Miracle Card Shop: All My Cards Can Be Actualize

Chapter 138 First Love Taste Like A Lemon

"Not so fast. What will you do if you lose the bet?" the Don inquired.

"Oh, how about I work for you for a lifetime?" Aryan proposed his wager, but the Don shook his head and made a counteroffer.

"No, you will work for Mr. Emberweave for a lifetime and serve him wholeheartedly," Don Veneziale responded with a smile.

That was the bet Aryan Sharma made with Don Veneziale before they arrived at Astral Tech Corporation that morning.

— Present —

Don Veneziale and Aryan Sharma walked into the lobby, heading towards the receptionist. Some of the office workers recognized Don Veneziale, as he had recruited many of them to work here, helping them repay their debts owed to him. They had mixed feelings towards Don Veneziale. They resented him for trapping them in debt and schemes, forcing them to work for him. However, they also appreciated the well-paying job he provided, which was significantly better than their previous employment.

Others, with a deeper understanding of the business world, noticed Aryan Sharma among them. Aryan was renowned as one of the most successful businessmen in the world. These people wondered why he was accompanying the Don. Did Aryan also owe the Don some debt? Speculation and guesses swirled in their minds.

The two proceeded past the receptionist, who greeted them with professional courtesy and pointed them towards the elevator leading to the topmost floor. Don Veneziale, knowing that his presence alone served as a pass card to enter the headquarters due to his close connection with the founder, Daniel Emberweave, led the way.

As they entered the elevator, they heard the sound of someone in high heels running from behind, trying to catch the same elevator. Don Veneziale turned towards the source of the sound, holding the elevator door open with his hand.

"Wait for me, Don!" A stunning woman with golden hair hurriedly approached them, holding a suit in her arm and a suitcase in her hand. She was none other than Greed.

"Good morning, Ms. Goldwyn," Don Veneziale greeted her, using Greed's cover name instead of her witch name, indicating that the presence of the Don companions was related to the mundane world.

Greed slowed down and entered the elevator. As she glanced to the side, she noticed Aryan Sharma's striking face, instantly recognizing him.

"Ms... Ms.Goldwyn! It is an honor to meet you!" Aryan stammered with a mixture of disbelief and excitement. He never imagined he would have the chance to meet Victoria Goldwyn, whom he regarded as a role model and acknowledged as the only person in the world surpassing him in terms of business acumen.

"Oh, Mr. Sharma, I've heard a lot about you. I even heard that several years ago you had plans to venture into the USA with your business. Why did you stop? We have plenty of incentives for a promising startup like yours in San Francisco," Greed said with a business-like smile as she shook hands with Aryan.

"Well, you see... I had some unexpected matters come up in India," Aryan responded awkwardly. He couldn't disclose the internal troubles within his family, with some members attempting to seize control of his successful company for themselves.

Noticing Aryan's uneasy smile, Greed confirmed the rumors she had heard years ago about problems within the Sharma household due to Aryan's mixed heritage. His mother hailed from a lower caste, and unfortunately, the previous patriarch—Aryan's father—viewed this as a stain on their bloodline.

"That's unfortunate. However, if you ever consider expanding your business anywhere in the USA, just give me a call. We're eagerly looking forward to working with a businessman of your caliber and potential," Greed said, handing Aryan her business card. Aryan received it with a bubbling excitement in his heart, though he made sure not to show it, maintaining his image as a composed and level-headed businessman.

After a brief chat, Greed pressed the button for the topmost floor, and the elevator began its ascent.

Aryan Sharma couldn't help but smile as he observed Greed's back profile. From this angle, her golden hair cascaded down to the middle of her back, accentuating her beauty. The effects of the witch mutation had settled within her body, enhancing her features and giving her skin a captivating allure, captivating anyone who laid eyes on her.

Even Don Veneziale, knowing he shouldn't ogle the woman before him, momentarily lost his composure and stole a few glances. However, he quickly regained his composure, aware of the wrath that Lord Magitek would unleash upon him if he discovered the Don's wandering eyes.

Meanwhile, Don Veneziale noticed the dreamy expression on Aryan's face and understood what was going through his mind. Ms. Greed was undoubtedly a rare beauty, and he comprehended why this man had momentarily lost his cool and started pondering their future together.

