Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 331: 331 Gu Heng's final moment

Chapter 331: 331 Gu Heng's final moment

      Many capitalists were shocked at Gu Heng's words. The true identity of the opposite man in black in front of them.

"Wait a minute, and I must have heard it wrong, right? Is this an Internal Investigation bureau ?" said one capitalist in a trembling voice. This was the organization they most wanted to meet. The national security agency has the power to Internal  Investigate and arrest all cases. It's like a nightmare for everyone who doesn't want to meet him. Just hearing their name, then you must quickly be backed away.

Although they had already made up their minds that the breakup with Zhao Lingxin was necessary to face the Internal  Investigation agency. It was just that everything happened so fast that they couldn't keep up and prepare for it.

Under the fearful expressions of the ten capitalists in the room.

The Internal  Investigation bureau was no different from a real demon. However, there was only one person who had the same regular expression unchanged in the slightest. Colonel Liao Hong was already familiar with that expression. It was as if he wasn't afraid of the Internal  Investigation bureau like everyone else.

"Your morale seems to be quite high. President of the National Assembly"

Colonel Liao Hong spoke slowly towards Gu Heng, who stood in front. Few who knew his identity were able to maintain a normal appearance and stand still as nothing to fear.

Colonel Liao Hong coldly looked at the capitalists who were trembling all around.

"Right now, all the people of the Internal Investigation bureau have surrounded this building already. Under a thousand officers, do not dream of leaving this place alive."

Colonel Liao Hong warned several capitalists who were trying to flee. The building that was located was now entirely controlled by thousands of inspectors of the department.

"I have heard the name of the Minister for a long time. So I didn't think you'd come out on your own," Gu Heng said. He knew Colonel Liao Hong's identity among the nation's high-ranking social workers.

Gu Heng, the chairman of the National Assembly, had heard of Colonel Liao Hong. The supreme authority in the inspection office before.

However, this spy organization leader wasn't easy to spot. It was as if a dragon could see the head and not the tail. No one could not find the identity of this person at all, as if lurking in the shadows all the time.

"Lord Liao Hong has come to see me now. Or are you thinking of joining our Parliament? If that is true, we are happy to give you the same position. If Congress is held supremely authoritative." but fearlessly and invited the other to join himself as well.

Colonel Liao Hong laughed slightly. He hadn't seen such a person in a very long time.

"I will confirm the original statement. Your morale is very high. He is worthy of being the leader of the Revolutionary Party." Colonel Liao Hong emphasized word by word of the word revolution.

Gu Heng's eyes instantly lit up.

"I didn't even realize that you guys know these things too." Gu Heng reacted. Because now his secret has been revealed.

"You don't have to bring the Parliament to impersonate you. I know that you have organized an anti-emperor group in the name of the Revolutionary Party." Colonel Liao Hong said top-secret information, Demonstrates the strong intelligence power of the Bureau of Internal Investigations.

They are now revealed to be Gu Heng's status as the leader of the Revolutionary Council.

The Revolutionaries prepare to change the structure of the Empire. But, then, under the influence of capitalism ruled the country.

The surrounding capitalists also had an unusual expression on their faces. Who knew that the Parliament they attended would turn into a revolutionary party in the blink of an eye? Such offenses carry the death penalty.

"Hahaha!!!!!." Gu Heng laughed.

"Then why, now that you know my identity, what can you do? Arrest me like that?" Gu Heng fully defied Colonel Liao Hong's authority.

"Do you guys think that as a revolutionary, we will stop just taking an arrest?" said Colonel Liao Hong in a cold tone, emitting a burst of murderous aura. Pressed until the people in the room couldn't breathe.

If not a foolish speech, this deep meaning He surely noticed the meaning that Colonel Liao Hong wanted to convey.

The Bureau of Inspectorate is preparing to kill all these people because Dead men don't talk.

      "You absolutely cannot do this to me," said the capitalist in the room hastily said. Everyone's voices were clearly filled with fear. Say incessantly.

"I am the owner of hundreds of industrial factories. You cannot do this to me. If you kill us and shut our mouths, How are you going to explain to the people?" about killing many businessmen. They were sure that the Internal  Investigation bureau would definitely not take action.

