Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 318: 318 The Operation interruption

Chapter 318: 318 The Operation interruption

A phone call came to Zhao Lingxin at a crucial moment. Zhao Lingxin took out his smartphone and saw that he was an acquaintance, the goddess Yue Ningxiao.

"Yue Ningxiao, what do you want?" Zhao Lingxin answered the call.

"Is the Empire testing weapons of mass destruction?" This question of Yue Ningxiao revealed the secret of weapon testing.

"I really cannot hide the eyes of the Guardians and the Divine Temple." Zhao Lingxin admitted frankly. The only people who could observe behind these stories were the Guardians.

"Zhao Lingxin, do you still remember the Curse Woman?" Yue Ningxiao asked.

"Of course I will remember." Zhao Lingxin could never forget the cursed woman who was sealed on the moon.

Previously, after the Cursed Woman had awakened, Zhao Lingxin had used the scientific process to seal and freeze in extreme freezing temperatures. Sealing off atomic movements from emitting energy, the Evil Demon Curse Woman was sealed forever.

Zhao Lingxin had built a lunar containment facility with a vault with a freezing device that would guarantee that the other party would be frozen for at least a hundred thousand years, or as long as the empire had not collapsed.

The cursed woman became the lab rat of the empire. Scientists treat her as a valuable test. Immortal tissue fragments were put to the test with various chemicals and numerous experiments. The end of this devil woman was very tragic.

"Yue Ningxiao. Why are you asking about this?" Zhao Lingxin asked curiously, and at that moment, Zhao Lingxin suddenly thought of something.

"Huh, or you mean?" Before Zhao Lingxin could finish his sentence, Yue Ningxiao answered immediately.

"It's as you think. The Golden Dragon King was a very special creature. There is immortality like the cursed woman. It cannot be killed. Every time you kill the Golden Dragon King, the more and more pollution will pollute this world to deteriorate." Yue Ningxiao explained.

The Golden Dragon King, the origin of the life of the Demon Clan, was extremely special. Ever since the former King had stood for a long time, there was a reason for this that no one could decisively kill the King.

"Master has reminded you. Don't kill the Golden Dragon King," Yue Ningxiao warned.

"Thank you very much." Zhao Lingxin thanked the warning from the Divine Temple. At this moment, his body was dripping with cold sweat. He almost killed the Golden Dragon King, causing damage to the world.

Zhao Lingxin hung up before quickly giving out an order.

"Delay the release of kinetic energy bullets first." Zhao Lingxin temporarily stopped the kinetic energy projectiles being released. Before turning to Colonel Ma Chun, Minister of Defense, to ask for opinions on this matter.

"Ma Chun, what should we do next?" Zhao Lingxin recounted all the risks that might arise if the killing of the Golden Dragon King.

"Your Highness, this is very easy." Colonel Ma Chun immediately offered a solution to the problem.

"We must also proceed to seal the Golden Dragon King as well as the Cursed Woman. Even if it takes a lot of budgets, but this was worth it. As for the kinetic energy bullets, we have to keep shooting to injure the Golden Dragon King as much as possible." Colonel Ma Chun quickly suggested a course.

Zhao Lingxin, who had listened to the various plans, nodded in agreement.

"So it can continue. Report this matter to General Guo Ling and prepare for it." Zhao Lingxin decided to continue.

The kinetic energy weapon reentered its trajectory to unleash a kinetic energy projectile that attacked the Golden Dragon King below.

"Seventy-five percent reduction in bullet size." This attack was intended to reduce the Golden Dragon King's power. However, it was not intended to kill the opponent, so it had to be reduced by more than half.

"Confirm the trajectory of the bullet. Confirm position." Once everything was ready, the officers started shooting.

"Fire!" The kinetic energy projectile was dropped again with a clearly smaller size when being attracted by gravity. The kinetic energy bullets began to accumulate maximum energy. Penetrating through the layer of black mist once more.

At the Great Mountain, which was so severely damaged that it collapsed, leaving no remnants left. The King growled. He would have to snatch the person who had attacked him.

"Huh, what is that?" The Golden Dragon King lay helplessly. The three raised their heads to the sky as he sensed something rapidly falling. Before the Golden Dragon King could do anything, the last bit of consciousness of the Golden Dragon King was instantly gone.