As Don Veneziale suspected, Aryan's thoughts were consumed by images of unforgettable dates with the angelic woman before him. He envisioned taking her to an exquisite restaurant, where they would share sweet nothings and gaze lovingly into each other's eyes. In Aryan's daydream, Don Veneziale even transformed into a mischievous cupid, armed with a .357 magnum that shot bullets exploding into beautiful pink heart shaped clouds, symbolizing their blossoming love.I think you should take a look at

Like a whimsical fairy tale, Aryan's imagination painted a picture of him and Ms. Victoria continuing to meet as business partners while he worked for Daniel Emberweave. In his imaginative world, Daniel took on the appearance of a nondescript side character.

As their fictional love story reached its pinnacle, Aryan assumed a knightly posture and mustered up the courage to propose to the angel in his heart, Ms. Victoria.

"Please... marry me," Aryan declared with a cool smile in his daydream. The soundtrack of a romantic K-Drama played in the background, and light snowflakes gently fell, elevating the atmosphere to new levels of romance.

"Ah... Mr. Sharma... I..."


The elevator's arrival jolted Aryan back to reality. He noticed Ms. Victoria gracefully stepping out of the elevator, humming a tune and retrieving a small mirror from her cosmetic set to check her appearance. With everything seemingly in order, she approached the door adorned with the sign "Daniel Emberweave."

The Don playfully tapped Aryan's head and pulled him out of the elevator, snapping him out of his silly daydream.

Greed opened the door, allowing Aryan and Don Veneziale to enter the room. The space was filled with futuristic-looking prototypes, many of which were prosthetics. Some models catered to individuals relying on social security programs or those facing poverty. These simpler prosthetics lacked advanced features like simulating human emotions or a sense of touch, but they boasted an improved appearance and functioned similarly to natural limbs, allowing for ease of movement and dexterity.

There were also models designed for wealthy individuals and military prototypes that Daniel planned for Christopher to test.

"Hey... Why didn't you come home last night?" Greed inquired, noticing the bags under Daniel's eyes as he sipped his morning coffee.

"Sorry, Gre..." Daniel began, but then caught sight of Aryan following behind her, prompting him to quickly change names.

"No... Vicky, I'm sorry. I need to finish all this before Monday. And over the weekend, I promised my little princess that I would take her to the amusement park. So, I have to wrap everything up today," Daniel sighed, his weariness apparent. He had to resolve all the bugs and issues with the prosthetics before Christopher's scheduled surgery on Monday.

"And... who do I have the pleasure of meeting? Don Veneziale?" Daniel asked, casually gesturing with his coffee cup towards Aryan.

"Oh! Mr. Emberweave, this is Aryan Sharma, the individual I recruited to work as the CEO for Astral Tech Corporation to assist you," Don Veneziale promptly introduced Aryan to Daniel.

Greed was taken aback when Daniel called her Vicky, a nickname derived from her cover name Victoria. She couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness and desired to experience more of it. However, since Daniel made no comment or reaction towards Aryan, she swiftly added,

"Hey, Danny. You've hit the jackpot this time. Mr. Sharma is one of the best CEOs you could find. His business acumen is spot on, and his forecasting and vision are on par with the top businessmen in the world. I'm confident that he can take your company to the next level," Greed emphasized, while Sharma beamed proudly at Daniel as he stepped forward.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Emberweave," Aryan said, shaking Daniel's hand.

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine! With Vicky's endorsement, I'm certain that with your help, we'll reach new heights!" Daniel replied, offering some lip service while weariness still lingered in his expression.

Seeing the weary expression on Daniel's face, Greed moved closer to him after Aryan had shaken his hand and stepped back. Instinctively, she touched her forehead to his, checking for any signs of illness or fever. It was an unconscious act, as Daniel never fell ill, his body being far stronger than that of a normal human. While Daniel was taken aback by Greed's action, she quickly planted a light kiss on his lips, leaving both Aryan and Don Veneziale stunned.

As for Aryan, he snapped out of his daydream and realized that his silly infatuation had vanished like a puff of smoke. The taste in his mouth wasn't sour like a lemon, but more like a bitter pill of embarrassment.

He couldn't help but feel like a complete fool for letting his imagination run wild and envisioning a romantic future with Greed. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind of such nonsensical thoughts. After all, he had a bet to win and a job to focus on, without getting tangled up in unrealistic fantasies.

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