoints are facing a lot of problems. Countless Martial Artists were gradually arriving in the Empire. The Ministry of Civil Affairs was unable to cope, and the concentration camps had limited space.

This led the Security Council to repeal an earlier rule that required all Martial Artists to go through concentration camps before staying in the Empire.

Switch to violent Martial Artists to adjust their attitudes in the concentration camps until their attitudes return to satisfactory. Many Martial Artists have spent months in internment camps to pass government assessments.

Martial Artists who were initially assessed as likely to be safe for society and civilians were temporarily allowed to live in the Empire.

Of course, the government was able to do this because the detection system in the country was greatly improved. CCTV cameras will have a face detection system, and can clearly identify. Including various transactions, processes will be closely watched. With such a powerful artificial intelligence as Hong Bao'er, the government was extremely confident that it would closely follow every Martial Artist every step of the way without taking their eyes off of it.

The Bureau of Internal Audits and the Department of Homeland Security are specifically responsible for investigating the trainees. In addition, they have a special ops unit to take effective arrests against Martial Artists.

However, besides the Martial Artists who agreed to follow these rules, Some broke the imperial immigration rules. For example, use a flying sword to sneak across the border to smuggle into the city illegally.

Of course, these Martial Artists could not escape the robust detection of the Empire. As a result, the Air Force's Border Guard Squadron operates almost every day.

S-16 fighter jets were flying, flanking the dozens of Martial Artists flying in the sky secretly smuggling into the town of the empire.

"Warning, everyone stops moving. Surrender yourself to the officer's to arrest," the pilot warned. But none of the Martial Artists were paying attention.

The pilot decided to use force to intervene immediately.

"Targets defy orders, all men fired." Both machine guns and missiles hit the Martial Artists who were smuggling into the city.

Destructive power and flames had taken over, causing many people to die. Some of the Martial Artists who saw this decided to surrender themselves to the authorities.

"Surrender, don't shoot. We surrender." Martial Artists hurriedly cried out in pity to prevent the pilot from killing them.

The pilot then contacted the headquarters to send the Martial Artists to the concentration camp.

"Notify the command center. Send an officer to coordinate 5543. People are smuggling into the city." After the report was finished, the pilot only sighed

"Sigh, today is already the fourteenth case where Martial Artists have smuggled into the city. What a hard time recruiting." The Air Force's fleet was in turmoil for a while. In the pursuit of Martial Artists who smuggled into the city. Because this group of people may cause chaos later. This is amazing because not a single person escapes detection.

Rumors of the border defense force's versatility reached the ears of the Martial Artists, and some began to stop smuggling across borders and switch to conventional channels.

Of course, under such confidence of the Air Force to block a hundred Martial Artists who smuggled into the city would not be able to stop something that had sneaked in. which that thing had traveled to the capital city of Shenzhou.

In the capital city of Shenzhou, one of the luxury cars was decorated with the crest of the Zhao family. In this world, only a handful of people can use such a badge. In the Empire, there were only two people. One was Zhao Lingxin and his sister Zhao Min at the age of ten.

Zhao Min was currently on the way back from the Royal College to the Imperial Palace. Xiaobai, the white cat sitting on her lap.

At the age of ten, Eighth Princess Zhao Min had revealed a majesty like Zhao Lingxin under a noble royal bloodline of her.

Zhao Min was seated in her royal bus that was marching towards the imperial palace.

"Sigh." Zhao Min sighed.

"Big brother has been very strict with me lately, Xiaobai." Zhao Min vented her thoughts to Xiaobai.

During this time, Zhao Min was heavily scolded by Zhao Lingxin for the appearance of the great Zhao dynasty to carry the royal duties of the royal family, causing the royal college schedule to be packed with many lessons for her to study with.

Xiaobai, who was lying on her lap, was slightly lazy, following the cat's instinct.

"Min Min, don't be so tense." Xiao Bai comforted as he asked. Because he also listened to Zhao Min complaining about it every day.

"Xiaobai, you can say this. Every day I see you sleeping for all of the day," Zhao Min sarcastically said to his own cat.

Xiao Bai acted as if the wind was blowing through his ears, not even paying attention. Now he considered himself very fortunate to have chosen to come to the Empire. So became the royal cat under the taking care of Zhao Min. This is an excellent honor above any cat in the world.

At that moment, Xiaobai had an unusual expression. Xiaobai hurriedly looked out the window sternly. before saying

"Zhao Min, go back to the palace first. I have some errands to take care of." Xiao Bai said as he opened the car door and jumped out.

"Hey Xiaobai, don't forget to come back for dinner," Zhao Min shouted behind him. Xiaobai's behavior Zhao Min had been used to it for a long time. Xiaobai likes to go out and show off his powerful godfather amongst Shenzhou Capital's pets.

Zhao Min stared at Xiao Bai, who had disappeared in the corner of a city building.



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