"Boom," the second kinetic energy bullet hit the Golden Dragon King again.

The Dragon King's shrill screams of pain shook throughout the Demon Realm. The lower-level demons shook their heads in fear at the King's roar.

The Golden Dragon King was repeatedly struck by kinetic energy bullets, causing fatal injuries.

This round of kinetic energy didn't damage a major earthquake. But it creates a tremor in the surrounding area, with the tens of thousands of meters of the King's body taking most of the impact.

The last time the King was awakened by a kinetic energy projectile was barely moving his body. Being hit by another attack this time, the King could hardly bear the deadly wounds he had to pass out immediately.

A god-level being hit by a kinetic energy bullet was so desperate that it couldn't even resist the slightest bit.

Fighter jets flying over the airspace reported damage to the King sent to the government for further action.

At the same time, the government of Shenzhou Capital also received a notification from Zhao Lingxin to prepare to seal the Golden Dragon King just like the Cursed Woman who had been sealed earlier.

"Prime Minister, we have ordered chemicals from the Wanqing Industrial Group." Government officials have been preparing to mobilize large amounts of refrigerant purchases. From the private industry because the tens of thousands of meters of the Golden Dragon King's enormous body required enormous quantities of chemicals. The chemicals the government has in stock are certainly not enough.

"Command the units that are prepared ahead of time." General Guo Ling sent the scientists, experts, and the chemicals they gathered to the Demon Realm. A meeting of scientists is being held to plan to capture the Frozen Golden Dragon King, sealing this mighty one into eternal slumber.

On the side of General Li Fengyang stationed at the Western Border, he ordered the army to move to clear the path towards the heart of the Demon Realm.

The Western Army was in full swing with heavy armament. Clean all paths with demons. Create safe and rigorous driving routes.

Now, the imperial forces had officially moved into the Demon Realm. Millions of troops had headed in full force to control most of the area in the Demon Realm.

The lower-level demons who saw such a large army move in quickly ran away. The reputation of the Imperial Army had spread throughout the Demon Realm. The Imperial Army seemed more terrifying than the Martial Artist Army. There was almost no resistance at all.

Most of the lower-level demons were terrified by the Golden Dragon King's roar that resounded throughout the land. Now they hardly had any morale against the Imperial Army anymore. It opened the way for the Western Army to fully enter the Demon Realm.

Major General Song Zihua's northern army was also ordered to control important Demon Realm areas.

Now, the Demon Realm was almost no different from the soft persimmon in the imperial hands that Zhao Lingxin was ready to squeeze at any time.

Zhao Lingxin, who had issued various orders for the government to take care of, decided to rest in the Sky City Taiyangzhou for a while. Zhao Lingxin liked to live in this deep space because of its tranquility without distractions. Zhao Lingxin lovely liked to sit and watch the stars lined up in the sky.

seven days later

The Imperial Army had cleaned the surrounding path leading to the heart of the Demon Realm. A convoy of chemicals loaded with expeditions and researchers have traveled to this demon realm to study the critically wounded Golden Dragon King.

When a convoy of researchers arrived at the heart of the Demon Realm, They had to face hardships immediately. This part of the land was destroyed by kinetic energy projectiles. The terrain was completely destroyed and unable to be used as a thoroughfare. Therefore, the expedition team had to spend a little time for military engineers to adjust the surface to travel to the location of the Golden Dragon King.

When they arrived, they met the Golden Dragon King, lying still with his shallow breath. The scientists did not delay, immediately deployed many devices to examine the big target tens of thousands of meters.

"The pulse signal tends to get higher and higher, sir."

"The body temperature rises every hour. It is estimated that in three days, the target will be consciously awake." The scientists carefully assessed the Golden Dragon King's body.

"Don't let it regain consciousness. Let's start freezing." General Guo Ling, who had listened to the advice of scientists, did not hesitate to approve the next step.

Due to the enormous body of the Golden Dragon King, more than ten thousand meters. Freezing the other party was extremely difficult.

The government uses fire trucks containing cryogenic chemicals like hydrogen. Hundreds of fire trucks were stationed at each location of the Dragon King. Before releasing chemicals to bathe the other party's body, allowing the cold vapor to cling to seal the King's slumber for eternity.



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