Mistaking My Sister-In-Law for My Wife After Getting Drunk!

Chapter 31: Resignation

Chapter 31: Resignation

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Don’t joke around. If I were a wealthy heir, why would I stay low-key? I would have driven a luxury car to work long ago!”

Xu Yang was somewhat speechless about his colleagues’ speculations. He believed that pretending to be low-key as a wealthy heir was unnecessary and better off living a life that matched one’s conditions.

“You’re really not a wealthy heir? Then how did you afford a Maserati Quattroporte? Even if you took out a loan, you wouldn’t have had enough money for the down payment,” a colleague questioned in doubt.

The car Xu Yang bought was top-of-the-line and cost around two million yuan. Even with a 30% down payment, that’s still around six hundred thousand yuan. They knew Xu Yang had just graduated this year; he couldn’t have that much money.

They speculated that perhaps Xu Yang’s family had some money, and he emptied their savings to come up with the amount. But everyone knew Xu Yang’s personality well. He would never use his family’s money to buy a luxury car.

“Yeah, forget about a 30% down payment, even if it was just 10%, you couldn’t have afforded it,” another colleague chimed in.

“Xu Yang, are you dating a wealthy woman?”

“Seriously, your speculations have gone too far.”

“I actually think it’s possible. Xu Yang is quite good-looking, and he seems to be in great shape. Being chosen by a wealthy woman is very likely.”

“Exactly, I regret not having a handsome face like Xu Yang’s and a better physique. Otherwise, I’d go fishing for a wealthy woman.”

“Xu Yang, come clean. Did you really date a wealthy woman?”

“Xu Yang, if you did, please introduce me.”

“The friend of a wealthy woman is also a wealthy woman. I’m looking for an introduction too. Although I might not be as handsome as you, my physique is definitely better. I work out every day.”

“Yes, introduce me too. I don’t want to struggle anymore; life is too tough.”

Xu Yang’s colleagues began discussing fervently, and their gazes toward Xu Yang changed once again.

“I can’t believe you guys. First, you say I’m a wealthy heir, and now you say I’m dating a wealthy woman,” Xu Yang couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

In Xu Yang’s opinion, these colleagues of his had quite an imagination.

“You’re neither a wealthy heir nor dating a wealthy woman, so come clean. How did you afford a Maserati Quattroporte?” his colleagues demanded, still puzzled.

“Did you win the lottery?” one colleague speculated.

“Is your luck really that good?”

“It’s possible.”

“Xu Yang, we won’t guess anymore. Just tell us.”

“Yeah, guessing is pointless.”

Xu Yang’s colleagues all stared at him, awaiting his answer.

“I’m not a wealthy heir, didn’t date a wealthy woman, and didn’t win the lottery or anything like that. I could afford this car because I recently invested in futures trading and made some money,” Xu Yang explained.

“Invested in futures trading?”

“You have that ability? You can make money in the futures market?”

“I heard futures trading is very risky.”

“High risk, high reward. If the risk is high, so is the reward.”

“Xu Yang, what kind of futures did you invest in, and how much did you invest to afford a Maserati Quattroporte?”

Some of Xu Yang’s colleagues were unfamiliar with futures trading, some had heard bits and pieces, and some were quite knowledgeable about it. Those who had a deep understanding of the futures market typically wouldn’t describe it as risky or emphasize high risk and high reward.

“I bought gold futures, used the two million yuan my father-in-law gave me as a down payment for a house, and invested it all. Then, I made some money,” Xu Yang explained.

Xu Yang had already shared the news of getting married with his colleagues and even distributed candy to celebrate.

“Wow, your father-in-law is really generous, giving you two million yuan for a house down payment.”

“You’ve truly found yourself a good wife.”

“Your wife and your father-in-law are both very understanding. They allowed you to use the house down payment for futures trading.”

“Maybe Xu Yang did it on his own and didn’t tell his wife and father-in-law.”

“Xu Yang, you’re really bold. Most people wouldn’t dare to do that.”

Xu Yang’s colleagues were truly amazed and thought he used the down payment for a house to invest in futures was quite audacious.

“My wife knows about it. She agreed to my investment, and my father-in-law found out later. He didn’t say anything and even comforted me, saying that even if I lost, it wouldn’t matter. I truly found a good wife, and I have a good father-in-law,” Xu Yang said truthfully.

If Xu Yang’s girlfriend were still Zhao Yulu, her mother Liu Yujuan, and stepfather Yang Tiancheng would definitely not give them any money for a house down payment to invest in futures. So, it was indeed accurate to say that Zhao Hai was a good father-in-law, and Zhao Yuxin was a good wife.

“We’re envious of you, finding a good wife and having a good father-in-law.”

“Ah, I don’t even have a girlfriend.”

“I do have a girlfriend, but given the conditions set by her mother and father-in-law, I don’t dare to mention marriage.”

“We have to pay sky-high bride prices, but Xu Yang didn’t have to. He just married a good wife and has such a good father-in-law.”

“Comparing ourselves to others is truly depressing.”

“Let’s focus on working hard. Otherwise, we might end up single for life.”

Xu Yang’s colleagues sighed in agreement.

“By the way, I’ll hand in my resignation today. If you have time in the future, feel free to contact me by phone,” Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang had worked here for several months, and he got along well with his colleagues. Xu Yang thought it was necessary to inform them. He would stay in touch when he had the chance.

“What? You’re resigning?”

“What’s going on? Why are you quitting?”

Xu Yang’s colleagues were taken aback. The news was truly unexpected.

“I’ve made some money from futures trading recently and plan to do something else. I don’t want to work a regular job anymore,” Xu Yang explained. Since he had already told his colleagues, there was no need to come up with other excuses.

“I see.”

“You have some capital now, so doing something else is a better option than working.”

“Yeah, doing something else has much higher earning potential than a regular job. Working for a salary is just too limiting.”

“Then we wish you success in your future endeavors.”

“Don’t forget about us when you succeed.”

Xu Yang’s colleagues understood Xu Yang’s decision. As long as one had some capital, nobody wanted to work for a salary. Xu Yang’s resignation was quite normal. For him to continue to work for a salary would be a waste of time.

After chatting for a while longer, the workday was about to begin, so they all entered the office. Xu Yang went directly to the supervisor’s office.

“I would like to hand in my resignation,” Xu Yang went straight to the point.

The supervisor was a woman in her thirties. She was surprised to hear that Xu Yang wanted to resign. After all, Xu Yang hadn’t completed his six-month probationary period yet; there was still a month to go. Over the past six months, Xu Yang’s performance had been quite good, and there was no doubt he would pass the probationary period. If he did, his salary would increase.

“Why do you want to resign?” the supervisor asked.

“I made some money from futures trading recently and have some capital now. I want to try something else and don’t want to work a regular job anymore,” Xu Yang explained. Since he had already informed his colleagues, there was no need to make up excuses. Be straightforward.

“I see. What are you planning to do?” The supervisor understood Xu Yang’s reasoning and didn’t try to persuade him to stay.

After all, if Xu Yang had capital and had already requested to resign, any attempts to convince him otherwise would be futile. She couldn’t say something like starting a business is risky and has a high failure rate.

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