Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 196 Assault the Astral Tech Building

Chapter 196 Assault the Astral Tech Building

— 3 Days Pass —

Following the initial day, General Sullivan regained consciousness within the healing tank, revealing his remarkable regenerative capabilities. Another day of recuperation followed before he underwent an array of tests in the laboratory. These evaluations aimed to gauge General Sullivan's performance subsequent to the implantation of the 'Ether Heart' into his chest.

The results were nothing short of astounding. General Sullivan exhibited capabilities surpassing those of the average human by more than sevenfold—speed, strength, regenerative potential, and flexibility were all dramatically enhanced. In one notable test, Daniel orchestrated a match between the General and a 'Fighter Golem.' The outcome spoke volumes about the General's innate warrior nature as he dismantled the golem with ease, employing his close-quarters combat and joint lock techniques.

Subsequently, another challenge awaited the General: a larger golem model. Despite the evident power disparity, the General's strategic prowess shone through. He artfully outmaneuvered the golem, rendering it incapacitated by exploiting its joints. The golem lay defeated, its malfunctioning joints preventing it from standing or functioning properly.

Ironically, the final golem had been enchanted with magic, rendering it 'Indestructible.' This enchantment was believed to withstand even the force of a nuclear impact. Nevertheless, General Sullivan, after an initial struggle, deciphered its movement patterns and joint limitations. Utilizing his own weight and an Atlantean steel knife, he deftly exploited a joint's crack, causing the golem's malfunction and incapacitation.

Following the battle with the 'indestructible' enchanted golem, Daniel proceeded to dispel the enchantment and inspect the fallen construct. As anticipated, the intricate mechanical components within, while displaced from their intended positions, remained intact.

Cogs, gears, and joints—all parts that rendered the golem operational—were not destroyed. However, they were forcefully dislodged from their designated sockets. The skilled hand of an Artificer could restore them to their rightful places, a task requiring a mere few minutes.

Yet, Daniel recognized a more profound issue. In the heat of battle or on a chaotic battlefield, waiting for an Artificer to mend the golem's components would be implausible. Drawing upon his knowledge as an archmage, he recalled a magic capable of inducing complete mechanical failure or malfunction. It was an Achilles' heel, a vulnerability he needed to address swiftly.

Another consideration arose: could this tactic be adapted for use against human targets? For instance, utilizing the same joint-displacement approach to incapacitate living beings protected by the 'indestructible' enchantment. Could oxygen be momentarily deprived, inducing unconsciousness? Could human joints be manipulated in a way that didn't constitute destruction, yet rendered the target incapacitated?

As he delved deeper into these contemplations, the viability of this method became increasingly apparent. It seemed that this approach held the potential to circumvent the concept of 'indestructibility,' rendering both his men and his formidable warmachines vulnerable and ineffective.

The more Daniel pondered this, the more it became clear that he needed to devise countermeasures to safeguard against such vulnerabilities, ensuring his forces remained robust and formidable in the face of any challenge.

"General Sullivan, I must express my gratitude," Daniel remarked to the general during a break, sipping from an energy drink while tirelessly typing countermeasures in his notebook against the recently discovered attack method.

The General, intrigued by the unexpected show of appreciation, inquired, "What do you mean, Mr. Emberweave?"

"Your demonstration showcased a potential vulnerability in my warmachine. This revelation prompts me to address and fortify this aspect against potential exploitation," Daniel clarified.

With a calm demeanor, the General reassured Daniel, "Your war machine is indeed impressive. On a larger battlefield scale, few would likely even consider exploiting its joint vulnerability. Moreover, executing the maneuver I performed during the test requires a level of skill that not many possess."

While they engaged in their candid conversation, a sudden explosion reverberated from the ground floor. In response, a series of steel plates emerged from the floor, sealing off the office and research facility, effectively isolating any intruders responsible for the disturbance. This protective action extended throughout the building; even the receptionist's booth transformed into an impenetrable iron enclosure, resistant to any weapon or explosive attempt to breach it.

— 3 days ago —

"It failed!" Prescott's frustration seethed as he spoke to the operator of the Syndicate Union through his phone.

"Yes, Mr. Prescott, would you like to withdraw the reward or proceed to the second assassination attempt? However, the Syndicate requires you to increase the reward to 15 million USD to incentivize individuals in the higher echelons to take on the job."