The Bureau of Internal Investigation could never find an excuse to kill people arbitrarily.

"You think I'm afraid of your threats?" Colonel Liao Hong was slightly interested. So there were still people who dared to threaten this chief of the fearsome Internal Audit bureau in the Empire.

"Don't you worry? Tomorrow all the news will report that terrorists killed them. So they have to sacrifice for the country with honor."

Colonel Liao Hong said with a relaxed expression. He holds power in the Department of State Security, To release the news to the public in any way.

Such words destined the fate of the capitalist in the room. Who joined the revolution at this time.

"Wait a minute, and I can pay you guys." The capitalist tried to offer money in exchange for his life. But he did not finish speaking. The Internal Investigation bureau's spy in the room picked up a pistol and killed all the capitalists.

The smell of gun smoke pervaded the fiftieth floor. On the ground lies the country's giant businessmen. Tomorrow they will report to them that the terrorists have killed them. Not related to the Bureau of Audit in the least.

All capitalists are dead. Only Gu Heng, the revolutionary leader, was still alive.

"Your life is still precious. Your Highness definitely wants to ask you a lot," Colonel Liao Hong said to the living Gu Heng.

"Don't waste any more time. Tell all the revolutionaries' hiding places. I promise you that you will surely live." Colonel Liao Hong promised. The inspection bureau was now preparing to spread out. Colonel Liao Hong wanted to interrogate the main culprit in front of this person forcefully to snatch the revolutionary group behind it.

Gu Heng took the last sip of wine. Before dropping the glass unfazed, From start to finish, many capitalists died in the room. But Gu Heng's face didn't change a bit.

"Lord Liao Hong, do you know that? Your identity is extremely powerful in the shadows," Gu Heng said. Colonel Liao Hong was slightly curious as to what the other party wanted to convey. However, Colonel Liao Hong continued to listen to what Gu Heng was saying.

"The Inspectorate unit is extremely powerful and very powerful in the background of all that is related to the Emperors. Therefore, your reputation is highly spoken at every level."

Gu Heng put down his wine glass and went on to explain:

"Therefore, the existence of the Internal Inspectorate Bureau and yourself is a huge obstacle for the Revolutionary Council. If the Internal Inspectorate Bureau still existed, we would never have succeeded in the revolution no matter how much we try it. We figured out a way to get you out of the shadows, and now it has finally succeeded." Gu Heng revealed a victorious smile.

      As soon as Gu Heng finished speaking, Colonel Liao Hong's face quickly changed. Now he knew that Gu Heng was just a bit, To bring them to this place.

At the same time, the Information Control Center, Shenzhou capital city It was the place that controlled all communications systems within the Empire, including radio, satellite, and telephone systems. They are all controlled in this place.

And now, armed forces have raided the information control center. Shoot and kill officers, along with shutting down all connections.

"Disconnected all of it." The armed forces quickly acted on their own.

At that moment, empires across the country have completely disconnected from each other. Imperial satellites cannot communicate through the Earth. This caused all sectors to panic over the complete lack of communication signals.

All sectors of the Empire could not communicate with each other. As if going back to an era before modern communication systems, Which all became paralyzed.

In the fiftieth floor building, inspection bureau officials detected an abnormality that had occurred.

"Commander, the communication signal has failed. Therefore, we cannot contact anyone right now."

Colonel Liao Hong realized that the Internal Inspectorate Bureau had become the prey that had been plotted to lure out of the shadows.

"Withdraw, all units withdraw now." Colonel Liao Hong no longer paid any attention to Gu Heng. The identity of the revolutionary leader was afraid that it was a hoax. Therefore, there must be an influential person behind these stories.

"Too late, today the Internal Investigation bureau must end." Gu Heng laughed madly.

In the blink of an eye, a massive explosion occurred on the fiftieth floor. The sound of bombs resounded as the flames surged not only that The entire building that the Inspectorate was controlling had a massive explosion.

Bury thousands of elite agents under the rubble of a collapsed building. The entire building collapsed and fell. The Internal Inspectorate Bureau has ended.



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