Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 356: 356 Bad News

Chapter 356: 356 Bad News

The Dark Skull devoured the Empire's fleet of aircraft carriers. Destroy the mighty and proud fleet of ships until they are entirely destroyed. An orange flame engulfed the Imperial fleet.

Destruction to be seen from The three  Grandmasters was still not far away.

Sect Master Yao Huang watched as the explosion occurred. They convinced him that Zhao Lingxin had already died.

"Everything is fine now." Sect Master Yao Huang's mind was extremely at ease. Who saw his mortal enemy die in front of him.

Under the curse of the Dark Dimension and the destruction that had occurred, Even being a Divine Grandmaster would be challenging to survive.

"From now on, the Yanhuang Great Continent will be mine alone."

Sect Master Yao Huang had successfully killed Zhao Ling Xin. He saw the Empire as a soft persimmon in his hand. At this moment, the power of the three major sects was under the rule of the Sacred Sect. Sect Master Yao Huang wanted to unify the land.

"Those who still oppose me There are only the Divine Temple and the Immortal Sword Monastery." Sect Master Yao Huang looked towards the west with a profound expression. Now, the Divine Temple had no Grandmasters or Guardians to protect it. So it's the best goal to tackle next.

As for the Immortal Sword Monastery, there is also a sword master Dong Yi Shangjun stationed. But now, Sect Master Yao Huang wanted to occupy the Divine Temple first.

"Heading forward to seize the Divine Temple." Sect Master Yao Huang sent his ordeal to the three sects. Sacred Sect, Five Elements Sect, Demon Slayer King Palace. They both accepted the Yaohuang Sect Master's degree.

"Yes, my lord." Everyone marched towards the Divine Temple. By order of Sect Master Yao Huang. The Martial Artists obediently responded to this decree.

"As for the two of you, I will appoint you to lead all your troops to conquer the world." Sect Master Yao Huang appointed Li Houshun and Palace Lord Feng Zhong. to serve as a general to lead the war into the battlefield.

"We will bring victory to the Master," Sect Master Li Houshun said.

"Very good." Sect Master Yao Huang soared into the western sky. to the base of the Holy Sect.

Sect Master Yao Huang returned to his own Taishan Mountains. In order to gather the power of darkness to fuse with one's body completely.

Tens of millions of Martial Artists were rapidly moving towards the Divine Temple. The peaceful Yanhuang Great Continent was only a few months old. The death of the Guardian brings about enormous chaos in history. The Second Great Cultivation War had begun.

At the Government House Shenzhou capital city.

"This it cannot be...." General Guo Ling's eyes drifted and looked out. Before fainting into a chair.

The Cabinet received the news at the same time. They both couldn't make up their minds either. Minutes earlier, they had received a notification that the Imperial Aircraft Carrier Fleet had received a warning. Suffers a heavy attack under Martial Artists until the fleet collapses. They did not know what the Emperor's fate was.

The news of the matter is kept entirely confidential to the public.

The Great Da Zhou Empire could not bear such a loss. First, the Cabinet's face was filled with great sorrow. Then the railing took its place. They were targeting Sect Master Yaohuang and the three major sects that attacked Zhao Lingxin.

"Sect Master Yaohuang you are not get away from this." The Council of Ministers knew that Sect Master Yaohuang was the main culprit. In an attack on the Emperor's fleet.

"How is Hong Bao'er? You are on the Emperor side?" General Guo Ling asked if Hong Bao'er could verify the existence of Zhao Lingxin.

Hong Bao'er appeared with a fleshy body. Attend meetings with the government.

"I couldn't detect any emperor's signs of life. I think the Emperor might have died." Hong Bao'er's words were like cold water splashing on everyone's heads. Hong Bao'er's comments were straightforward. And everyone believed that Hong Bao'er's words were correct.

Even artificial intelligence was unable to detect Zhao Lingxin. Thus, there is only one thing.

Their Emperor had died.