Prescott clenched his teeth in anger, grappling with the decision before reluctantly complying. He raised the reward for the job to 15 million USD.

"Is there anything else you would like to add, sir?" The operator inquired, maintaining her professional demeanor.

Initially, Prescott wanted to hang up, but the gravity of his situation held him back. He couldn't afford further public backlash. If the public's anger boiled over, his business group's profits and stock values would plummet. He had to eliminate the Grand General and then manipulate the royal family into regulating the new electricity provider to thwart Daniel's progress.

"If the job is completed within 3 days, I'll double the pay!" Prescott's determination rang through, fueled by ruthless urgency. He needed the Supreme General dead, and he needed it done quickly.

"It will be done, sir," the operator confirmed, inputting the new conditions into the job board.

— Present —

The assassin group loitered outside the Astral Tech Corporation building, carefully assessing its defenses. Prior to their arrival, they had received a warning from the Syndicate Union, strongly advising against attacking the Astral Tech company. The Syndicate Union made it clear that any risks incurred during the attack would be solely borne by the assailants.

Curiosity had led them to inquire about the reasoning behind this caution, but the Syndicate Union remained tight-lipped due to security clearances. Uncertainty and the potential for drawing the authorities' attention inclined the group to consider foregoing the double payment and preserving their lives instead.

However, a single phone call shifted the entire dynamic.

"Your Majesty, may I ask why the Syndicate Union discouraged us from attacking the Astral Tech building? Is the owner a mage?" A young man in a luxurious suit questioned the voice on the phone.

The caller was none other than the future king of the Tessia Kingdom, Lucian Blackscar, also known as Lucian Justius.

"He's not a mage, just an above-average inventor. Don't be overly concerned, Mr. Santono. However, you might want to bring more firepower and adopt a ruthless approach. I've heard rumors about their research into futuristic weaponry, although it's still in the experimental phase. Raiding the building might yield you something valuable," Lucian tempted with his words.

The young man was Frankie Santono, son of Dominic Santono, a prominent figure in the Italian gang scene within the Confederation. Frankie had ventured to the Tessia Kingdom on an ongoing mission, as the Veneziale gang was proving formidable in resisting his advances, bolstered by their advanced technology. Intrigued by this technology, he learned that the Veneziale gang's sophisticated armaments were sourced from Astral Tech. This enticed him to consider the side job of eliminating the Supreme General.

His group, along with several freelancers, surrounded the building, all drawn by the lucrative reward. Successful completion of the job within the day would earn him a staggering 30 million USD and potentially some advanced technology to present to his father. A successful endeavor would also secure his position as the next heir to his father's criminal empire in the Confederation – a lucrative prospect by any measure.

Despite his ambition, caution remained paramount. Thus, he sought insight from Lucian Blackscar, a mage closely linked to the slave business in the Confederation. The confirmation that Daniel Emberweave was not a mage, but an inventor, provided the assurance he needed.

"Hmm... perhaps abducting this Daniel Emberweave could be a good idea," Frankie pondered to himself.

And so, the operation commenced as Frankie entered the building and approached the receptionist. Along with all of his people that are walking into the building while the freelancer take this chance to enter the building too.

"How may I help you, sir?" The receptionist asked Frankie, maintaining a professional demeanor.

"I need to meet with Mr. Emberweave," Frankie replied, injecting a hint of authority into his tone, hoping to coerce compliance from the receptionist.

"Sir, do you have Mr. Emberweave's name card? Mr. Emberweave provides his name card to all expected guests," the receptionist inquired, adhering to her standard procedure.

"No, but I have Mr. Benjamin Franklin's name card. I believe it might assist me in meeting with Mr. Emberweave," Frankie offered with a smile, placing a substantial stack of US dollar banknotes on the counter in front of the receptionist – a glance would confirm it totaled 100,000 USD.

"Sir, if you do not possess the required name card, please register your name and information on this console, along with your contact details. We will promptly notify Mr. Emberweave," the receptionist explained, maintaining her smile.

Upon hearing the receptionist's refusal, Frankie remained composed, although he then drew a gun and aimed it at her. "How about this?" he inquired.

The receptionist's smile remained unwavering, but in an instant, the alarm blared and a protective shield emerged, safeguarding both the receptionist and her desk. Simultaneously, metal plates emerged from the floor, transforming the receptionist booth into an iron emplacement.

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