"I can't believe it." General Guo Ling had a hard time accepting that fact. The whole event turned too fast. The death of the Guardian is something that everyone does not expect until bringing all the chaos.

"Everyone, I would like to say that there is a large army of Martial Artists. Heading towards the Temple of the Gods, I think the Cultivation War has begun again," said Hong Bao'er.

Everything that happens in the world, Hong Bao'er's detection satellite could not be escaped.

"The Guardian is dead. They are already starting to take over the world."

General Guo Ling said. The Temple of the Gods had a good relationship with the Empire. Even their Empress Yue Ningxiao. is the successor of the Divine Temple. The invasion faced by the Temple of the Gods The Empire could not survive a standstill.

General Guo Ling wanted to carry out military intervention. But at that time, General Li Fengyang and the military commission had traveled to the Government House.

"I think helping the Divine Temple right now is not a good idea."

General Li Fengyang, the army commander who had just arrived, objected.

"The military commission does not support military assistance to the Divine Temple," General Li Fengyang told a government meeting.

"What does the army say like this?" General Guo Ling shook his head in displeasure. Today, the army will be too intrusive.

General Li Fengyang saw the Cabinet's doubts, Therefore explained.

"Intrusion to help the Divine Temple is useless. Everyone, don't forget that the most important thing for us right now is the death of the Emperor."

General Li Fengyang spoke the truth. Awaken everyone's consciousness.

"That's right, the emperor is dead," said General Guo Ling in a tired voice. When the Supreme Patriarch died, Their hopes of living were worthless as well. They were the ones Zhao Lingxin had summoned. When Zhao Lingxin died, they seemed to be helpless to walk on.

"That's why the military commission and I came here."

General Li Fengyang stepped forward and stood beside General Guo Ling.

"We must avenge all the Martial Artists," General Li Fengyang said in a loud voice. After the military commission received news of Zhao Lingxin's death, They felt hot-blooded, ready to take revenge.

If they don't act, they will be forever saddened. This is why the military commission heads to Government House. to discuss this matter.

"But an army order requires the Emperor's signature. So now only the Empress remained. Should we disturb her this time?"

General Guo Ling said hesitantly. In the past, Yue Ningxiao was regretting the Guardian's departure and closing the room, weeping alone under Qin Bo's consolation.

General Guo Ling did not dare to inform Yue Ningxiao of Zhao Lingxin's death. Afraid that it will cause too much trauma.

"The Empress is not that weak. She had to take on the great duties of the Emperor. It is her majesty who gave orders to us." General Li Fengyang confirmed that he had to tell Yue Ningxiao the whole story.

General Guo Ling, the Prime Minister who saw the military's strong confirmation, let out a sigh of relief.

"If you confirm that I agree to avenge for the emperor."

General Guo Ling agreed to give Yue Ningxiao terrible news. About Zhao Lingxin's death.

"But how does the army plan to take revenge?" General Guo Ling asked.

"Since the Emperor is dead, We have no meaning of living any longer. Therefore, I want to destroy all Martial Artists." said general Li Fengyang's words.

Create a lot of morale and encouragement for everyone.

"I will destroy this world. Avenge for the Emperor." General Li Fengyang expressed his intent to destroy the entire planet to Zhao Lingxin.

Army plans Make a great impression on the Cabinet.

"Great," General Guo Ling praised.

"Since the emperor died, It's time for the world to fall as well." Cabinets supported the plan to destroy the world. They wanted to erase this planet from the universe for the dead Zhao Lingxin.

Only Sun Wanping, Minister of Economy and Trade, sat stunned and Listened to the meaning many times without understanding.

"You guys are going to destroy this world?" Sun Wanping repeated.

General Li Fengyang nodded.

"That's right, a world without an emperor. So we have to destroy it for his majesty." Now, the government and army are now unanimous at the end of the world. So they went to meet and speak to Empress Yue Ningxiao. to approve such plans.



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